A Happy Update - Maggie Domashinski and Father Mike are recovering wonderfully! They may be released as soon as today.
The Domashinski family could use some assistance while Maggie recovers from her incredible gift to Father Mike. St. Catherine's church has a group called Comitas that is handling meals for the family beginning on September 15th. They do not need our help there for now.
Where they do need help is providing rides for the children as follows:
Transportation home from St. Mary's School in the afternoon will be needed as of 9/15 (Dad will bring the girls to school in AM).
Transportation home from St. Mary's School in the afternoon will be needed as of 9/15 (Dad will bring the girls to school in AM).
Transportation to & from school will be needed beginning on 9/24 on mornings and afternoons.
If you can help, please email Jennifer Pavlonnis at jpavlonnis@yahoo.com.
Individual Student Photos for Students in Prekindergarten, Kindergarten - Grade 7 will be taken by Lifetouch Photography on Monday, 9/15/14. A photo will be taken of every student in these grades for publication in our school's yearbook. Students in grades K-7 may wear "business casual" attire, appropriate for school, on picture day. You do have the opportunity to purchase a photo package if you choose. An order form was sent home with each student on Friday, September 5th. If you are purchasing a photo package, the order form and payment should be brought to school on picture day - Monday, 9/15/14. You may also order and pay online Click here. For additional information regarding retakes, make-up photos if a student is absent on Monday and group class photos, click here.
NOTES - Eighth grade students will have their individual student pictures and group class photo taken by Paul Cryan Photography on Friday, 9/26/14. Group Class Photos for grades Prekindergarten, Kindergarten - 7 will be taken by Lifetouch Photography in November when the formal uniform is being worn.
School Board News - The Saint Mary’s School Board is excited to begin our work during the new school year. Our first meeting is scheduled for September 24th at 7:00 pm in the Lower Church. All are welcome to attend our school board meetings. We are looking to enhance the development of our meeting agenda items. With that in mind we would ask that members of the Saint Mary’s community that would like to address the board during the meeting submit those inquiries to the School Board Chair, Claude Howard (claudeoh@gmail.com), for review one week before our scheduled meeting. This will allow us to plan our meetings accordingly. Click here for a list of our upcoming meetings and our current board member roster.
The Fall Festival is quickly approaching! Please mark your calendars and save the date for this years event on September 19, 2014 from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. There will be food, games, arts and crafts and other fun activities. This is a great opportunity to meet new friends and socialize with our school community. We will be collecting non perishable foods for the Simsbury Food closet. They are in need of the following:
Individual Student Photos for Students in Prekindergarten, Kindergarten - Grade 7 will be taken by Lifetouch Photography on Monday, 9/15/14. A photo will be taken of every student in these grades for publication in our school's yearbook. Students in grades K-7 may wear "business casual" attire, appropriate for school, on picture day. You do have the opportunity to purchase a photo package if you choose. An order form was sent home with each student on Friday, September 5th. If you are purchasing a photo package, the order form and payment should be brought to school on picture day - Monday, 9/15/14. You may also order and pay online Click here. For additional information regarding retakes, make-up photos if a student is absent on Monday and group class photos, click here.
NOTES - Eighth grade students will have their individual student pictures and group class photo taken by Paul Cryan Photography on Friday, 9/26/14. Group Class Photos for grades Prekindergarten, Kindergarten - 7 will be taken by Lifetouch Photography in November when the formal uniform is being worn.
School Board News - The Saint Mary’s School Board is excited to begin our work during the new school year. Our first meeting is scheduled for September 24th at 7:00 pm in the Lower Church. All are welcome to attend our school board meetings. We are looking to enhance the development of our meeting agenda items. With that in mind we would ask that members of the Saint Mary’s community that would like to address the board during the meeting submit those inquiries to the School Board Chair, Claude Howard (claudeoh@gmail.com), for review one week before our scheduled meeting. This will allow us to plan our meetings accordingly. Click here for a list of our upcoming meetings and our current board member roster.
Fall Festival

toilet paper
coffee and tea (Reg & Decaf)
canned chicken
canned stew
canned or bottled juices
canned fruit
spaghetti sauce
maple syrup
pancake mix
cereals and oatme
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