Tomorrow, Thursday, 12/17, school will be CLOSED due to the expected snowstorm. We hope all will have a safe and happy snow day! As winter continues, please keep in mind that SMS generally follows the Simsbury Public Schools in regard to delayed openings and closures due to weather. At this time, our plan is to enjoy "traditional snow days" when we are closed due to weather. SMS closures are announced via
Remind text and also posted on the home page of our
school website.
Winter Recess Reminder - Students do continue to go outside for recess when there is snow on the ground unless the temperature/wind chill is below 20 or it is actively inclement/slippery. Students must have appropriate snow gear to play in the snow. This includes snow pants, boots, and gloves. We recommend sending a pair of dry socks in case feet get wet while outdoors enjoying the snow.

For Monday's Spirit Day - School Spirit Wear and/or PE clothes may be worn. Catholic socks are also acceptable! Tuesday and Wednesday are both non-uniform days but all outfits should be appropriate for school. Please see the Parent/Student Handbook if you have any questions about what may be appropriate for school. 
December Calendar Reminders - School will be dismissed early at 12:45pm on Wednesday, 12/23, to begin our Christmas break. There will be no aftercare. School is closed from Thursday, 12/24 - Friday, 1/1/21. School will reopen for a regular, full day on Monday, 1/4/21.

Looking Ahead to a New Year!Our January School Mass is scheduled for Tuesday, 1/12/20. We will continue to have some students attend Mass in Church while others attend via livestream. At this time, we continue to request that parents refrain from attending Mass to comply with health and safety guidelines.
School will be dismissed early at 12:45pm on Friday, 1/15/20, for faculty faith formation. School will be closed on Monday, 1/18/20, in observation of Martin Luther King Day.

Lunch Program - Tomorrow - Thursday, 12/17/20 - is the last day to order lunches for the week of 12/21/20. All orders must be placed via the Educonnect Parent Portal. Lunch orders for the week of 1/4 (when we return from break) may be placed from next Monday, 12/21- Thursday, 12/24. * There will be no lunch ordering during our vacation week! Please note that NO LATE ORDERS CAN BE ACCEPTED. If you miss the order period, you will need to wait for the following week.
St. Mary's School Trust - St. Mary's School would like to acknowledge the St. Mary's School Trust for once again providing our students with $25,000 in tuition assistance grants. Since its founding in 1994, the Trust has provided over $300,000 of tuition support to the families of St. Mary's School. This year's funding comes through the generosity of the following grants:* The Margaret & Jacob Mesar Memorial Grant
* The Steve & Laura Oleksak Memorial Grant
* The Reverend William E. Dudack Memorial Grant
* The Francine M. Sider Memorial Grant
These gifts help to keep our student body thriving. We appreciate the support the Trust has given us over the years. If you would like to contribute to any of the named scholarships or the Trust's general fund, you can contact Richard Sider at
Thanks to all that participated in last week's Pajama Day to benefit CCMC! Donations to our online team exceeded $1400 and additional cash donations were also brought into school!
PJ Twins! Mrs. Chan & , Margaret, (Gr. 1) were "twinning" on PJ Day!
Parking Lot PJ's - Fleecy PJ's were a great choice for morning prayer outside on a bright, but brisk, Friday morning!
Celebrating the Season -
Click here to view the PreKindergarten's A Little Christmas pageant. It will warm your heart!
Lessons & Carols - Like so many things this year, we have had to be creative in our presentation of our beautiful Christmas tradition of Lessons & Carols. Click here to view this year's beautiful retelling of the Nativity story by our students.
The Forneris family is waiting for Jesus and remembering the reason for Christmas with their beautiful family creche.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the Laird's house!
Emma (Gr. 4), Reese (Gr. 2) and little sister dropped off toys at a recent toy drive at Neckers to help bring Christmas joy to others! Now that's the spirit of the season!
Is your family creating warm holiday memories? We'd love to spread the joy and spirit of Christmas by sharing your photos. Photos may be sent to 🎄
Looking Ahead to Doing Good in the New Year - First Service Opportunity of 2021!