School Board Meeting tonight - Wednesday, September 20th - at 7pm in the lower church. All are welcome.
Looking Ahead -
School will be closed on Monday, September 25th and Wednesday, October 4th.
Our October school Mass will be held on Tuesday, October 3rd at 9am in the church. All are welcome. Please remember that no PE uniforms should be worn to Mass.
This Friday, September 22, the student body will celebrate the school's 60th anniversary with a special birthday party on Friday, September 22nd.
Thanks to everyone who has donated supplies for the birthday party and to those who will be coming in to help cut and serve birthday cake.
NCEA’s “Student to Student” campaign, launched on September 1, 2017, will continue to support the areas affected by Hurricane Harvey and will now be expanded to include Catholic school communities damaged by Hurricane Irma.
As part of our 60th anniversary/birthday celebration on Friday, September 22, we will conduct a collection from the students of a suggested donation of $2 per student for this worthy cause. We consider this our gift to our sister schools in need at this difficult time in their histories. Parents and families are welcome to donate as well but we are really hoping that the children will be able to contribute personally as the base for our total.
Our school will celebrate its 60th anniversary at the 5pm Mass on Saturday, September 23rd. Our expectation is that all families will want to attend this Mass. Students in Kindergarten - grade 8 are requested to wear their relaxed uniforms. Students will sit as a group and should report to the lower church by 4:45. Our Home & School Association will host a reception following Mass. Donations are needed along with help with setup, serving & clean up. Please visit the Sign Up Genius for this event to see how you can help us with the reception and to RSVP. Your RSVP will help us plan for the reception. Click here.
In addition to anniversary cake, coffee and water after the 5 pm Anniversary Mass on Saturday we will have Nick Glomb and his Family and Friends Roadside Cart providing hot dogs, chips and soda! Cake, coffee and water are at no charge, however, all food from the
Roadside Cart is "pay as you go" or cash and carry. Hot dogs are $3.00, chips and soda are $1.00 each.
Serving hot lunch is a great way to be part of your child(ren)'s school day. Just look at the fun today's volunteers were having! |
Hot Lunch Volunteers are still needed! If you are Virtus trained and can help out, even just once in a while, please click here to visit the Sign Up Genius and volunteer. Training is provided and a lunch room coordinator is always on hand to help with questions.
8th grade & PreK students get to know each other as "buddies"
as our new school year gets underway!

What do you think? We are interested in finding out ways to make St. Mary's School more attractive to local families and one way might be to offer more flexible drop off times. Would your family's morning run more smoothly if you could drop off earlier than 8:20am? Your prompt response to this survey would be appreciated.
Click here.
Students in Mrs. Jehning's first grade class became "researchers". They used non-fiction books to look at apple trees throughout the 4 seasons then illustrated their findings.
Spread the word! Invite a Friend!
October is Open House Month!
Walk in Wednesdays: 9-11am every Wednesday in October except October 4th.
School is closed on October 4th.
Wednesday,October 18th: 6:30 pm Open House - Parish Center
Live on a busy street? Can you take an Open House lawn sign?
Please contact Toni Chagnon if you are able to give a sign a loving home!
New Ice Cream Choices are Available! Ice cream is sold on all days hot lunch is available. We have some great new choices this year. The
Itzakadoodle is a dairy free choice. All items are $1.25. Chips are sold on Mondays and Wednesday for 50 cents each.
Annual Asbestos Notification -
click here to download the annual Asbestos Inspection Report and Management Plan Notification letter. This letter is also available on our
school website.
Student Council News -
Congratulations to our Student Council Officers for 2017-18! We had our election last week following excellent speeches by all of the candidates to students in grades K-8. The results are as follows:
President: Carter P.
Vice President: Madison S.
Treasurer: Hannah K.
Secretary: Siobhan R.
Public Relations: Sophia P.
In addition, Victoria M. will be the Assistant in Public Relations and Isabel P. will be the Service Chair.
8th grade students' carwash customers included a
Simsbury police cruiser. |
Thanks to everyone who supported the Grade 8 car wash and mum sale.
Mum pick up began today and continues tomorrow (Thursday, 9/21) and Friday (9/22) from 2-4pm in the lower church.
Running Club is Underway - As fall weather draws near, the running world gets excited for racing season! This fall, St. Mary's is happy to announce an all new running club for students in grades 2-8. Club members will learn form, technique and run some fun miles in this lap style club. Run club members will have an ultimate goal of completing a 1 Mile or 5k (3.1 miles) race at the Blue Back Mitten Run in West Hartford on December 3 (additional fee of $10 to be collected later).
Running Club is held on Mondays from 3:30-4:45pm at the fields on Iron Horse Blvd. The fall season of running club began on Monday, 9/18, and will run through the end of November, weather permitting. Cost of the club is $30 for the full season or $5 per session. Please make your checks payable to: St. Mary's School with "Running Club" in the memo section.
Please be sure that your child(ren)'s homeroom teacher and the school office are notified of which dates your child(ren) will stay for Running Club.
If your child is interested in running club, or if you have questions, please contact Laura Williams at
It's time for Art Club! Click here for a permission slip. Please be sure that your child(ren)'s homeroom teacher and the school office are notified that your child(ren) will stay for Art Club.
Community News
All families are invited and encouraged to participate in this year's Family Day. Everyone is also invited to take a #FamilyDaySelfie, and email it to so that the Archdiocese can post it on the archdiocesan Facebook page on September 26th. We would also like to post any Family Day selfies you might like to share with us. You can email them to
For more information and ideas to promote “Family Day,” click here.
Have you always wanted to drive a Corvette?
There's still time to purchase tickets in the school office!
We are excited to share that we have 4 students singing in this concert - Clarissa A., Gr. 6; Riley B., Gr. 6 and Julia and Tina M., Gr. 4. It promises to be a great event for a wonderful cause!
Simsbury Public Library has programs for Teens & "Tweens & More in October.