Talking Turkey in Grade 1! Last week, students in Mrs. Jehning's first grade class received a different word family. They had to compose a list of 5 words and then created a word family turkey!
Calendar Reminders - December will be a busy month. Please remember to check the school calendar often so you stay up to date in regard to school happenings.
Lifetouch Group Class Photos for Grades PreK, K-7 are being sent home today - Wednesday, 12/23. Please be sure to check backpacks.
School is closed on Friday, 11/27.
Formal Uniform begins for grade 8 students on Tuesday, December 1.
Poinsettia Sale Pick up is Friday, December 4th from 2-4pm in the Parish Center and after Masses on Saturday, December 5th and Sunday, December 6th. Thanks to everyone who supported our 8th grade by purchasing poinsettias.
Formal Uniform begins for grade 8 students on Tuesday, December 1.
Poinsettia Sale Pick up is Friday, December 4th from 2-4pm in the Parish Center and after Masses on Saturday, December 5th and Sunday, December 6th. Thanks to everyone who supported our 8th grade by purchasing poinsettias.
In December, we will celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with our Parish family at the 12:15pm Mass on Tuesday, December 8th. All are welcome. Please remember that no Physical Education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Lessons & Carols, our annual Christmas Prayer Service, will be held in the church on Monday, 12/14 (snow date, Tuesday, 12/15). There will be a dress rehearsal at 10am that is open to the public and an excellent opportunity for photos. The evening prayer service begins at 7pm in the Church. Every student in Kindergarten - Grade 8 participates in this beautiful retelling of the Nativity Story. Absence from the prayer service is permitted only for illness or with permission from Mrs. Gannatti. Students in Kindergarten and 8th grade should follow the dress guidelines provided by homeroom teachers. All other students should wear their full formal uniform - no sweatshirts, please.
Christmas Band Concert will be held in the Parish Center on Monday, 12/21 (snow date, Tuesday, 12/22) . There will be a dress rehearsal at 2pm and guests are welcome. The evening performance will begin at 7pm. Musicians should follow dress and arrival guidelines that will be provided by Mrs. Morse. All are welcome to attend this festive concert and enjoy the "sounds of the season".
Christmas Break begins with a 12:45pm early dismissal from school on Wednesday, 12/23. There will be NO PreK Enrichment or Aftercare. School reopens and we begin our celebration of Catholic Schools' Month on Monday, 1/4/16.
Fifth Grade Service Project - Collection of new socks for the House of Bread continues until Monday, November 30th!
Students in Mrs. Gore's fifth grade class are collecting NEW socks for the House of Bread. New, adult and youth socks are being collected until Monday, November 30th.
Thanks in advance for your support!
#Knightly News is here! Follow The Scoop@SMS_Knights for breaking school news and up to the minute basketball schedules,scores and highlights!
SMS SPIRIT WEAR MAKES A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT! Be the "Knight Before Christmas". Orders are now being accepted to be delivered in time for Christmas.
These NEW spirit wear items are NOT uniform items, they are designed for casual wear outside of school. The only exception is that Middle School students MAY wear the spirit wear hooded sweatshirt as part of their school uniform.
Any questions please call or email Toni Chagnon at 860-658-9412 or . Click here for more information and to download an order form.
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