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Monday, April 6, 2015 - School will be OPEN for a regular full day of school with PreKindergarten Enrichment and Aftercare available. This is Easter Monday and was planned as a day off on our original school calendar .
Wednesday, June 10, 2015 & Thursday, June 11, 2015- School will be OPEN FOR A REGULAR FULL DAY of school with PreKindergarten Enrichment and Aftercare available.
Friday, June 12, 2015 - This is now our TENTATIVE last day of school and will be a 12:45pm EARLY DISMISSAL WITH NO PREKINDERGARTEN ENRICHMENT OR AFTERCARE.
If we should have additional snow days, they will be added to our days in June and only the last day will be a 12:45pm early dismissal.

HOT LUNCH MAKEUPS - The hot lunch that was scheduled for January 12th (yes, that was also a snow day), will be served on Tuesday, 2/24. We are still short one volunteer, so if you can help, please let Mrs. Budnick know at tbudnick@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net.
It's time to order hot lunches for April - June! Click here for the order form for hot lunches for April - June. All orders and payments are due NLT Friday, 2-27-15. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO LATE ORDERS CAN BE ACCEPTED.
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Bringing the Past to Life - Students in Mrs. Gore's fifth grade learned about the dress and artifacts from colonial times in a special presentation by Mrs. Elliott and her daughter, Lainey, Gr. 2. |
Looking ahead to March -
Walk-In Wednesdays will begin on March 4 and continue each Wednesday in March. If you know someone who has been wondering if SMS is the right place for their family, please encourage them to drop by for a walk in visit. Hours are 9:30-11:30, no appointment is required but if they call ahead, we'll be sure to have an information packet all prepared for them to take home after their visit.
Our March School Mass will be held at 9am on Friday, 3/6/15, in the church. All are most welcome to join us. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
March Parent/Teacher Conferences will be here before you know it! This year, our March Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Monday, 3/16 - Thursday, 3/19. Each of these days will be a 12:45pm Early Dismissal and there will be NO PREKINDERGARTEN ENRICHMENT OR AFTERCARE. Click here to sign up for conferences. A conference is strongly encouraged for all students but unlike the Fall conferences, no appointments will be scheduled for you if you do not sign up on your own. If you do not sign up for a conference and your child's teacher feels one is necessary, you will be contacted by the teacher.
Yearbook 2015 - Your photos are needed! The SMS Yearbook is a very special keepsake. It features photos of every student at SMS and many candid shots from the year's activities, athletic events and clubs. If you have photos from this year's activities, please upload them now! Photos may be uploaded at community.lifetouch.com. The password/access code for our school is - WXBRRX (Please note, this is case sensitive. Use all capital letters.) Please note that up to 5 images may be uploaded at a time. Your photos will be accepted until the end of March. Please be sure that photos are identified by activity and/or grade and include teacher and or student names.
Tired of Winter? Ready to plan for Spring? Save the Date for the annual "Fairway to Heaven" Golf Tournament - May 18, 2015 at the Hopmeadow Country Club in Simsbury. Golf and Tennis during the day, followed by a dinner at the club that evening. Click here for more information.
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First Grade students had a compound word "snowball fight" - Mr. G. joined in the fun! |
Box Tops for Education -Collection contest closes this Friday, February 20. The teacher of the winning class will receive $50 for classroom extras. Please send Box Tops into homeroom teachers. Please check the expiration date since expired Box Tops are not accepted. This contest is open to all grades PreKindergarten - Grade 8. Questions should be directed to Scott Sirianni at scottmary99@aol.com.
School Board News - The Saint Mary’s School Board Nominating Committee has started our process to identify potential school board members for next year. Potential candidates may self-nominate or be nominated by someone else. There is no requirement for board members to have children attending Saint Mary’s School. We just want to ensure we have the best talent serving on the board. Key eligibility requirements include having a genuine interest in Catholic school education and a willingness to support the school philosophy and mission. Potential candidates should also be a credible witness of the Catholic faith; a member of a parish; or if non-Catholic, not opposed to the tenets of the Catholic faith. The needs the board will be looking to address for the upcoming term will include individuals with a financial or CPA background skills or individuals with skills focused on marketing, project management and strategic planning. If you are interested in being considered to serve on the School Board, please contact Claude Howard at claudeoh@gmail.com. Please include in your e-mail information about your Parish(Town), Occupation, If you have or had students at Saint Mary’s School and your specific talents available to the board.
Athletic News
Jump Rope Club will begin Wednesday,
February 25 under the direction of Mrs. Mary Liljedahl and Mrs. Amy
Lillis. The club will meet from 3:45-5pm
in the parish center and is open to students in grades 1-8. Jump Rope club will meet
every Wednesday, when school is in session, from 3:45-5pm until
June. If your child(ren) are
participating in Jump Rope Club, please be sure to advise the homeroom
teacher(s) that he/she/they will stay for jump rope every Wednesday unless you
advise otherwise. There is a $15.00 fee to
participate. Please make your check payable
to St. Mary's Booster Club. Older jumpers will be taught
leadership skills and will assist Coaches Liljedahl and Lillis. Volunteers are needed to
turn rope at 4:30pm on practice days. Click here for permission slip.
Ski & Snowboard Club has finished its season for 2015. Our thanks to the club's coordinator, Mr. James Shanley and to all our parent volunteers. |
Community News
Simsbury Public Library will be offering a number of great programs in March designed to appeal to middle and high school age students. Click here for more information.
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