Summer office hours - The office will be routinely staffed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9am-1pm and by appointment as needed. Both email and phone messages will be checked regularly throughout the summer.
Summer CHOICE Sales - CHOICE cards will be available for sale in the school office during summer office hours.
Pizza & Painting! And Used Uniforms, too! Tuesday, 7/23 - Thursday, 7/25
Calling all parents, family & friends! We need your help! We need you to bring out your inner "Fixer Upper" skills and help us paint our hallways and a couple of our classrooms to get ready for the new school year! Click here to sign up, pizza and refreshments will be served! Call the school office with any questions, thank you!
Our uniform exchange will be available the same three evenings as our painting project. You are welcome to come in any time on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 5-9 pm, July 23rd - 25th and help yourself to our used uniform exchange or to drop off uniforms!
School Uniform News - Between July 24 and 30 you can get 30% off Lands' End School products for back to school. When shopping for school uniforms, please be sure to use our school code - 900132150. When you use our school code you can be assured that the items you order are part of our uniform code. During this time periods, free logos are also available using Code: Logo and Pin: 1890. Please note - logos are always OPTIONAL at SMS but may be applied to polo shirts, sweaters and athletic pants and shorts. Don't forget that CHOICE cards for Lands' End are available for sale in the school office. These cards have a 14% percentage rate.
Hot Lunch News - We are excited to share that Fitzgeralds will provide us with a gluten free pizza option for our Friday hot lunches.
Alumni News
Our congratulations to Griffin Myslow, SMS Class of '13 . Griffin was named to the Dean's List at Clemson University for the spring semester. Griffin is majoring in computer engineering.
We also congratulate Natalie McDonough, SMS Class of '12 . Natalie was named to the Dean's List at Stonehill College.