Individual photos of students in 8th grade will be taken by Paul Cryan Photography on Thursday, September 15 in the school library. A group class photo will also be taken. These photos will be taken in the Library portable. Eighth grade students should wear "business casual" attire representative of their role as our graduating class of 2017 (e.g, Boys should wear a collared shirt and neat trousers. Girls should wear a top that covers shoulders and dresses and skirts should be of modest length.) All other students should wear their "uniform of the day" on 9/15/16.
Hot Lunch Begins on Friday, 9/16/16, for those that pre-ordered. Please remember no "cash & carry" lunches are available. If you did not preorder & prepay for lunches, your child(ren) need to bring a brown bag lunch on hot lunch days. The next opportunity to order hot lunch will be prior to our Christmas vacation. Hot Lunch Volunteers are still needed. If you have completed your Virtus Training, serving hot lunch is a great way to be a part of your child(ren)'s school day. Click here to access the Sign Up Genius for hot lunch volunteers.

Parents Knight Out - Book your babysitter! Our parent/guardian community is invited to gather for a "Parents Knight Out" in the Parish Center at 6:30pm on Friday, Sept. 16th. This will be a great opportunity to meet families new to our community, get better acquainted and share "back to school" stories. We hope many of you will join us for a relaxed evening of community building.

FMI Eastern Regional Band - Instrumental music students that have completed one year of study with Mrs. Morse/FMI, are invited to audition for this year's Eastern Regional Band. Auditions and rehearsals will begin on Friday, October 7th at St. James School in Manchester. For more information about Eastern Regional Band, rehearsal dates and times and concert information, please click here.

Parent/Teacher Conferences for students in grades 1 -8 will be held from Tuesday, October 25 - Thursday, October 27. Each of these days will be a 12:45pm early dismissal for all students. PreKindergarten Enrichment is available but there will be NO AFTERCARE. Please click here to schedule your conference(s).
Kindergarten Conferences will be held in January from Tuesday, 1/17/17 - Friday, 1/20/17. These conferences will be scheduled during the school day and will not be early dimissal days. A Sign-Up Genius will be provided when the timing is appropriate.
Important Calendar Note - Please note that Friday, October 28 is also a 12:45pm Early Dimissal but will have NO PreKindergarten Enrichment or Aftercare because it is a Faculty In-Service meeting not conferences.

Chess Club is Back!
Beginning Friday, September 30th and running through Friday, November 18th, the chess club will meet each Friday from 3:30-4:30 in the fourth grade classroom to learn and play the game of chess. Our very own Mr. Markiw, with his two sons, Danylo in third grade and Max in fourth grade, will be working with a limited number of students to pass on the skills of chess.
Click here to sign up.
H.S.A. News - Thanks to everyone who has stepped up to help us revitalize our Home & School Association. Many of you have expressed interest in helping to coordinate several events this year including the Scholastic bookfair and a Lyman pie fundraiser. Stay tuned for more information about these events and others and, keep in mind, your help is always welcome!
The SMS Spirit Wear Shop is open and stocked with lots of newly designed merchandise. Click here to learn which Spirit Wear items may be worn as part of our daily uniform and which are suitable for recreational wear only. Photos of the new spirit wear can also be viewed. Click here for an order form.
Grade 8 Fundraising -
Here's another great way to support our 8th grade! There will be a car wash on Saturday, September 17, from 8:30am-1pm in the North (playground) parking lot. Thanks in advance for your support of our 8th grade!
Community News
Simsbury Scarecrows - The Simsbury Historical Society invites you to build a scarecrow for your family to enjoy throughout the harvest season. All materials will be provided and you provide the creativity! $15 for your first scarecrow, $10 for an additional scarecrows. Saturday, September 24 from 10am-4pm at 800 Hopmeadow Street in Simsbury. Raindate - Sunday, September 25. Questions - call 860-658-2500 or email
Be sure to give our Simsbury scarecrow a big wave whenever you are passing by school. We were so pleased to be asked by the Historical Society to create and display an SMS scarecrow.
H.S.A. News - Thanks to everyone who has stepped up to help us revitalize our Home & School Association. Many of you have expressed interest in helping to coordinate several events this year including the Scholastic bookfair and a Lyman pie fundraiser. Stay tuned for more information about these events and others and, keep in mind, your help is always welcome!
The SMS Spirit Wear Shop is open and stocked with lots of newly designed merchandise. Click here to learn which Spirit Wear items may be worn as part of our daily uniform and which are suitable for recreational wear only. Photos of the new spirit wear can also be viewed. Click here for an order form.
Grade 8 Fundraising -
Here's another great way to support our 8th grade! There will be a car wash on Saturday, September 17, from 8:30am-1pm in the North (playground) parking lot. Thanks in advance for your support of our 8th grade!
Community News
St. Mary's Parish Invites Families to Worship - "Back to School" time is always busy and sometimes Sunday Mass can be tough to coordinate. St. Mary's Parish invites all families to worship at 5pm Sunday Youth Masses on September 25, October 23, November 20 and December 4. These "Youth Masses" are open to all and offer an additional opportunity to worship.
Simsbury Scarecrows - The Simsbury Historical Society invites you to build a scarecrow for your family to enjoy throughout the harvest season. All materials will be provided and you provide the creativity! $15 for your first scarecrow, $10 for an additional scarecrows. Saturday, September 24 from 10am-4pm at 800 Hopmeadow Street in Simsbury. Raindate - Sunday, September 25. Questions - call 860-658-2500 or email
Be sure to give our Simsbury scarecrow a big wave whenever you are passing by school. We were so pleased to be asked by the Historical Society to create and display an SMS scarecrow.
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