Using their common "cents" in Fourth Grade! Students in Mrs. Auger's class have been studying currency and its use. In addition to lots of practice making change and counting money, students have also been learning about the different types of currency used throughout the world.

December Calendar Reminders - It's a busy time here at school! Be sure to check our school calendar regularly for updates. Here are a few important highlights:
12/5/13 - H.S.A. Cookie Swap - See more details below.
12/6/13 - 9am School Mass - Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
12/12/13 - Band & Chorus Christmas Concert, 7pm, Parish Center. Musicians should follow directives from Mrs. Lepak and Mrs. Morse regarding attire and arrival. There will be a dress rehearsal at 2pm in the Parish Center.
12/16/13 - Lessons & Carols - Our beloved Christmas prayer service. See details below.
12/20/13 - 12:45pm Early Dismissal for Christmas vacation. There will be no Prekindergarten Enrichment or Aftercare.
1/2/14 - School reopens & we begin our celebration of Catholic School's Month!
Looking Ahead to Catholic Schools' Month - January 2014 - 31 Days of Celebration!
Our January School Mass will spiritually begin our observance of Catholic Schools' Month and will be held on Friday, 1/3/14, at 9am.
We have visits from both a local author and an artist/illustrator. On Wednesday, 1/22/14, local author, Fern Michonski, will be at school to talk with our students in Prekindergarten through grade 2.
On Friday, 1/24/14, SMS alumna and celebrated artist/illustrator, Christine Kornacki, will meet with students in grades 3-8. Miss Kornacki will be sharing highlights of a new Easter book she has just completed illustrating. Our thanks to our Home & School Association for arranging for these special visitors.
Student Appreciation Day has been moved to Friday, 1/24/14.
There will be an Open House for Prospective Families on Tuesday, 1/28/14. This will be a great opportunity for families to learn more about our school as they consider becoming part of our community.
We hope many of you will be able to join us for our annual Family Pizza Lunch on Friday, 1/31/14, as a special closing event for our celebration of this special month.
The Hot Lunch menu and order form for January- March 2014 is now available on our school's website. Click here to access this information. A copy of the menu and order form was also emailed to all families. Please complete and return your hot lunch order no later than Friday, December 13th. Checks should be made payable to St. Mary's School with "Hot Lunch" in the memo section. Important Change to our Lunch Program - Please NOTE: Beginning in January 2014, ALL lunches must be pre-ordered, there will no longer be a "cash and carry" option for pizza on Fridays. Only students that have ordered pizza will be able to have the pizza lunch.
The last day of Chess Club will be Friday, December 13th. It will be a tournament for the students that have been attending on a regular basis. Only the children that have been regularly participating can attend the tournament on the last day. We hope students have enjoyed their participation. We anticipate that Chess Club will resume for another session beginning in September 2014.

Grade 8 Fundraising - Poinsettia Pick Up is Friday, 12/6. Pick up is in the Parish Center on Friday, December 6, from 2 to 4 or after masses on Saturday, December 7th and Sunday, December
8th. Thank you for supporting the 8th Grade Class in their efforts to raise funds for their 8th Grade Trip.
Our annual Christmas Prayer Service, Lessons & Carols, will be held on Monday, 12/16, in the church. There will be a dress rehearsal that is open to the public at 10am. This is a nice opportunity for young siblings to see the presentation and also a great time to take photos. The evening presentation is at 7pm. Church doors will open at 6:30pm. Students sit with their homeroom class. Grade 8 students report to the lower church. As is customary, the first 6 pews on the right side are reserved for the parents of our 8th grade students. The first 2 pews on the left side are reserved for the families that had the winning bids at last year's HSA auction.
All students in grades Kindergarten - 8 are expected to attend and participate in the evening performance. If a student needs to be excused, a request should be made to Mrs. Gannatti. Students in grades 1-7 should wear their full formal uniform. Students in Kindergarten and grade 8 should follow dress directions from their teachers.
CHOICE Reminders - CHOICE card sales hours are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:40-9:30am. Orders brought in after these hours will be filled as quickly as possible and sent home via kid mail. If you send in your orders for CHOICE cards via kidmail, please remind your child(ren), that is important that they turn in the order to their homeroom teacher first thing in the morning to assure your order is promptly filled.

CHOICE cards make Christmas shopping easy and one size fits all! There are many retailers to choose from. In addition to completing your holiday shopping, you are helping to support our school and working toward completion of your CHOICE commitment without additional out of pocket expense. A holiday order form is available by clicking here. Please return your order to the school office marked “Choice Order”. To ensure delivery in time for Christmas, ALL ORDERS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE OFFICE NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11TH. PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS. ~Thank you for your support!
Community News -
Click here for this month's issue of "Partners in Faith".
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