Looking Ahead to March!
Our March School Mass will be on Ash Wednesday, 3/6/19, at the 12:15pm Parish Mass. All are welcome and encouraged to join us as we begin the holy season of Lent. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Our second trimester ends on Thursday, 3/7/19. Report cards for students in Kindergarten - Grade 8 will be available via the Educonnect Parent Portal at the end of the school day on Friday, 3/15/19. Please keep in mind that no paper copy of the report card is sent home.
Friday, 3/8/19, school will be CLOSED for OEEC Professional Development.

Walk-In Wednesdays will be held on every Wednesday in March! If you know someone wondering if SMS is the place for their family, please encourage them to stop by on any Wednesday in March between 9 and 11am. When encouraging friends and neighbors to get to know us, please keep our Family Referral program in mind!

2019 Altar Server Training for New Servers: -New altar servers are needed at Saint Mary’s Church and School. Are you interested in joining this wonderful ministry? We will be meeting on Saturdays, March 16th and 23rd from 9-10am and on Sunday, March 31st from 12:15-1:15pm. All children in 4th grade or above are invited to join us. Please RSVP to Sheila Garilli Altar Server Coordinator via email at ServerLeader@
A Second Grade "State" of Mind - Students in Mrs. Herron's second grade class presented their state reports to classmates and special guests last week. Great job, everyone!

It's Time to Order Your 2019 Yearbooks - The SMS Yearbook is a great way to preserve and enjoy all of this school year's great moments and memories. The yearbook features photos of every student and of all important school activities, sports and clubs. You may order online using our school code - 9415319 or complete and order form and return it to the school office NLT March 29, 2019. Order forms were sent home Friday, 2/1/2019, with each student. Extra order forms are available in the school office. The price per yearbook is $35. Yearbooks are distributed in June immediately prior to 8th grade graduation and must be pre-ordered. Please call the school office with any questions.
Your Action is Needed! Thanks to all who have already spoken out against the proposed bills that would affect school bus transportation for our students. There is now need for additional action. Governor’s Bill 7150 Section 1 would require nonpublic schools to reimburse towns for school health services. This means the state's traditional share of the costs for these services will be passed onto you, our Catholic School parents and supporters. Click here to send a message opposing this bill. The Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference is a great resource for keeping up to date regarding pending legislation.
Sir Ted's Kids Only Party was a Huge Success!
From Superhero capes to giant Jenga to corn hole, lots of fun was had by all who attended Sir Ted's Kids Only Party last Friday evening. Thanks to Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Chagnon, and Mrs. Work for coordinating this happy event!
Munson's Fundraiser - Again this year, our 7th grade is selling delicious Munson's chocolates to help defray costs associated with their field trip to Boston. Order forms were sent home with all students on Friday, 2/8/19. There are extra order forms available in the school office. Chocolates will be available for Easter gift giving! Please make your checks payable to St. Mary's School with "Munson's" in the memo section. Thanks in advance from our 7th grade!
Community “Fun-Raiser”! - TICKET ORDERS DUE THIS FRIDAY, 3/1/19!
Click here to download & print this sign up form. This special event is designed to promote community and ticket price covers event cost only.
**Help Us Create Community**
Since this community event is geared to Moms (etc.) and sons, if you are interested in organizing a “Father/Daughter” Event or “Family Inclusive” Event, please contact the school office. Additional events will be announced once we have someone to plan and run the activity.
You've Got Mail!
Make sure you check your favorite superhero's backpack today for your St. Mary's School Superhero
Challenge envelope stuffed with exciting information. We are excited to officially invite you to our
biggest family fundraiser of the year! See you there!
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Click here to register for the Corn Hole Tournament! |

Black History Month - Our thanks to Mr. Claude Howard for coming to share his perspectives and experiences with our students. In addition to being the proud dad of three SMS alums: Ava, SMS Class of '17; Thomas, SMS Class of '16 & Sophia, SMS Class of '14; Mr. Howard is also a past president our School Board. We are so grateful that he chose to share his time and wisdom with us this week.