Mr. Cosham's Kindergarten and Ms. Kane's Prekindergarten celebrated Thanksgiving as a family! The Kindergarteners and their PreK buddies had a wonderful time and ate lots of wonderful turkey and pumpkin pie and spent quality time together! Thank you to the Kindergarten parents who helped at this fabulous event! Click here for additional photos.
A Thanksgiving message from Riley in first grade. Riley has used her iPad and the Educreations App to create a beautiful message that is most appropriate for Thanksgiving and the upcoming Advent season. Click here. Thank you, Riley, for reminding us of how we can welcome Jesus into our hearts.

Students in Mrs. Raymond's Algebra I class have been experimenting to determine what substances are the most effective insulators. Working with their iPads and digital thermometers they have explored the conductivity of various materials including bubble wrap, aluminum foil and styrofoam. Click here for additional photos.
A Thanksgiving message from Riley in first grade. Riley has used her iPad and the Educreations App to create a beautiful message that is most appropriate for Thanksgiving and the upcoming Advent season. Click here. Thank you, Riley, for reminding us of how we can welcome Jesus into our hearts.
Students in Mrs. Raymond's Algebra I class have been experimenting to determine what substances are the most effective insulators. Working with their iPads and digital thermometers they have explored the conductivity of various materials including bubble wrap, aluminum foil and styrofoam. Click here for additional photos.
Our December School Mass will be held on Friday, December 7th at 9:30am. Everyone is welcome to join us at Mass. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Formal Uniform begins for 8th grade students on Monday, December 3rd.
Hot Lunch Order period for December 2012-January 2013 is now open. All orders and payments are due NLT Monday, 11/26/12. WE REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCE, BUT LATE ORDERS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE NEW ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS. ORDER FORM MUST BE DOWNLOADED AND PRINTED AND COMPLETED MANUALLY. COMPLETED ORDER FORM AND PAYMENT MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE. There is also a separate order form for our Family Pizza Lunch that is part of our Catholic Schools' Month Celebration in January 2013. This order form appears on the Hot Lunch page of the school website along with the regular lunch order. Family Pizza Lunch will be held on Wednesday, January 16, 2013. This year all lunches for this event must be preordered on the Family Pizza Lunch order form. There will be no cash and carry meals at the Family Pizza Lunch. Click here to access the Hot Lunch page of the school website.
Gentle Reminders -
From time to time, everyone needs to make a change to student dismissal arrangements after the school day has begun. When this happens, please make every effort to notify the school office no later than noon or as soon as possible. When changes are not requested until close to the end of the school day, it becomes more likely that your request will not be received. This can cause confusion and frustration at the end of the day and can even result in your child(ren) following the wrong dismissal plan. We appreciate your cooperation and certainly understand that sometimes emergencies come up at the last minute.
Our Parent/Student Handbook states: "hair should be neat with bangs above the eyebrows. Boy’s hair should be above and not touch the shirt collar and trimmed around the ears." We are seeing quite a few young gentlemen with hair that is "stylishly long" in the front. Often, this is a distraction to them in the classroom and we are seeing a lot of "hair flipping" to clear their line of sight. Please get hair trimmed as needed so that your son(s) present a neat, trimmed appearance at school.
Looking ahead to Kindergarten 2013-2014 - If your child will be joining us for Kindergarten next year and he/she does not attend St. Mary's Prekindergarten, please complete an application for admission at your earliest convenience. Click here for our application form. If your child is currently enrolled in our Prekindergarten, it is not necessary to reapply for kindergarten since your child is already attending St. Mary's.Gentle Reminders -
From time to time, everyone needs to make a change to student dismissal arrangements after the school day has begun. When this happens, please make every effort to notify the school office no later than noon or as soon as possible. When changes are not requested until close to the end of the school day, it becomes more likely that your request will not be received. This can cause confusion and frustration at the end of the day and can even result in your child(ren) following the wrong dismissal plan. We appreciate your cooperation and certainly understand that sometimes emergencies come up at the last minute.
Our Parent/Student Handbook states: "hair should be neat with bangs above the eyebrows. Boy’s hair should be above and not touch the shirt collar and trimmed around the ears." We are seeing quite a few young gentlemen with hair that is "stylishly long" in the front. Often, this is a distraction to them in the classroom and we are seeing a lot of "hair flipping" to clear their line of sight. Please get hair trimmed as needed so that your son(s) present a neat, trimmed appearance at school.
All new SMS athletic apparel is available! Many items may be worn as part of the physical education uniform! What a great idea for Christmas giving. Click here for more information and an order form.
Paul Cryan Photography - Remember to send in your proofs and orders. If you have not already done so, please return your Paul Cryan photo proofs and orders at your earliest convenience. These are the 8th grade individual student photos and photos taken of other students during after school appointments on October 19th.
Grade 8 Poinsettia Sale - Poinsettia Orders will be accepted until Tuesday, 11/27/12. Click here for an order form. Thanks in advance from our 8th grade for supporting this fundraiser. Poinsettia pickup will be in the Parish Center on Friday, Dec. 7th, 2-4pm and after all Masses on Saturday, Dec. 8th and Sunday, Dec. 9th.
Home & School Association News-
H.S.A. is hosting Parents' Night Out on Friday, November 30th. Click here for more information.
Thanks to everyone that donated to the Coat Drive. Your generous donations will help many keep warm this winter.
Thanks to everyone that helped advertise our Fall Open House for Prospective Families by posting a yard sign. If you have not already done so, please return your yard sign to school. We do reuse them.
CHOICE Cards make great Christmas gifts! Click here for a list of cards currently available with special percentage rates. To guarantee that your gift cards arrive in time for Christmas giving, all
special orders must be placed NLT 12/3/12. Cards ordered after that date may
arrive in time but delivery is not guaranteed.
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