Did You Miss Last Week's School Board Meeting? If so, you can view Mrs. Williamson's annual State of the School powerpoint here.
2019 SMS Parent Survey - Please be sure to complete this important survey which will help us continue to advance our mission to provide challenging academics and opportunities for spiritual growth in a safe, nurturing environment. Survey responses are requested NLT this Friday, March 29. The survey should require approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your responses are anonymous and all information will be analyzed in aggregate (non-individual) form only. Click here.
Family Enrollment Packets for 19-20 were sent out via email on Friday, 3/1/19. Please return your signed Family Enrollment Form and Fee to the school office NLT this Friday, 3/29/19. If you have any questions or if you believe Family Enrollment Form is in error, please contact the school office. Thank you for your continued partnership with our school.

Originally scheduled for Friday, March 29th, Living Stations of the Cross are now scheduled for Wednesday, April 17th at 2pm in the church. Please make note of this date and time change. All are welcome to attend this beautiful SMS Lenten tradition.

Looking Ahead to April - April is a busy month! Please take a moment to make note of upcoming events and days school will be closed.

Our April School Mass will be held at 9am on Tuesday, April 2. All are welcome to attend. Please remember that no PE uniforms should be worn to Mass.

There will also be an SMS Info Session at St. Catherine of Siena church this Sunday, 3/31, at 12 noon, in Russell Hall. Refreshments will be available.

School will be closed from Monday, April 8 through Friday, April 12 for spring vacation. Relaxed Uniforms may be worn when students return from vacation, beginning Monday, April 15.

School will be closed on Good Friday, 4/19 and Easter Monday, 4/22.
All SMS Superheros Mark Your Calendars! - Our biggest event of the year: The SMS Superhero Challenge & Cornhole Tournament will be held on Friday, 4/26.
Click here to register for the Cornhole Tournament.
Community Superheroes Needed! Sponsors for this event are still needed. All sponsors receive great exposure for their companies and help a great cause, our kids!
Click here for more information about sponsorship.
Grade 8 Fundraising -
A Mixed Bag Fund Raiser flyer was sent home with all students on Friday, 3/22/19. Anyone purchasing from this Fund Raiser will automatically be entered in a raffle featuring some great "mixed bag" prizes. Extra order forms are available in the school office. You may also place an order on-line. Click here. Thanks in advance for supporting our 8th grade as they work to defray costs associated with their graduation.
Information about 529 Education Savings Accounts - The CT Department of Revenue Services has recently confirmed that 529 Education Savings Accounts, which can now be used for private K-12 school tuition, just as they are currently used for college tuition, will not be subjected to any state tax penalties under current state law.
This means that parents, grandparents, and other family members can invest in the State of Connecticut’s CHET Program, and apply funds saved in those accounts to K-12 nonpublic Catholic school tuition bills. They will be able keep their state tax deductions for their CHET contributions, the same as if the funds were used for college tuition. Many families may benefit from the use of this vehicle for saving and for paying Catholic school tuitions. Families are encouraged to consult with their financial advisors and/or contact the CHET program directly for more information. Click here to learn more.
Pictured from left - Carina, Gil & Rebekah |
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Our Congratulations to Sara O., Gr. 6.
Last weekend, Sara qualified for The New England Swim Meet at MIT.
Sara swims with the YMCA Tsunamis.
Community News
St. Mary's Parish Invites You - All are invited this Sunday, 3/31, at 6:30pm, in the Church, to celebrate our faith in Witness and Song. Several parishioners will give us a witness to their faith, and there will be an opportunity for others to do the same. The parish's combined choirs will present a lively musical program. The evening will conclude with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Granny's Attic 2019 is Coming! Donations Needed Along with Volunteers! The Farmington Valley's best tag sale will be accepting donations from Wednesday, April 3 - Sunday, April 7. Granny's Attic will be open to the public from Monday, April 8- Saturday, April 15 at the old Wagner's Showroom on Hopmeadow Street in Simsbury. For more information, including items that will be accepted for donation and opportunities to volunteer to help with this event - click here.
**Your support of Granny's Attic directly helps our school. While it takes place before the annual carnival, Granny's Attic is considered part of the carnival and SMS receives 50% of the proceeds of the carnival. Many volunteers are needed to setup, staff and clean up Granny's Attic. Please consider donating your time to Granny's Attic along with any other donations you may have.**
Talcott Mountain Announces April Vacation Programs! Looking for interesting,engaging programs for students in grades K-8 during April vacation. Check out the offerings at Talcott Mountain Science Center - click here. You can register with a $20 discount because of our recent participation in the i2i Challenge at the New Britain Museum of Art. To register, please call Lexi at 860-677-8571 and mention the i2iChallenge/St. Mary's School discount.
Northwest Catholic Invites You - The Northwest Catholic High School Dramateurs proudly present Godspell!
Prepare ye for this timeless tale of friendship, loyalty, and love based on the Gospel According to St. Matthew.
March 28, 29 & 30 @ 7:30pm, & March 31 @ 2:00pm
For tickets and information visit www.NorthwestCatholic.org/Godspell
Questions? Contact the NWC Dramateurs at nwcdrama@gmail.com”