School will be closed on Monday, 10/12/15, due to Columbus Day.
Parent/Student Conferences will be held from Monday, November 9 - Thursday, November 12. Each of these days will be a 12:45pm early dismissal for grades K-8. PreKindergarten Enrichment is available but there will be NO AFTERCARE. Please use the Sign Up Genius to register for your conference(s). Click here.
Athletic News
The winter basketball season is approaching quickly. Here is some information you will need to know for the upcoming season.
Participation permission was granted by the yellow athletics permission form sent in the summer packet. A new permission form will not be sent out.
To Officially sign up your child(ren) for basketball, please send in your participation fee. Your child will not be added to the roster or receive a team jersey until the fee is received. (Fees Below)
-At the coach's discretion, practice will begin as early as the week of the October 19th.
-Practices for grades 2-6 will be held during the week. Each team will have 1-2 practices during the school week (Monday-Friday). The boys will play Saturday morning and the girls will play Sunday afternoon.
-Grades 7-8 (Varsity) Practice once during the week from 6-8pm (day TBD) and on Saturday mornings at Westminster. Games will be on Thursday or Friday and Sundays.
Fees for participation are as follows:
JVC grades 2-3 $50
JVB, JVA, Varsity Grades 3-8 $150
There is a maximum $275 cap per family.
Please contact Mr. Gangloff with any questions - adirector@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net.
Spread the Word!
Walk in Wednesdays are back!
Starting October 7th and continuing through the month of October, SMS will be welcoming guests interested in learning more about our community from 9-11:30am. If you know someone that may be considering a Catholic education for their children, this is a great opportunity to invite them to come and observe our students and teachers in action and learn more about the school. Please call or email Toni Chagnon for more information - 860-658-9412 or tchagnon@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net. We will also be hosting an Open House for Prospective Families on Wednesday, 10/28, beginning at 6:30pm in the Parish Center. An RSVP to Mrs. Chagnon would be appreciated for Open House - tchagnon@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net.
Grade 8 Fundraising - Car Wash on Saturday, 10/10/15 from 9:30am-1:30pm
The 8th grade class will be selling pre-sale tickets to their car wash on Oct. 10th. You may either purchase a ticket from an 8th grader or submit $5 to SMS, attention 8th grade class. Please include your name on your request so tickets can be sent back via kidmail. Advance tickets are only available until the close of the school day on Thursday, 10/8/15.
The Fall Bookfair is underway!
The Scholastic Book Fair will be open until October 11. For questions about bookfair, please contact - Bridget Shanley (860) 738-8965(bashanley@charter.net) or Karen McKenna (KDSM1120@comcast.net)
Classroom Visit Schedule for Bookfair -
Grade 1: Thursday, Oct.8th @1:45-2:30pm
Grade 2: Thursday, Oct. 8th @ 2:40-3:15pm
Grade 5: Thursday, Oct. 8th @10-10:25am
Local author, Mrs. Dottie Szypulski, read her book, God Gave You a Power!, to the Kindergarten class when they visited the Scholastic Book Fair on Monday. She spoke to the class about how she became and author and what inspired her to write this book. The students asked questions and enthusiastically shared what they want to be when they grow up. Mrs. Szypulski will be reading her book to Grades 1-3 when they visit the book fair this week.
Her book, God Gave You a Power!, will be available for purchase during the fair for $12.00 (cash or check only please). Proceeds will be donated to SMS. Our thanks to Mrs. Szypulski for her generosity!
Fall Festival Fun!
Even chilly weather and gray, rainy skies couldn't stop the Fall Festival from happening last Friday! The Parish Center was transformed into a "Harvest Hoopla" and a great time was had by all. Thanks to everyone, parents and students alike, that helped make this event such a success including event coordinators, Nicole Heiden and Kim Sandora.
There are still some spots open for our new after school Art Club with Mrs. Powell. Art Club will begin on 10/13/15.
Click here for a registration form.
Ski & Snowboard Club- Preparations are underway for the 2016 season at Ski Sundown in New Hartford. New information and registration forms have been posted to the school website under the Athletics section. Click here.
These forms can be completed and submitted beginning now. The deadline for submission without a late fee is MONDAY NOVEMBER 2, 2015. Note that Ski Sundown has changed their policy with regard to parents being counted towards the minimum group size. This will make it more challenging for our school to participate as our group last year was right at the 20-person minimum with 4 parents participating. For this reason you are encouraged to REGISTER EARLY if possible.
All students who are age 8 or older on 1/6/16 can participate. First timers are more than welcome.
Transportation to and from Ski Sundown will be available. Season pass holders can utilize the Club’s bus transportation. Please see the FAQ for cost information.
Chaperones are also needed and can ski for free. A Sign-Up Genius site has been established. Click here.
Please consider this activity for your child(ren). We have a great time and it would be a shame if we are not able to continue this year.
Lifetouch will also take individual student photos on 11/2/15 for the following students -
* If not satisfied with original portrait - Return your complete package to the photographer on retake day.
* If absent on the original day whether you are purchasing a package or not.
* If a package was not purchased on the original day and you would now like to purchase a package. Order forms are available in the school office approximately one week prior to retake day.
If a student is having an individual photo taken for retake or due to absence on picture day, business casual clothing appropriate for school may be brought in. Student may change into this clothing for the individual photo but must wear formal uniform for the rest of the day.
Any questions, please call Lifetouch at 203-735-5933
Students in 8th grade had their individual photos and group class photo taken by Paul Cryan Photography on Friday, 9/18.
Show Your School Spirit! SMS car magnets are available in the school office for $5 each. Stop by and see Toni Chagnon to purchase your magnets! Please bring exact change or a check made payable to St. Mary's School.
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