Note that this change occurs automatically for families who have Smart Tuition draw their payments from checking, savings, or credit card accounts.
Summer Office Hours - Our 17-18 school year is officially over!
Beginning the week of 6/25/18, the school office will be on "summer hours". The office will be routinely staffed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am-1pm and by appointment as needed. Both email and phone messages will be checked regularly.
Beginning the week of 6/25/18, the school office will be on "summer hours". The office will be routinely staffed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am-1pm and by appointment as needed. Both email and phone messages will be checked regularly.
Summer CHOICE Sales - CHOICE cards will be available for sale on Wednesdays in the school office between 9am-1pm.
School will reopen on Wednesday, August 29. This will be a full day of school with both PreK Enrichment and Aftercare available. "Meet & Greet" for younger students and "Morning in Middle School" for grade 6 and students new to grades 7 and 8 will be on Tuesday, August 28th. Additional details will be published as soon as times are finalized.
Final Report Cards for students in Kindergarten - Grade 8 will be available via the Educonnect Parent Portal. An email will be sent when the report cards are available for viewing.
IOWA test scores for students in grades 3-7 will be sent out via U.S. mail during the week of June 25th. This same mailing will contain class placement announcements for math and literature for students entering grades 6-8.
Supply lists, summer assignments and suggestions for summer reading will be available on both the teacher blogs and the School Blog "Back to School" page. Look for this information beginning the week of 6/25.
Be sure to be on the look out for your "Back to School Mailing" in August. Again this year, this "mailing" will be sent to you electronically at the email you have designated as your primary family email address. If you are not sure that the email address we currently have on file for your family is the "best one to use", please send the email you want used to smsoffice@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net. Put "Back to School Mailing email"in your subject line and we will be sure to update our school database(s).
iPad Orientation Meetings for Rising 6th Grade Students & Students New to Grs. 7 & 8 -
All students entering 6th grade and students new to SMS for grades 7 and 8 are required to meet with Mrs. Hatch prior to beginning iPad use. Each student must be accompanied by at least 1 parent/guardian. During this brief meeting, iPad use guidelines will be reviewed along with basic information regarding good digital citizenship. Students will also receive their school email credentials and if all required forms and the iPad coverage fee have been turned in, students will receive their iPad at this meeting. If required forms and fee have not been turned in, iPad use will begin upon receipt of all required items. Click here to reserve your meeting time.
Used Uniform Exchange - Click here to view the most current inventory of items available from the used uniform exchange.
CHOICE NEWS - We are excited to share that the Simsbury Peachwave is now participating in CHOICE. Beginning Thursday, 6/21, Peachwave gift cards will be available in $5, $10 & $20 denominations. Just in time for a delicious summer treat! Our special thanks to the Madrids - local owners & SMS family for participating in CHOICE!
Community News
Join us for a Light Reception as we celebrate the 50th Ordination Anniversary of Father Frank Matera.
Sunday, June 24th
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Parish Center
No gifts please, Blessings only!
Book of Well Wishes -During the reception we will have a table where parishioners can sign a book with their well wishes. If you are unable to attend but would like to include a message please stop into the Parish Office to sign the book. If you have questions please contact Joanne Russell (joanne.russell@stmarysimsbury.org).
Everyone is invited to the official groundbreaking for the Campus Connection! The ceremonial groundbreaking for the Campus Connection will be this Saturday, June 23rd after the 5pm Mass. All are welcome to come and enjoy this special moment in our community's history!
COMING SOON - Campus Connection Brick Sponsorship Program