Flying the friendly skies of "Cosham Air" in Kindergarten - World travels continued in Kindergarten this week as students created passports and then used their iPads and Google Earth to virtually visit several countries to learn about Easter traditions across the globe. Two stops on the tour were the Ukraine and Italy. On their journey to Italy, the students visited Vatican City and the classroom was filled with the sounds of Italian music. Their travels were augmented by visits from Mrs. Svitlana Markiv, mother of Maxim, and Mrs. Donna Hatch, Apple Coordinator. Mrs. Markiv shared the beauty of Ukrainian Easter eggs with the students and help them understand the intricacies of the design process when these eggs are created. Mrs. Hatch helped students make a delicious Italian Easter bread to share with their families. Many thanks to Mrs. Mutarelli, Mrs. Arcouette, Mrs. Heiden, Mrs. Canning, Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. Spak for their help with the baking project. It takes a special kind of courage to embrace sticky bread dough, raw eggs and a roomful of kindergarten students!

The Living Stations of the Cross will be enacted by our 8th grade students on Holy Thursday, 3/28, at 10am in the Church. Everyone is welcome to attend.
School will be dismissed at 12:45pm on Holy Thursday, 3/28. There will no Prekindergarten Enrichment or Aftercare.
School is open on Easter Monday, 4/1. This is a change from the original school calendar for snow day makeup.
Open House for Prospective Families - Do you know someone who is wondering if St. Mary's School might be the right place for their family? We hope you will encourage them to come to Open House on Thursday, April 4th at 6:30pm in Parish Center.
If you live in a "high traffic area" or have posted an "Open House" sign for us in the past, we hope you'll do so again. Open House signs are available outside the school office. Please be sure to "sign out" your sign. Please return signs to the school office after our Open House on 4/4/13. Thanks!
Our next school Mass will be on Friday, 4/5/13, at 9am in the church. Everyone is welcome to join us. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
School is closed from 4/15 - 4/19 for spring vacation.
Athletic News
JVA and Varsity teams and their families are invited to join us for Blue Knight Night on Tuesday, April 2nd from 6-8pm in the Parish Center.
Home & School Association News
News from the Office of Catholic Schools
The Office of Catholic Schools has announced completion of a new ministerial plan, developed to effectively guide Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Hartford toward the year 2020. The report, 20 20 Vision: An Eye on Our Future is available as an ebook. Click here read the plan. To read the press release associated with the announcement of this plan, click here. Posted 3/27/13
The Office of Catholic Schools has created a Facebook page to promote all Diocesan schools. Please help OCS to reach a larger audience by visiting their page and "Liking" it. Click here to visit this Facebook page.
Community News
St. Mary’s School and the MS Walk. Westminster School will host the
annual MS Walk, Sunday, April 21, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. Anyone interested
in participating in the walk may register with the St Mary’s School team
online at our “SMS against MS” website – click here or register at the
Westminster School the day of the walk at the Jackson Hockey Rink, before
9:00 A.M. Please consider making a donation to help find a cure for those
with MS. We will have a registration table for our St. Mary’s School Team.
If you have any questions please contact Nancy Canfield at
Canfield143@cox.net or 860-844-8065. Please note that you may restrict your donation to
research that does not require the use of fetal stem cells.

annual MS Walk, Sunday, April 21, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. Anyone interested
in participating in the walk may register with the St Mary’s School team
online at our “SMS against MS” website – click here or register at the
Westminster School the day of the walk at the Jackson Hockey Rink, before
9:00 A.M. Please consider making a donation to help find a cure for those
with MS. We will have a registration table for our St. Mary’s School Team.
If you have any questions please contact Nancy Canfield at
Canfield143@cox.net or 860-844-8065. Please note that you may restrict your donation to
research that does not require the use of fetal stem cells.

It has long been a legend at St. Mary's School that a leprechaun lives in the school basement. Each year, students in first grade construct traps designed to catch the school leprechaun so he will have to surrender his pot of gold.
This year's creations were very inventive. Some featured trap doors and some included clever lures including "Lucky Charms" cereal and lots of "gold coins." Students left their traps set on Friday afternoon and arrived on Monday, March 19th, to find that the traps had been sprung! Lots of the "Lucky Charms" had been nibbled and lots of gold coins were gone. Once again, though, the SMS Leprechaun evaded capture!
To see even more photos of clever leprechaun traps, click here.
The grades 7 & 8 Shakesperience residency culminated in performances from Shakespeare's tragedies on March 15th. Click here for even more photos from the performances.