Second Week of Advent -
"Comfort, give comfort to my people,In the desert prepare the way of the LORD!"
Isaiah 40
If you have not already begun sharing our Advent journey, please take a moment each day to visit our SMS Advent Calendar. Every day you will be able to "open" another door and share an SMS Advent moment. Click here or use the Advent Calendar tab on the top of the blog post.
December Calendar Reminders -
Thursday, 12/4 - Thanks to everyone that supported the Grade 8 Poinsettia Sale -
Poinsettia pick up will be in the Parish Center on Thursday, December 4th from 2-4pm in the Parish Center and after all Masses on Saturday, December 6th & Sunday, December 7th. Weekend poinsettia pickup will be in the lower church.
Social Saturday is This Saturday! - December 6th!
Click here for a ticket reservation form.
Hot Lunch Orders for January - March are due NLT Friday, December 12th - The order period for hot lunches for January - March is now open. Orders and payments must be received NLT Friday, December 12th. Sign-ups for lunch volunteers is also available. Click here for your lunch order form. Hot Lunch volunteers are always needed and it's a great way to share in your child's day. Click here to sign up to volunteer for lunch duty.
Grade 2 Reconciliation Services - There will be two Reconciliation services on Saturday, December 13th in the church. The 9AM service will be for families whose last names being with A through K. The 11AM service will be for families whose last names begin with L through Z. If you have any questions, please contact Judy Eagen at 860-658-5919.
Tuesday, 12/16 - Lessons & Carols Prayer Service. Dress Rehearsal at 10am & evening service at 7pm, both in the church. All students in grades Kindergarten through grade 8 participate in this reverent retelling of the Nativity in prayer, reflection and song. Student attendance is considered mandatory unless a student is absent or a written note has been submitted to Mrs. Gannatti requesting an exception. Students in grades 1 -7 wear their full formal uniform. Dress guidelines for Kindergarten and grade 8 students will be provided by home room teachers. Snow date is Thursday, 12/18.
Monday, 12/22 - Christmas Band & Choral Concert. Dress Rehearsal at 2pm & evening performance at 7pm in the Parish Center. Everyone is invited to this evening of seasonal instrumental and vocal music. Directions regarding arrival time and concert attire will be provided to musicians and chorus members by Mrs. Morse and Mrs. Lepak. Snow date is Thursday, January 8, 2015.
Wednesday, 12/23 - 12:45 Early Dismissal for Christmas break. There will be NO Prekindergarten Enrichment and NO aftercare.
Monday, 1/5/15 - School reopens and our celebration of Catholic Schools' Month begins!
The regular registration period for the Ski and Snowboard Club is now closed. Late registration will be available until the program starts January 7. Late registration requires a $25 late fee and completion of the required forms - click here.
Room is available on the bus to Ski Sundown for anyone who has a season pass. Please contact the group leader Jim Shanley at or the school office for additional information.
The program will start on Wednesday January 7, 2015 and runs each Wednesday through 2/4/15. If a cancellation is necessary due to weather conditions or school closure, the program is extended to the following Wednesday.

LifeTouch Photography - Group Class Photos of PreKindergarten, Kindergarten - Grade 7 will be sent home Friday, 12/5. Please be sure to check backpacks.
Magic Moment in Kindergarten -
When the first snowflakes of the season arrived on the day before Thanksgiving, our Kindergarten students were transfixed by the winter magic happening right outside. |
Home & School Association News
Senior Luncheon – Again this year, the St. Mary’s Home & School Association
hosted the Senior Thanksgiving Luncheon on November 19th. Eighth grades student served as gracious hosts
and hostesses and enjoyed visiting with our over 200 guests. In addition to a
delicious Thanksgiving meal, area senior citizens enjoyed some entertainment
provided by the students in Kindergarten and First Grade. Among our many blessings, we are grateful for
the generosity of our school parents who supported the luncheon with donations
of food and time and also for the warmth and congeniality of our area seniors.
Thursday, December 4th -St. Mary's HSA will host a fundraiser at Barnes & Noble. There are vouchers that you will need to present at the time of purchase. Please share these vouchers with your friends and family and just about anyone else who will take them!! Click here for your vouchers. Here is the wonderful news......... We can use these vouchers at any Barnes & Noble store and ONLINE anytime between December 4th and December 9th!! While you are in Canton, consider dinner at Dish N Dat and dessert at Ben & Jerry's as they will be supporting St. Mary's too with part of every purchase benefiting SMS H.S.A.!

Family Fun Night at Blue Fox Rock 'N Bowl - Unlimited Laser Tag & Bowling for $15pp. All payment is at the door. Cash or credit- Click here for more information.
Skeleton Scramble Logo Contest - We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Skeleton Scramble Logo Design Contest is Raphael Diaz-Islas, Grade 6! Thank you to everyone who entered. We had several wonderful drawings to choose from by very talented artists.
SMS Alumni News
Congratulations to Ethan Meskill, SMS Class of '12, on attaining the rank of Eagle Scout in Boy Scout Troop 175. Ethan's Eagle Scout project was the construction of new, splinter free picnic tables for our north parking lot area. Ethan's attainment of the rank of Eagle demonstrates his commitment to service and leadership in his town, school, scout and parish communities. We are so proud of him for this very notable accomplishment.
Congratulations to Katheryn Pettibone, SMS Class of '13, on attaining First Honors at East Catholic High School for this fall's first quarter.
If you have alumni news to share, please send it to
Community News
Northwest Catholic High School’s Dramateurs will perform Metamorphoses by Mary Zimmerman from Friday, 12/5 through Sunday, 12/7. “Metamorphoses” brings Ovid's epic poem of mythology to stunning visual life. Set in and around a large pool of water onstage, “Metamorphoses” juxtaposes the ancient and the contemporary in both language and image to reflect the variety and persistence of narrative in the face of inevitable change.
The production features several SMS alumni including Avery Hatch, Lauren Mangine & Matthew Sottile, SMS Class of '12 and Ally Voelker, SMS Class of '13. Shows are at 7:30pm on December 5 and December 6. The December 7 show begins at 2:00pm. All shows are in the Alice C. Mortensen Theater at Northwest Catholic. Tickets are $10, and can be reserved by emailing