Tuition Assistance is Available!
Application Deadline is THIS FRIDAY, 4/27/18.
SMS offers families several opportunities for tuition assistance each year. In order to be considered for any type of assistance, you must complete a SmartAid application no later than Friday, April 27, 2018. Click here for additional information about tuition assistance. Click here to complete a SmartAid application.
Spring Spruce Up is Handled! Thanks to those who considered volunteering. We know what a busy time of year it is. Final tidying of the grounds will be complete in time for our reaccreditation visit.
Fiesta like there is no tomorrow!
Buy your tickets today for our Cinco de Mayo Celebration at the Hartford Golf Club on Saturday, May 5th at 7pm.
This is our largest fundraiser of the year, with all monies raised going directly to our school.
Come dine, dance and bid the night away!
Contact Toni Chagnon to purchase tickets 860-658-9412 or
Check out these ASOMBROSO items up for bid:
* 6 Tanglewood Tickets to see Harry Connick Jr. on June 23rd with a Red Lion Restaurant Gift Card.
* Family Grass Passes to the Talcott Mountain Music Festival your choice of concert!
* 4 New York Giants Tickets, MetLife Stadium - Section 133, 2nd Row, - with VIP parking!!
* Hartford Golf Club Foursome
Don't forget our exclusive event purchase of Ted's Ten Tickets for the kids! This coupon book will be MUY BIEN, filled with homework passes, uniform exchanges, free ice cream, crazy sock 7 accessory day and much more!!
Stay tuned for more FABULOSO items!
IOWA Testing begins for students in grades 3 -7 on Wednesday, May 2, 2018.
From Wednesday, 5/2/18, through Tuesday, 5/8/18, students in grades 3-7 will be taking the IOWA Tests of Basic Skills. Wednesday, 5/9/18 and Thursday, 5/10/18, are reserved for "make-ups" due to illness. While these tests are one important indicator of a student's academic progress, we do strongly encourage you to help your child(ren) approach these tests with a positive outlook of relaxed confidence. Unlike many regular assessments, these tests cannot be "studied" for and the best preparation for them is a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast.
Students that may feel anxious should be reminded that these tests are just one measure of progress. Please also keep in mind that it is very important for students to arrive at school PROMPTLY by 8:40AM on IOWA testing days. Late arrivals will not be permitted into a classroom if the testing has begun until there is a break. Additionally, we ask that you try to avoid scheduling doctor and dentist visits during the testing period. Students cannot be called out of class during a testing period and no announcements will be made into classrooms during testing.
CHOICE News - The 2017-18 CHOICE program concludes on 4/30/18. Participation in the CHOICE program is a mandatory part of your family's financial commitment to SMS if your children are in grades K-8. CHOICE statements have been provided to all families with an outstanding balance. CHOICE purchases made beginning 5/1/18 will be credited to the 18-19 CHOICE program.
Grandparents' & Special Person's Day & May Crowning will be held on Friday, May 11th. Again this year, we are looking forward to welcoming special guests for a visit. We hope many grandparents and people special to our students will join us for morning prayer at 8:45am in the Parish Center. After a continental breakfast and some student entertainment, guests will be free to visit classrooms until 10:30am when the school community will transition to the church for our traditional May Crowning. Guests will be free to depart after May Crowning as students return to school for the remainder of the academic day.
Thank you so much!
It’s Almost Book Fair time! Kids love picking out their own books to read, and this is the perfect opportunity. Everything is Buy One - Get One Free! Our Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that brings the books kids want to read right into our school. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Please make plans to visit our Book Fair or send your child with payment (cash, check to St. Mary’s School, or credit card) and be involved in shaping your child’s reading habits. Please check teacher blogs for information regarding days and times for class visits.
Book Fair dates: Tuesday, May 29th - Thursday, May 31st
Shopping hours: Tuesday: 11:00 - 3:30
Wednesday: 8:30 - 3:30
Thursday: 8:30 - 3:30
We need your help! Please use this sign up link to volunteer: Book Fair VolunteersThank you so much!
7th Grade Students - Northwest Catholic Invites You to Their Pre-High School Placement Test. Northwest Catholic High School requires all applicants to take an Entrance Exam, the HSPT (High School Placement Test), as part of the application process. This year Northwest Catholic will be offering the Pre-HSPT for 7th graders interested in attending Northwest Catholic in the Fall of 2019. This exam offers students a way to prepare for the HSPT. Some of the benefits to taking the Pre-HSPT are:
* Students take the Pre-HSPT under similar conditions as the HSPT.
* The exam assesses strengths as well as areas of improvement needed.* Provides early feedback to identify performance gaps.
* Familiarizes students with HSPT content and structure.
* Students receive the same scoring services offered as the HSPT.
If you are interested in signing up for the Pre-HSPT, which will be given on Saturday, May 12th from 8am-11am, click here. Check-in will begin at 7:30am and the cost for the exam is $15.
Alumni News
Our congratulations to Northwest Catholic seniors, James Sullivan and Aaron Belletsky, both SMS Class of '14, on having attained High Honors every semester at Northwest Catholic High School.
We also congratulate Avery Hatch, SMS Class of '12, on being named one of 15 Elon University Lumen Scholars for 2018. As a recipient of the Lumen prize, Avery will receive a $20,000 scholarship to support and celebrate her academic achievements and research proposal. Avery will work closely with her mentor over the next two years to pursue and complete her project: “Assessing the Transformation and Bioaccessibility of Metal Nanoparticles in Synthetic Biological Fluids: Implications for Human Health”.
SMS Family Day with the YardGoats! Click here to download this flyer and complete your ticket order. All orders and payments should be sent into the school office NLT May 4th.