Just as the box was being closed to be mailed to Newtown, Miss Kane delivered these snowflakes made by PreKindergarten with their 8th grade Study Buddies. They were just too cute not to share.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Snowflakes & Comfort
Today was a busy, happy day at SMS. In third grade, Mrs. Gore made her "famous waffles" and Tyler remarked that he had just "taken a trip to Flavorville." In second grade, students were decorating cookies. Brunch was served in first grade and Kindergarten had a feast featuring marshmallow gingerbread men and strawberry snowmen. Students were also busy making snowflakes for the children of Sandy Hook that will begin the new year in a new school facility at Chalk Hill.
As we packed the snowflakes for mailing, we came upon this letter and card -
As we packed the snowflakes for mailing, we came upon this letter and card -
How blessed we are to be surrounded by such compassionate and kind children. As we gaze on the Baby in the manger, it is easy to see His love and mercy reflected in the eyes of our own children.
Snowflakes to Sandy Hook....packed in box full of compassion and care.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Updates & Reminders for 12-21-12
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For more pictures from Lessons & Carols, click here. |
Just a reminder that Mrs. Gannatti has invited all students to wear red and green casual clothing to school tomorrow with Christmas accessories like hats, socks and jewelry. Please be sure that the clothing your child(ren) select are appropriate for school. Phone calls home will be made so uniforms can be brought if clothing selections are not appropriate.
As part of our Christmas activities, all students are creating paper snowflakes as part of an initiative suggested by the Connecticut Parent Teacher Student Association -Snowflakes for Sandy Hook.
Our students' snowflakes will join with lots of others made statewide to help the students of Sandy Hook have a winter wonderland at their new school! The snowflakes will be displayed at Chalk Hill, the new home to the children of Sandy Hook.
Our students' snowflakes will join with lots of others made statewide to help the students of Sandy Hook have a winter wonderland at their new school! The snowflakes will be displayed at Chalk Hill, the new home to the children of Sandy Hook.
School Security Update -
In the wake of last week's tragedy in Newtown, a review of our school's crisis plan and general security measures is ongoing. During this week, a new exterior flood light has been installed in the Middle School area of the north parking lot to help create a more secure area for aftercare pickup. We are also investigating prices on additional security cameras for the facility. Our Parish Facilities Manager, Mr. Heiden, has met with the Simsbury Police Department to review our crisis plan. We have received assurance from the police department that this plan is sound and executable in the event of an emergency. Over the next few weeks, locks on several doors will be rekeyed or installed to enhance building security. If you are coming to school to volunteer or pickup your child(ren), you will be asked to identify yourself prior to entry if our security camera view is not clear. You may also find that there will be times you will need to wait for an entrance to be unlocked. Please remember that any inconvenience is unintentional but also unavoidable as we strive to do our best to keep your children safe.
School will be dismissed at 12:45 on Friday, 12/21/12. There will be no Prekindergarten Enrichment or Aftercare.
School reopens on Wednesday, January 2. This is also the first day of ski & snowboard club. Please remember that skis, snowboards and associated gear cannot be brought to school on the school bus.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
News for the week of 12/19/12
Lessons & Carols 2012 was truly a magnificent gift for the Baby Jesus. Mrs. Gannatti would like to acknowledge the hard work of our students by making Friday, 12/21/12, a Christmas Dress Down Day. In addition to wearing Christmas hats, socks and accessories, all students are invited to wear red and green casual clothing appropriate for school. Please help your children make good choices for their attire. Our special thanks to our vocal music instructor, Mrs. Patty Lepak and our religion coordinator, Mr. Bill Walsh, for their work preparing our students for this annual prayer service.
12:45 Early Dismissal for Christmas Break - Friday, December 21st. No PreK Enrichment or Aftercare available.
School reopens on Wednesday, January 2nd & our celebration of Catholic Schools' Month begins! Please keep in mind that Before Care will not be available when school resumes in January.
Please remember that Ski & Snowboard Club begins on the day we return to school - Wednesday, January 2nd and continues on each Wednesday through January 30th. If there should be a cancellation due to a snow day or early closing, additional Wednesday(s) will be added. Skis and snowboards may not be brought to school on the school bus. Skis, snowboards and other gear may be stored in the Parish Center vestibule during the school day.
Parent Meeting regarding Internet Safety - We have arranged for Officer Dunne from the Simsbury Police Department to join us on Monday, February 4, 2013 at 7pm in the Parish Center to discuss internet safety. Due to the importance of this topic and it’s direct impact on our children, we are asking that you consider attendance at this meeting a mandatory commitment for at least one parent/guardian from each family. Middle school students are encouraged to attend as well.
At Fitzgerald's, it's as simple as dropping your receipts in the St. Mary's bucket on your way out the door. These receipts all get tallied and submitted to the Educational Edge program in the spring. The points these receipts earn can be redeemed for all kinds of free educational supplies. We often use these points to stock up on things like dry erase markers, tape, glue, paint, pencils and colored paper.
To participate in the Shoprite for Education program, register your Shoprite Price Plus Card at www.shopritefor education.com. Our school code is 18436. This program also provides free educational supplies.
Big Y's Education Express also earns points for free supplies. Go to www.bigyeducationexpress.com. Our school code is 5681.
The Stop & Shop's A+ School Rewards program sends us a check at the program's conclusion. To register your Stop & Shop card, go to http://www.stopandshop.com/aplus.
On December 13th, Kindergarten celebrated the Feast of Saint Lucia. There was once a time of great hunger in Sweden. During that time, Saint Lucia appeared with food for everyone in the country. When she appeared, her head was surrounded by a great halo of light. Tradition states that early in the morning on December 13th, in homes throughout Sweden, the oldest daughter carries a special breakfast of coffee and sweet bread to her parents. Usually she is dressed in white and wearing a crown of evergreen branches with seven candles on it. For more pictures of Christmas in Kindergarten, click here.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Talking to Children About Tragedy
The tragic event at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on 12/14/12, has left us all looking for answers and wondering how to talk with our children about this type of situation. We know we should tell them "something" but how do we begin to talk about something so inexplicable, so random and so frightening. As a people of faith, we know that even in times of great tragedy, we never walk alone. We know that God will provide consolation that no human source can. As parents, we want to strike the right balance and tone. We want to say "just enough" and we want to say it "just the right way". We hope you will take a moment to read the article below. It provides some common sense advice that makes this conversation a little bit easier to approach.
Talking to Our Children About Tragedy: Fostering Safety, Not Fear
Tamar Chansky
When tragedy strikes, our hearts are broken and we grieve for the families who are reeling from loss. Though we find ourselves overwhelmed with emotion and feeling ill-equipped to process these incomprehensible events ourselves, let alone convey them to our children, we, as parents are in a unique position to guide our children in dark moments to a place of resilience and safety rather than to a place of fear.
We may, in our own distress and sense of helplessness, feel like we can regain control by telling our children exactly what occurred and making sure they know what to do if the unthinkable happened and they were faced with an attack. Feeling that somehow warning them would prepare them. But there is a time and place for everything. This is not their job, nor should it be our priority. Certainly not now. In fact, our urgency to explain everything-- to quell our own fears-- will be confusing to children. They will be overloaded with information which will add to their stress. Resist that urge. Fear doesn't make us feel safer. First and foremost, our priority is to help our children feel loved and safe, to spend time with them, be aware and attentive to their needs and keep their lives and routines as regular as possible.
When talking with our children about tragedy, we can choose to emphasize grief and healing rather than fear and danger. Our purpose is to help our children recover and be resilient, not to be frightened of their lives. Though our emotions may make us feel angry and scared that violence is the norm lurking around every corner, we know in our heads and our hearts that billions of people want a safe, peaceful world and that we are joined together in grieving for the terrible events which occurred.
Here are several ideas to guide you in talking about Friday's school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut; these suggestions can be useful in general when helping your child through traumatic events.
Turn off the news
Parents are the best source of news for their children. News programs are not geared for children and repeated exposure to distressing information or images can be confusing and in some cases traumatizing to children when they believe that with each repetition they see, the event is recurring.
Don't give details
Children don't need to know details. Unless they ask, this is not important information. They need to have a narrative to understand the basics of what occurred. Emphasize that many people are working to make sure that doesn't happen again, and that it is over.
Start with what your child already knows
Ask your child what they've heard of what happened. Young children do not need to know unless they will be exposed to the information at church or synagogue or some other venue. The following script can be used for children in middle school. High school students will likely have more questions. Listen to their questions, ask for their input and share yours at a level appropriate for your child.
Here is a sample script: A very sad thing happened in a town in Connecticut on Friday. A man who was very disturbed and had a lot of problems came to a school and shot people; 28 people died. This was very wrong. Immediately, police and ambulances came to keep people safe and take care of people who were hurt. The shooting stopped. The families are very sad. Many, many people who care and love them are helping to take care of them. Schools are very safe places. This is very rare, which means it is extremely unlikely to ever happen. Your teachers and principals work hard to keep you safe at school. That is their job and they work very hard to do that.
Consider your purpose
We all want to protect our children. Although we can't always protect them from the fact that bad things do happen, we can protect them from feeling more vulnerable and scared because of our explanations. Our explanations should let children know that hard and bad things happen sometimes, but they are very rare, that billions of other people don't want those things to happen, just like them, and that there are thousands of people whose job is to keep children safe. These people work to prevent things from happening. Very rarely bad things do happen, and that is very sad.
Maintain your routines
When a tragedy occurs, the routines such as regular meals and bedtimes may get compromised. Change is stressful; routine is organizing. Routines signal to children that the adults are in charge, and that normalcy prevails. This lets them know that the tragedy, though it is being processed, is over and it's not still going on.
Restore a sense of safety
This is not a time to teach about what to do if an emergency occurred. Children are feeling vulnerable either from grasping what occurred during the tragic events, or even just from seeing the adults upset. The priority now is to tell children that they are safe, help them to picture the layers and layers of adults whose job it is to keep them safe: their parents, the mayor of their town, the president, their teachers and school personnel.
Stay calm
Children are likely to see parents upset during this time, and crying and feeling sad are all normal, expected and healthy reactions to a tragedy. You can explain this to your child: "Mom is very sad right now, because this was a very sad thing that happened. Mom is OK. Mom won't always feel this way, but this is how Mom feels right now." It is very important in the presence of children to avoid angry outbursts and tirades against people you believe are responsible; this will be confusing and may even make children feel that they are somehow responsible for making you sad or angry.
Give support and spend time with your children
While this is an extremely emotional time for parents identifying with and grieving for the parents who have lost their children, or families who have lost loved ones, spending time with your children will help you and your children to feel connected and safe.
Expect a range of reactions
Children may cry when they hear the news, they may be angry or they may have little reaction. All of these are normal. Children may be more clingy, need more hugs and support at bedtime. All of this is normal.
When to seek help
If after a week or two children continue to be having difficulties, and their anxiety and fears have intensified over that time rather than faded and resolved, consult your pediatrician for advice.
Though we can't shield our children from the realities of life, we can greatly impact how our children are exposed to them, what they learn from them, and how they live with them. These are the parental privileges and responsibilities that we can exercise even in difficult times. Our goal is to prevent our children from becoming afraid or angry or feeling like the world is a chaotic place; it is to show them that there is light even in the narrow places that we are thrust in from tragedies. We can know that while there are many issues which may divide us-- as parents, as educators, as those who care about the future for our children-- we must focus on what brings us together and with our conviction hold tight and work toward the possibility that things can be better for all.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Reminder regarding Lessons & Carols - Tuesday, 12/18/12
Lessons & Carols - Tuesday, December 18th. 10am Dress Rehearsal; 7pm Evening Presentation in the Church - This annual SMS Christmas tradition is a mandatory part of our students' Religion curriculum. All students, grades Kindergarten through 8 are expected to attend this prayer service. If an excused absence is required for an unavoidable reason, please contact Mrs. Gannatti.
Students in grades Kindergarten and 8 should follow teachers' directions regarding dress for daytime and evening presentations. All other students (grades 1-7) should wear their full formal uniform for both the day and evening presentations. No sweatshirts or school athletic apparel should be worn. Middle School Students - No crazy socks or ties, please. Please make every effort to assure your child(ren)'s formal uniform(s) for this day is(are) clean and tidy. Boys should have belts with trousers. No sneakers should be worn. School sweater vest or cardigan is acceptable. No physical education uniforms should be worn to school on 12/18.
Students in Kindergarten and grade 8 should report to the lower church no earlier than 6:30pm for the evening presentation. All other students (grades 1-7) should report to the Church no earlier than 6:30pm. Homeroom teachers will be waiting for them in their assigned pews.
The 10am presentation is a full dress rehearsal and is the perfect opportunity for photos. The church is generally much less crowded and the lighting is more conducive to photography. There is room for young guests to wiggle in the pews.
Doors of the church will be open for seating at 6:30pm. Please keep in mind that the first 6 pews on the right side (when entering from Hopmeadow Street entrance of the church) are reserved for the parents and guests of our 8th grade students. This is a traditional "gift" to our graduating families. The first pew on the left side is reserved for the family that had the winning bid at last year's H.S.A. auction.
As was the case last year, dismissal after Lessons & Carols will take place from the Church.
Save those crazy Christmas socks, ties, & hats for Friday, 12/21/12 - Mrs. Gannatti invites all students to wear Christmas socks, ties, hats, hair decor and jewelry to school on Friday with the uniform of the day.
Please remember that Friday, 12/21/12, is an early dismissal day at 12:45pm. There will be no Prekindergarten Enrichment or Aftercare.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
News for the week of 12/12/12
December is a
busy month. Please be sure to check the school calendar regularly. Here are
some important dates to remember -
Band & Chorus Christmas Concert - Thursday, December 13th. 2pm Dress Rehearsal (Both Band & Chorus will perform); 7pm Performance in the Parish Center - Band Students, click here for guidelines regarding concert dress, arrival time & deportment. Chorus students that are not in the band should follow Mrs. Lepak's directions regarding arrival time and gathering spot and wear red, green or white tops with black bottoms.
The 10am presentation is a full dress rehearsal and is the perfect opportunity for photos. The church is generally much less crowded and the lighting is more conducive to photography. There is room for young guests to wiggle in the pews.
Students in grades Kindergarten and 8 should follow teachers' directions regarding dress for daytime and evening presentations. All other students (grades 1-7) should wear their full formal uniform for both the day and evening presentations. No sweatshirts or school athletic apparel should be worn. Please make every effort to assure your child(ren)'s formal uniform(s) for this day is(are) clean and tidy. Boys should have belts with trousers. No sneakers should be worn. School sweater vest or cardigan is acceptable. No physical education uniforms should be worn to school on 12/18. Students in Kindergarten and grade 8 should report to the lower church no earlier than 6:30pm for the evening presentation. All other students (grades 1-7) should report to the Church no earlier than 6:30pm. Homeroom teachers will be waiting for them in their assigned pews.
Doors of the church will be open for seating at 6:30pm. Please keep in mind that the first 6 pews on the right side (when entering from Hopmeadow Street entrance of the church) are reserved for the parents and guests of our 8th grade students. This is a traditional "gift" to our graduating families. The first pew on the left side is reserved for the family that had the winning bid at last year's H.S.A. auction.
As was the case last year, dismissal after Lessons & Carols will take place from the Church.
12:45 Early Dismissal for Christmas Break - Friday, December 21st. No PreK Enrichment or Aftercare available.
Middle School iPads will remain at school over Christmas vacation. Any students that will be leaving early to begin the Christmas break are requested to turn in their iPads to Mrs. Hatch at dismissal on their last day of attendance before the Christmas vacation. Students should put a "sticky note" on the iPad with their name and passcode.
School reopens on Wednesday, January 2nd & our celebration of Catholic Schools' Month begins! Please keep in mind that Before Care will not be available when school resumes in January.
Parent Meeting regarding Internet Safety -
We have arranged for Officer Dunne from the Simsbury Police Department to join us on Monday, February 4, 2013 at 7pm in the Parish Center to discuss internet safety. Due to the importance of this topic and it’s direct impact on our children, we are asking that you consider attendance at this meeting a mandatory commitment for at least one
parent/guardian from each family. Middle school students are encouraged to attend as well.
SMS Athletic Apparel is available! The Booster Club will accept orders for SMS athletic apparel from Vincent's for the remainder of the school year. An order will be sent in on the last Friday of every month. A crew cut sweatshirt (sweatshirt without the hood) is now available to purchase. This sweatshirt may be worn with any of our school uniforms by all students. The order form will be updated to show this new item soon. Until the order form is updated, please contact ADirector@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net to place an order for the crew neck sweatshirt. All other items may be ordered via the order form. Click here for order form.
HSA News
Thank you to everyone who helped make Parents Night Out a fun evening for the children as well as the parents. Special thanks to Nancy Figulski, Cherith Sullivan, Blair Wlochowski, Andrea Wlochowski, Rich Kuziak and Scott Glazier.
CHOICE Statements will come home with your youngest or only child on Friday, 12/14/12. These statements will show you how much your family has earned toward its CHOICE commitment as of November 30th. Just a reminder that you have until April 30, 2013 to complete your CHOICE commitment.
CHOICE gift cards make great Christmas gifts, grab bag gifts and donations! Lots of great cards are available for daily purchase. Vendors normally in stock include area grocery stores like Fitzgeralds, Stop & Shop, Geisslers and Big Y, restaurants like the Max Restaurant group, Joe Pizza and Little City, "one size fits all" gifts to places like Dicks and Barnes & Nobles, treats like Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks and One Bite and those one stop shops like Walmart and Target.
parent/guardian from each family. Middle school students are encouraged to attend as well.
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Everyone looks fabulous dressed in SMS Athletic Wear! Order yours today! |
SMS Athletic Apparel is available! The Booster Club will accept orders for SMS athletic apparel from Vincent's for the remainder of the school year. An order will be sent in on the last Friday of every month. A crew cut sweatshirt (sweatshirt without the hood) is now available to purchase. This sweatshirt may be worn with any of our school uniforms by all students. The order form will be updated to show this new item soon. Until the order form is updated, please contact ADirector@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net to place an order for the crew neck sweatshirt. All other items may be ordered via the order form. Click here for order form.
HSA News
Thank you to everyone who helped make Parents Night Out a fun evening for the children as well as the parents. Special thanks to Nancy Figulski, Cherith Sullivan, Blair Wlochowski, Andrea Wlochowski, Rich Kuziak and Scott Glazier.
CHOICE Statements will come home with your youngest or only child on Friday, 12/14/12. These statements will show you how much your family has earned toward its CHOICE commitment as of November 30th. Just a reminder that you have until April 30, 2013 to complete your CHOICE commitment.
CHOICE gift cards make great Christmas gifts, grab bag gifts and donations! Lots of great cards are available for daily purchase. Vendors normally in stock include area grocery stores like Fitzgeralds, Stop & Shop, Geisslers and Big Y, restaurants like the Max Restaurant group, Joe Pizza and Little City, "one size fits all" gifts to places like Dicks and Barnes & Nobles, treats like Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks and One Bite and those one stop shops like Walmart and Target.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
News for the week of 12/6/12
The Kindergarten students had a busy week last week learning about the legends of Christmas! They have created displays throughout the school building that have the different legends posted on them along with a project that they created for each one. They learned about the Legend of the Candy Cane, letting us know that when a candy cane is held upside down, it becomes the letter "J" which stands for Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who is truly what the Christmas Season is all about!
December is a busy month. Please be sure to check the school calendar regularly. Here are some important dates to remember -
Athletic News - If you have not paid for your fall sport participation fee please send it in no later then Friday 12/7/12. If you have any questions regarding your owed payment please contact Mr. Gangloff.
It's time for cheerleading! Starting soon for the season, the SMS cheerleading pep squad will meet during the week to practice stunts and cheers. Members need to be 5th grade or older. For more information about cheerleading at SMS, click here. If you are interested please email Mr. Gangloff by Friday, 12/7/12.
Mark your calendars for special author visits! As part of our celebration of Catholic Schools' Month, two authors will be visiting with us. Stacy DeKeyser, author of The Brixen Witch will visit SMS on Friday, January 11th at 9am. Stacy DeKeyser is the author of four books for kids, including The Brixen Witch and Jump the Cracks. She lives in Simsbury with her husband and two sons, and is a member of St. Catherine's parish. For more information, visit her website at stacydekeyser.com. Copies of The Brixen Witch will be available for the author's signature. Click here for an order form.
On January 18th, students in grades K-4 will visit with Janice Hechter. Ms. Hechter lives in Farmington and has illustrated at least four children's books. She holds a BFA from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. Her book, Hooray for Heroes, was a National Best Book Award Winner in 2010. Ms. Hechter will be chatting with students about what an illustrator does and other topics related to this and read from her book, The Great Elephant Escape. She will discuss the actual true story upon which her book is based.
Home & School Association News -
The Auction needs your donations! Need an idea for your donation? Here is what the Auction is wishing for:
CHOICE Cards make great Christmas gifts! Just in time for Christmas giving, in addition to the $25 and $50 gift cards usually available, several $100 gift cards for the Max Restaurant Group are now in stock! Click here for a list of cards currently available with special percentage rates. Special order cards ordered now may arrive in time for Christmas but delivery is not guaranteed.
Getting ready for Christmas in Kindergarten! Kindergarten had a wonderful time decorating their milk carton gingerbread houses! We read different gingerbread stories and compared the stories to tell how they were alike and different. On Thursday, Kindergarten enjoyed a Christmas Cookie Exchange. Everyone brought in a batch of their favorite Christmas cookies and the students packed a bag of treats to bring home to share. Getting ready for Christmas is certainly yummy in kindergarten!
Click here for more pictures.
December is a busy month. Please be sure to check the school calendar regularly. Here are some important dates to remember -
- Our monthly School Mass will be held on Friday, December 7th at 9:30am. Everyone is welcome to join us at Mass. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
- Grade 8 Poinsettia Sale - Pickup Reminder- Thanks to everyone who supported this fundraiser! Poinsettia pickup will be in the Parish Center on Friday, Dec. 7th, 2-4pm and after all Masses on Saturday, Dec. 8th and Sunday, Dec. 9th.
- Band & Chorus Christmas Concert - Thursday, December 13th. 2pm Dress Rehearsal (Both Band & Chorus will perform), 7pm Performance in the Parish Center - Band Students, click here for guidelines regarding concert dress, arrival time & deportment. Chorus students that are not in the band should follow Mrs. Lepak's directions regarding arrival time and gathering spot and wear red, green or white tops with black bottoms.
- Lessons & Carols - Tuesday, December 18th. 10am Dress Rehearsal, 7pm Evening Presentation in the Church
- 12:45 Early Dismissal for Christmas Break - Friday, December 21st. No PreK Enrichment or Aftercare available.
- School reopens on Wednesday, January 2nd & our celebration of Catholic Schools' Month begins! Please keep in mind that Before Care will not be available when school resumes in January.
Parent Meeting regarding Internet Safety - We have arranged for Officer Dunne from the Simsbury Police Department to join us on Monday, February 4, 2013 at 7pm in the Parish Center to discuss internet safety. Due to the importance of this topic and it’s direct impact on our children, we are asking that you consider attendance at this meeting a mandatory commitment for at least one parent/guardian from each family. Middle school students are encouraged to attend as well.
Athletic News - If you have not paid for your fall sport participation fee please send it in no later then Friday 12/7/12. If you have any questions regarding your owed payment please contact Mr. Gangloff.
It's time for cheerleading! Starting soon for the season, the SMS cheerleading pep squad will meet during the week to practice stunts and cheers. Members need to be 5th grade or older. For more information about cheerleading at SMS, click here. If you are interested please email Mr. Gangloff by Friday, 12/7/12.
Mark your calendars for special author visits! As part of our celebration of Catholic Schools' Month, two authors will be visiting with us. Stacy DeKeyser, author of The Brixen Witch will visit SMS on Friday, January 11th at 9am. Stacy DeKeyser is the author of four books for kids, including The Brixen Witch and Jump the Cracks. She lives in Simsbury with her husband and two sons, and is a member of St. Catherine's parish. For more information, visit her website at stacydekeyser.com. Copies of The Brixen Witch will be available for the author's signature. Click here for an order form.
On January 18th, students in grades K-4 will visit with Janice Hechter. Ms. Hechter lives in Farmington and has illustrated at least four children's books. She holds a BFA from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. Her book, Hooray for Heroes, was a National Best Book Award Winner in 2010. Ms. Hechter will be chatting with students about what an illustrator does and other topics related to this and read from her book, The Great Elephant Escape. She will discuss the actual true story upon which her book is based.
Home & School Association News -
The Auction needs your donations! Need an idea for your donation? Here is what the Auction is wishing for:
iPad Mini
Kindle Fire
Horseback Riding lessons
Theater Tickets
Cooking Classes
Babysitting Services
Horseshoe Necklace
Choice Cards
CHOICE Cards make great Christmas gifts! Just in time for Christmas giving, in addition to the $25 and $50 gift cards usually available, several $100 gift cards for the Max Restaurant Group are now in stock! Click here for a list of cards currently available with special percentage rates. Special order cards ordered now may arrive in time for Christmas but delivery is not guaranteed.
Getting ready for Christmas in Kindergarten! Kindergarten had a wonderful time decorating their milk carton gingerbread houses! We read different gingerbread stories and compared the stories to tell how they were alike and different. On Thursday, Kindergarten enjoyed a Christmas Cookie Exchange. Everyone brought in a batch of their favorite Christmas cookies and the students packed a bag of treats to bring home to share. Getting ready for Christmas is certainly yummy in kindergarten!
Click here for more pictures.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
End of Week Reminders - 11/29/12
The new schedule for hot lunch volunteers for December 3rd - February 1st has been sent out to all volunteers. If you did not receive a copy via email, please contact Maggie Domashinski, mmdomo@cox.net. A copy of the schedule is available on the Hot Lunch page of the school website. Click here. Please remember that if you are unable to come on your scheduled day, it is your responsibility to find a substitute. Smooth lunch service depends on having enough hands available. Thanks so much to everyone who volunteers to help with hot lunch - our students are able to enjoy these meals because of the time you share. If you have not helped with hot lunch before and would like to be added to the next schedule of volunteers, please contact Maggie Domashinski, mmdomo@cox.net. Hot lunch volunteers get to see our students during the part of the day they all enjoy!
Formal uniform begins for grade 8 on Monday, December 3.
End of Day Dismissal Reminder - If you pick up your children at the end of the school day, please remember that the carpool lot should be used for student pickup not the lot between the church and the school. If an emergency requires you to use the lot between the church and the school, please be very aware of the school buses which are loading students at dismissal. If a bus has its red lights flashing and stop sign extended, you MAY NOT pass the bus to exit the lot. If you do, the driver will report you and you will be ticketed. Thanks in advance for abiding by the dismissal procedures that keep all our children safe.
Monthly School Mass will be on Friday, December 7th at 9:30AM. Everyone is welcome to join us at Mass. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Formal uniform begins for grade 8 on Monday, December 3.
End of Day Dismissal Reminder - If you pick up your children at the end of the school day, please remember that the carpool lot should be used for student pickup not the lot between the church and the school. If an emergency requires you to use the lot between the church and the school, please be very aware of the school buses which are loading students at dismissal. If a bus has its red lights flashing and stop sign extended, you MAY NOT pass the bus to exit the lot. If you do, the driver will report you and you will be ticketed. Thanks in advance for abiding by the dismissal procedures that keep all our children safe.
Monthly School Mass will be on Friday, December 7th at 9:30AM. Everyone is welcome to join us at Mass. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Grade 8 Fundraiser - Poinsettia Pickup will be in the Parish Center on Friday, December 7th from 2-4pm and after all Masses on Saturday, December 8th and Sunday, December 9th.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
News for the Week of 11/28/12
Signs of the Season are all around us at SMS. Carolyn is ready for the First Sunday of Advent. |
December is a busy month! Please be sure to check the school calendar regularly. Here is a quick recap of upcoming events:
- Formal Uniform begins for 8th grade students on Monday, December 3rd.
- Our monthly School Mass will be held on Friday, December 7th at 9:30am. Everyone is welcome to join us at Mass. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
- Band & Chorus Christmas Concert - Thursday, December 13th. 2pm Dress Rehearsal (Band Only), 7pm Performance in the Parish Center
- Lessons & Carols - Tuesday, December 18th. 10am Dress Rehearsal, 7pm Evening Presentation in the Church
- 12:45 Early Dismissal for Christmas Break - Friday, December 21st. No PreK Enrichment or Aftercare available.
- School reopens on Wednesday, January 2nd & our celebration of Catholic Schools' Month begins!
Student Directory Update - Please join us in welcoming Elizabeth Heiden to Mr. Cosham's Kindergarten class. Elizabeth joins her brothers, Jonathan (Gr. 5) and Christian (Gr. 8), here at St. Mary's.
Looking ahead to Kindergarten 2013-2014 - If your child will be joining us for Kindergarten next year and he/she does not attend St. Mary's Prekindergarten, please complete an application for admission at your earliest convenience. Click here for our application form. If your child is currently enrolled in our Prekindergarten, it is not necessary to reapply for kindergarten since your child is already attending St. Mary's.
All new SMS athletic apparel is available! Many items may be worn as part of the physical education uniform! What a great idea for Christmas giving. Click here for more information and an order form.
Paul Cryan Photography - Remember to send in your proofs and orders. If you have not already done so, please return your Paul Cryan photo proofs and orders at your earliest convenience. Paul Cryan will be coming to school to pickup returns one more time in the coming days. After that pickup, you will have to return your proofs to Paul Cryan on your own. These are the 8th grade individual student photos and photos taken of other students during after school appointments on October 19th.
Group Class Photos by Lifetouch- are being sent home on Wednesday, 11/28/12. These are class photos for students in Prekindergarten, Kindergarten - grade 7. The Grade 8 class photo was taken by Paul Cryan.
Individual Student Photos for students in Prek, K-7 from Lifetouch may still be ordered. Please see the information from Lifetouch which follows -
Your child was photographed on 09/17/2012 and we don't want you to miss this important milestone in your child's life.
Call 1-866-955-8342 and provide your Picture Day ID CT022165Q0 to order.
Don't miss this opportunity for a professional quality image. Your child's school portrait captures this moment for you to cherish for years to come.
Individual Student Photos for students in Prek, K-7 from Lifetouch may still be ordered. Please see the information from Lifetouch which follows -
Your child was photographed on 09/17/2012 and we don't want you to miss this important milestone in your child's life.
Call 1-866-955-8342 and provide your Picture Day ID CT022165Q0 to order.
Don't miss this opportunity for a professional quality image. Your child's school portrait captures this moment for you to cherish for years to come.
Grade 8 Poinsettia Sale - Pickup Reminder- Thanks to everyone who supported this fundraiser! Poinsettia pickup will be in the Parish Center on Friday, Dec. 7th, 2-4pm and after all Masses on Saturday, Dec. 8th and Sunday, Dec. 9th.
Care Packages for Deployed Marines - You can brighten the holidays for a Marine serving overseas this season by contributing items for a care package. Click here for more information.
Blood Drive - The St. Mary's Confirmation class of 2013 is organizing, and volunteer staffing, a blood drive on Saturday, January 5th, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Parish Center. Volunteers and Sally Flaig from the Red Cross will be be signing people up for appointments to donate blood at the back of the church after all the Masses on the weekends of December 8th and December15th. Blood donations are at a critical low during the holidays. Please consider donating.
Home & School Association News-
CHOICE Cards make great Christmas gifts! Click here for a list of cards currently available with special percentage rates. To guarantee that your gift cards arrive in time for Christmas giving, all special orders must be placed NLT 12/3/12. Cards ordered after that date may arrive in time but delivery is not guaranteed.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
News for the Week of 11-21-13
Mr. Cosham's Kindergarten and Ms. Kane's Prekindergarten celebrated Thanksgiving as a family! The Kindergarteners and their PreK buddies had a wonderful time and ate lots of wonderful turkey and pumpkin pie and spent quality time together! Thank you to the Kindergarten parents who helped at this fabulous event! Click here for additional photos.
A Thanksgiving message from Riley in first grade. Riley has used her iPad and the Educreations App to create a beautiful message that is most appropriate for Thanksgiving and the upcoming Advent season. Click here. Thank you, Riley, for reminding us of how we can welcome Jesus into our hearts.

Students in Mrs. Raymond's Algebra I class have been experimenting to determine what substances are the most effective insulators. Working with their iPads and digital thermometers they have explored the conductivity of various materials including bubble wrap, aluminum foil and styrofoam. Click here for additional photos.
A Thanksgiving message from Riley in first grade. Riley has used her iPad and the Educreations App to create a beautiful message that is most appropriate for Thanksgiving and the upcoming Advent season. Click here. Thank you, Riley, for reminding us of how we can welcome Jesus into our hearts.
Students in Mrs. Raymond's Algebra I class have been experimenting to determine what substances are the most effective insulators. Working with their iPads and digital thermometers they have explored the conductivity of various materials including bubble wrap, aluminum foil and styrofoam. Click here for additional photos.
Our December School Mass will be held on Friday, December 7th at 9:30am. Everyone is welcome to join us at Mass. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Formal Uniform begins for 8th grade students on Monday, December 3rd.
Hot Lunch Order period for December 2012-January 2013 is now open. All orders and payments are due NLT Monday, 11/26/12. WE REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCE, BUT LATE ORDERS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE NEW ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS. ORDER FORM MUST BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED AND COMPLETED MANUALLY. COMPLETED ORDER FORM AND PAYMENT MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE. There is also a separate order form for our Family Pizza Lunch that is part of our Catholic Schools' Month Celebration in January 2013. This order form appears on the Hot Lunch page of the school website along with the regular lunch order. Family Pizza Lunch will be held on Wednesday, January 16, 2013. This year all lunches for this event must be preordered on the Family Pizza Lunch order form. There will be no cash and carry meals at the Family Pizza Lunch. Click here to access the Hot Lunch page of the school website.
Gentle Reminders -
From time to time, everyone needs to make a change to student dismissal arrangements after the school day has begun. When this happens, please make every effort to notify the school office no later than noon or as soon as possible. When changes are not requested until close to the end of the school day, it becomes more likely that your request will not be received. This can cause confusion and frustration at the end of the day and can even result in your child(ren) following the wrong dismissal plan. We appreciate your cooperation and certainly understand that sometimes emergencies come up at the last minute.
Our Parent/Student Handbook states: "hair should be neat with bangs above the eyebrows. Boy’s hair should be above and not touch the shirt collar and trimmed around the ears." We are seeing quite a few young gentlemen with hair that is "stylishly long" in the front. Often, this is a distraction to them in the classroom and we are seeing a lot of "hair flipping" to clear their line of sight. Please get hair trimmed as needed so that your son(s) present a neat, trimmed appearance at school.
Looking ahead to Kindergarten 2013-2014 - If your child will be joining us for Kindergarten next year and he/she does not attend St. Mary's Prekindergarten, please complete an application for admission at your earliest convenience. Click here for our application form. If your child is currently enrolled in our Prekindergarten, it is not necessary to reapply for kindergarten since your child is already attending St. Mary's.Gentle Reminders -
From time to time, everyone needs to make a change to student dismissal arrangements after the school day has begun. When this happens, please make every effort to notify the school office no later than noon or as soon as possible. When changes are not requested until close to the end of the school day, it becomes more likely that your request will not be received. This can cause confusion and frustration at the end of the day and can even result in your child(ren) following the wrong dismissal plan. We appreciate your cooperation and certainly understand that sometimes emergencies come up at the last minute.
Our Parent/Student Handbook states: "hair should be neat with bangs above the eyebrows. Boy’s hair should be above and not touch the shirt collar and trimmed around the ears." We are seeing quite a few young gentlemen with hair that is "stylishly long" in the front. Often, this is a distraction to them in the classroom and we are seeing a lot of "hair flipping" to clear their line of sight. Please get hair trimmed as needed so that your son(s) present a neat, trimmed appearance at school.
All new SMS athletic apparel is available! Many items may be worn as part of the physical education uniform! What a great idea for Christmas giving. Click here for more information and an order form.
Paul Cryan Photography - Remember to send in your proofs and orders. If you have not already done so, please return your Paul Cryan photo proofs and orders at your earliest convenience. These are the 8th grade individual student photos and photos taken of other students during after school appointments on October 19th.
Grade 8 Poinsettia Sale - Poinsettia Orders will be accepted until Tuesday, 11/27/12. Click here for an order form. Thanks in advance from our 8th grade for supporting this fundraiser. Poinsettia pickup will be in the Parish Center on Friday, Dec. 7th, 2-4pm and after all Masses on Saturday, Dec. 8th and Sunday, Dec. 9th.
Home & School Association News-
H.S.A. is hosting Parents' Night Out on Friday, November 30th. Click here for more information.
Thanks to everyone that donated to the Coat Drive. Your generous donations will help many keep warm this winter.
Thanks to everyone that helped advertise our Fall Open House for Prospective Families by posting a yard sign. If you have not already done so, please return your yard sign to school. We do reuse them.
CHOICE Cards make great Christmas gifts! Click here for a list of cards currently available with special percentage rates. To guarantee that your gift cards arrive in time for Christmas giving, all
special orders must be placed NLT 12/3/12. Cards ordered after that date may
arrive in time but delivery is not guaranteed.
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