St. Mary's is a WFSB Cool School! Four segments aired last Friday morning on WFSB.
Click here for the segment featuring Algebra I.
Click here for the segment featuring Kindergarten.
Click here for the segment featuring Gymnastics.
Click here for the segment featuring Shakesperience.
Report Cards will be distributed on Friday, 4/12/13.
School is closed from 4/15 - 4/19 for spring vacation. When we return to school, the relaxed uniform may be worn. Relaxed Uniform guidelines - Click here. Please keep in mind that a belt should be worn with walking shorts and that school shoes are required with the relaxed uniform. The relaxed uniform may be worn to Mass. Relaxed uniforms should be purchased from Lands End - Click here to access the Lands End School Uniform website. Our School Code is 900132150. Please keep in mind that CHOICE cards for Lands End are available with a 16% profit rate.
Used Uniform Exchange - Before shopping for new relaxed uniforms, you may wish to check to see what is available from the Used Uniform Exchange. Click here for an inventory spreadsheet.
Middle School iPads will remain at school over Spring Vacation. All Middle School (grades 6, 7 & 8) iPads should be turned into homeroom teachers at the end of the school day on Friday, 4/12/13. If your student(s) will not be in school on Friday, please have them turn in his/her iPad to his/her homeroom teacher on their final day of attendance before vacation.
Hot Lunch Order Form for May & June is now available. All orders and payments are due NLT Friday, April 12th. Click here to access the order form.
2013-2014 SMS Trust Scholarship Application is now available. Any family whose children have completed a year's enrollment in kindergarten or above and will be enrolled in grades 1 through 8 at St. Mary's school the following year is eligible to apply. There are no requirements regarding parish or religious affiliation. All completed applications must be postmarked NLT April 30, 2013 and must include a check or money order in the amount of $25 payable to "Private School Aid Service". This is a non-refundable application fee. Scholarship awards are made by the trustees and families that receive an award will be notified once the trustees have reviewed all applications. Click here for more information and an application form.
Carpool Safety Reminder - Please plan your arrival for carpool pickup to coincide with the removal of the safety cones from the top of the driveway in the North Lot. Recently, cars arriving as early as 2:55 have led to cars being lined up along route 10/Hopmeadow Street all the way to the Church parking lot. This presents a serious safety hazard as traffic attempts to get by and to negotiate the busy intersection. It could also impede the ability of emergency vehicles to pass on their way to an emergency or even get to our facility if we were to have an emergency. The cones are removed at the end of the day when the last outdoor PE class ends (3:10pm). Even cars in the last of the pick up lines are able to leave within 10 minutes of student dismissal. Please make every effort to arrive after 3:10. Thank you.
It's almost Tee Time! Please plan to join the St. Mary's School community at our annual Fairway to Heaven Golf Outing on Monday, May 13, 2013 at the Golf Club of Avon. The day includes lunch, golf, cocktail hour and dinner as well as a silent and live auction with our celebrity emcee, Ms. Rebecca Lobo. Even if you are not a golfer, you are welcome to join us in the evening for the cocktail hour, dinner and auctions. For more information and registration, please click here. Please invite your fellow golfers to join us at this fun event which benefits the students of St. Mary's School.
The Simsbury Food Closet needs our help. Please consider sending in a donation of one or more of the items the Food Closet has indicated are needed for the month of April
Coffee (instant,ground,regular and decaf)
Decaf tea
Maple syrup
Canned fruit (pineapple and oranges)
Paper towels
Donations may be brought to the classrooms. Thanks for your generous support.
Home & School Association News
Special thanks to Michelle Howard, Nancy Figulski, Dan Melanson, Cherith Sullivan, Andrea Wlochowski and Peg Mancarella.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the event. It was great to see so much talent from the students and support from the audience.
A message from the Chair of the H.S.A. Nominating Committee:
Dear Parents:
Please consider volunteering for the Home and School board. We are still looking for a number of positions. I can speak from experience when I say that someone, a long time ago, twisted my arm too and I never felt anything to be more rewarding. I served as Co-President for two years and haven't stopped volunteering since. We need your help and believe me, it's just not as hard or time consuming as you think. Please be a part of the great activities that are produced by the Home & School Association. Click here for descriptions of the responsibilities of each position. Do it for the children. Do it for the love of St. Mary's School.
Thank you,
Pam Carter
Nominating Chair or 860-658-4841
p.s. Please act quickly. We have to vote by the April 25th meeting.
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