Calendar Reminders
Holy Thursday, April 2nd is a 12:45pm Early Dismissal. There will be no PreKindergarten Enrichment or Aftercare. School is CLOSED on Good Friday, April 3rd. School is OPEN on Monday, April 6th. This is a change to our original school calendar to begin our snow day makeups.

Please Join Father Matera & Mrs. Gannatti for an evening of conversation and celebration as the results of our recent school survey are shared. Mark your calendars for Monday, April 6th at 7pm in the Parish Center. This will also be your opportunity to pick up your 2015-2016 Family Enrollment Packet.
Just for fun, families who complete their Family Enrollment Form and submit their $250 Family Enrollment Fee before leaving the meeting will be entered in our drawing to win one of 3 great prizes:
First Prize - $250 worth of CHOICE cards of your "choice"!
Second Prize - A delicious dinner at our annual Golf Outing at the Hopmeadow Country Club on Monday, 5/18/15 - a $65 value!
Third Prize - $50 iPad Insurance Fee for 15-16 paid for your favorite SMS student!
Our April School Mass will be held on Friday, April 10th at 9am in the church. Please remember that no Physical Education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
School will be closed from Monday, 4/13 - Friday, 4/17 for April Break. When we return to school on Monday, 4/20, students may wear the Relaxed Uniform.
Living Stations of the Cross -
Again this year, our 8th grade students will present the Living Stations of the Cross. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this beautiful Lenten prayer service. The Living Stations will be presented on Friday, March 27 at 2 and 7pm in the church.

A simple soup and bread supper will be available from 5:30 to 6:30 pm in the Parish Center prior to the 7pm presentation of the Living Stations. There is no charge for the dinner but free-will donations will be accepted. There will be at least one gluten-free soup option.

Athletic News
Schedule for JVA Boys, Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys -
6:00-6:10pm Prayer and Thank you – Mr. Gangloff
6:10pm-6:30pm- Pizza and Drinks
6:30-7:00pm Presentation of teams
7:00 pm Games - Parents vs. Teams
Students should wear their team jersey.
Looking Ahead to 2015-16! Do you have a child who is eligible for Kindergarten in 2015-16 that is currently attending a Preschool other than St. Mary's? If so, please let us know and we will send you an application form so that this child is included when you receive your Family Enrollment Packet early in April. Please note - Students attending SMS PreK DO NOT NEED TO REAPPLY. SMS PreK students are automatically "promoted" to Kindergarten unless we have received other instructions from your family.
Not Quite Ready for Kindergarten in the Fall? St. Mary's PreKindergarten program has openings for the 15-16 school year. Our PreKindergarten is a 5 day per week program designed for an older 4 or young 5. Students in PreKindergarten follow normal morning arrival with drop off anywhere between 8:20 and 8:40am. The program ends at 1:00pm and includes participation in specials like PE, vocal music, Spanish and library. PreKindergarten Enrichment is available until 3:20pm and PreKindergarten students may also participate in Aftercare until 6pm. Students that participate in our PreKindergarten program do not need to reapply for Kindergarten in the following year.

*Lessons and Carols
*any photos corresponding to spiritual life and volunteerism
*Music and arts concerts, band, chorus
*any candid sports pictures
*any candid shots from favorite adventures with the school or student body activities
Sponsorships are also being accepted. This is a great way to give a shout out to our 8th grade class or to a special graduate. Sponsors with pictures are $50. Sponsors with words only are $30. There is a 50 word maximum and 1 picture limit for sponsorships. Checks should be made payable to St. Mary's School with "yearbook sponsor" in the memo section. Sponsorship deadline is April 1. Please contact Gina McDonald at with any questions.
It's time to order yearbooks! This year's full color yearbook can be ordered online. Order deadline is April 1st. Our yearbook code is 9415315 and your order is payable with all major credit cards. Click here to order your yearbook online. You may also order your yearbook and pay with a check. Click here for a downloadable order form that can be returned to the school office with your check for $28. All yearbooks must be preordered. Yearbooks will be distributed to students after the yearbook dedication is announced by 8th grade in June. Yearbooks will be distributed in the classrooms as has been done in previous years.
SMS Annual Fund - Just a friendly reminder….The Annual Fund is still accepting donations!
As stated in the tuition announcement letter last week, the Annual Fund is one of the school's major factors in our financial stability. SMS is grateful for your financial commitment and donations. We are 70% of the way to our goal! Not to mention, that many corporations will match your donation! Please consider if you have not done so already! Click here to make your donation on-line or click here for a pledge card.
Home & School Association News
We are ending our search for new HSA Board Members by April 9th. At this time, we still need more individuals to round out the Board. A couple of individuals have volunteered to serve but the Board needs additional members. If you are interested, please contact Noreen Kuziak, Nominating Chair, at 860-416-7662 or OR Deb Poniatowski at 860-916-1335 or
Alumni News
Our congratulations to several SMS alumni who were winners of the American Mathematics Contest held on February 25th and sponsored by the Mathematics Association of America. All of these alums attend Northwest Catholic High School. In the AMC 10, given to 9th and 10th graders, Katharine Jessen , SMS Class of '13 took first place, Sarah Jessen, SMS Class of ’13 took 3rd place and Gabriela Doskos, SMS Class of ’13 came in 5th place. In the AMC 12, given to 11th and 12thgraders, David Kalamarides, SMS Class of ’11 a tied for first place. David will be awarded a special medal this year by the Mathematics Association of America for winning the AMC 12 two years in a row.
Community News
Save the Date! Saturday, May 2nd after 5PM Mass at St. Mary's - Benefit Pizza Dinner
Everyone is invited to share a delicious pizza dinner after the 5pm Mass on Saturday, May 2nd. Cost is $10pp or $20 per family. All proceeds will help a St. Mary's Parish family defray the costs associated with medical treatment. In addition to pizza, there will be a silent auction with some fantastic gift baskets suitable for Spring giving. To get more information, volunteer to help with setup or cleanup or to donate a salad, dessert or gift basket item, please contact Meg Keating at
Talcott Mountain Science Center announces April Vacation Science Programs - Click here for more information & an application. Summer programs have also been announced!
Auerfarm Announces Summer Programs. The 4-H Education Center at Auerfarm in Bloomfield is currently accepting registrations for their Summer Farm Academy and Auerfarm Adventures. Program sessions begin June 22nd and run through August 21st and are open to students entering PreK through grade 6. Register by May 1st and receive a 10% discount! Click here for more information.
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