Our new school year is officially underway! It was wonderful to welcome our students this morning. As we begin, we do have one additional staff change to report. Mrs. Susan Ray has resigned her position as librarian. We thank Mrs. Ray for her service and the wonderful rapport she helped establish with the Simsbury Public Library. We are happy to announce that Mrs. Maribeth Mortillaro has joined us as librarian.
Be sure to check in frequently with our school calendar. Click here to access the calendar. There is also a calendar link on the homepage of our school website, www.stmarysschoolsimsbury.org. If you visit the school blog, you can display the calendar using the Calendar tab.
If you have not already done so, be sure to subscribe to our school's blog. Once subscribed you will receive our weekly blog posts along with any special posts directly to your email inbox. Click here to access the blog. If you subscribed last year, there is no need to subscribe again.
As part of our continued commitment to providing a safe school environment, we have revised our procedures for visitor admittance and sign in. Please make note of these important changes that are now in effect:
* ALL VISITORS MUST ENTER THROUGH THE MAIN SCHOOL ENTRANCE ON THE CHURCH SIDE OF THE BUILDING NEAR THE STATUE OF MARY. The new security system does not provide for admittance through the north entrance. There is no doorbell at that door.
* The new security system has changed the steps for opening the door for visitors. Please have patience while the office staff adjusts to the new routine. The new security cameras provide office staff with a much clearer view of visitors but if you are asked to identify yourself, please do so.
* There is a new sign in/sign out book for visitors. Please sign in on the new visitor log book. Office staff will then place a decal on your badge. This decal "dates" your badge. After 24 hours, the word "void" will bleed through the decal so the badge cannot be re-used. When you are leaving, please be sure to cross out the space in the log book that held your badge so office staff knows you left the building. This is important in the event that an emergency requires us to account for all people, including visitors in the building.
Thank you for your cooperation with these new procedures. All of these changes are designed to keep our building secure and our students as safe as possible.
Monday, September 2nd - School is closed for Labor Day.
Thursday, September 5th - Instrumental Music meeting for parents with students interested in joining band for the first time. See Instrumental Music News below for more information.
Friday, September 6th - School Mass at 9am in the Church. All are welcome to join us at Mass. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass. The Home & School Association will host a coffee prior to Mass in the Lower Church.
Wednesday, September 11th - Back to School Night for Parents. This is your opportunity to learn more about your child(ren)'s school day, get acquainted with the teachers and visit in the classrooms. The evening will begin at 6pm in the Parish Center. This will be your first opportunity to sign up for our Parent/Teacher Conferences in November. Important information about the Educonnect Family Portal will be presented to help you understand how you can view your child(ren)'s academic progress and also access school directory information. Please line up a babysitter and plan to join us!
School Directory - The 2013-2014 School Directory containing family contact information will be available once all family verification forms are received and school databases are updated. This year the school directory information will be available via the new Educonnect Family Portal. This feature will be explained at Back to School Night for Parents on Wednesday, September 11th.
Some Lunch Reminders - When packing your child(ren)'s lunch(es), please be sure to include all necessary utensils and supplies. If a food needs to be sliced, please be sure it is cut into bite sized pieces at home. Please do not send knives, even plastic knives, in lunches. If your child(ren) does(do) not participate in the milk program, please send a beverage or a cup to hold water. Please do not send food that needs to be reheated. The hot lunch program will begin on Friday, September 20th. All hot lunch orders for September - December were due on Wednesday, 8/28/13. Students in Prekindergarten may order pizza hot lunches on Fridays only beginning in November but those orders were also due on Wednesday, 8/28/13.
Student iPads - Students will begin iPad use over the next several days. As you know, all students must have 3 important forms turned in before they can be given a school iPad. These forms are: Signature Acknowledgement of Parent/Student Handbook, Signature Acknowledgement of iPad Acceptable Use Agreement and the Diocesan required Electronic Use Agreement. Once forms are received for a majority of the class, iPad deployment will occur. We anticipate that all classes will have their devices deployed no later Tuesday, September 3rd. Again this year, Middle School students will have the privilege of bringing their iPads home each night. Each student will be provided with a school owned iPad charger. The charger will need to be returned at the end of the year. Please remind your middle school student(s) to use proper care when transporting iPads in backpacks.
Important Information about Afternoon Bus Transportation - Each year, there are several days that St. Mary's School is open for a regular school day when the public schools are closed or dismissing early. When this occurs it means that the afternoon buses are available at St. Mary's for loading sooner than normal. On these days, your child(ren) may arrive home significantly earlier than usual (perhaps as much as 15-20 minutes early). Please plan accordingly because if no one is at home the driver will return the student to SMS to wait for your pick up here.
The first day that this may happen is Thursday, August 29th. Other days this year include:
September 18, 2013
October 16, 2013
November 5, 2013
December 3-5, 2013
January 17, 2014
March 21, 2014
April 30, 2014
June 6, 2014
Instrumental Music News - Mrs. Debbie Morse, our school's FMI (Future Musicians, Inc.) instrumental music teacher is "tuning up" for a new school year. Please click here for information about the band demonstration she will conduct for students in grades 4 and 5 and for more information, including audition dates, regarding the FMI Regional and All-State bands.
The Advancement Committee needs you! If you love St. Mary’s School, then advancement is a great way to get involved. The advancement committee helps with new parent welcome, open houses, the golf tournament, grandparents’ day and so much more. You can be involved in one event or all of them. Please contact Angie Connors at 860-658-9412 ext 19 if you would like to know more!
Home & School Association News
Wednesday, September 4th - Home & School Association meeting at 7pm. Location to be announced.
Friday, September 13th - It's a fun, fall, family tradition, the H.S.A. Fall Festival! Plan to join us in the North (playground) parking lot on Friday, September 13th at 5:30th (raindate is Friday, September 20th). Please remember that this is a family event. All children must have adult supervision. To volunteer to help at the Fall Festival, please click here to access the Sign Up Genius for volunteers for this event.
Community News -

Presentation by Mary Ann Wasil - Mary Ann Wasil, the CEO, President and Founder of the Get-In-Touch Foundation will be at St. Therese Parish Center on September 8th at 3pm. In her talk which is open to all but geared specifically to girls in grades 5 and above, Ms. Wasil will discuss the importance of breast health and self-examination. Please RSVP to sarapurplek@hotmail.com or DK-CHURCH@att.net. This presentation is the final part of Girl Scout Cadette Sarah Klotzman's Silver Award Project and is being sponsored by St. Therese Church.