Beautiful Lengths - We are excited to share that WFSB joined us for our Beautiful Lengths haircutting event on Monday. We are so proud of the girls who chose to generously donate their hair for wigs for cancer patients. Click here to share in the event.
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Cici M. & Nora C., Gr.1, looking freshly styled after donating 8" or more of hair to Beautiful Lengths. |
Campus Connection Update - Click here to read a new Campus Connection Update regarding the project to expand our Church/School Campus Facility.

Our April School Mass will be on Tuesday, April 4th at 9am in the church. All are welcome. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Student Council Lenten Service Project - Our Student Council is coordinating the collection of new adult socks as a Lenten Service Project. All socks will be donated to the House of Bread. Thanks in advance for your support.
Club Photos for Yearbook - Club Photos for our yearbook will be taken on Monday, 4/3. Students that participate in scouting may bring their uniform shirts for this photo, if desired.
The book fair is back! Stop by the Parish Center to shop a great selection of Scholastic's best books!
Monday 11am-2:30pm
Tuesday-Wednesday 9am-1pm
Thursday 9am-1pmPlease check teacher blogs for information regarding days and times for class visits.
y estan invitados! All are invited to view the Middle School projects about Spanish speaking countries. Projects will be on display on Friday, April 7th, in the Parish Center from 10-11am. Please stop by if you can. Visitors should sign in at the school office before heading down to the Parish Center.
Palm Sunday Procession On Palm Sunday, April 9, there will be a procession of the children of the parish from the Parish Center to the Church before the 9:30am Mass. Father Matera is inviting children in grades 1-8 to participate in the procession. Children who participate in the procession should meet in the Parish Center at 9:00 AM where Palms will be blessed. The procession to the Church will begin at 9:20 AM.
Spring Vacation - School will be closed Monday, 4/10 - Monday, 4/17 for Spring Vacation. School reopens TUESDAY, April 18th. Relaxed Uniform may be worn by all students in grades K-8 beginning on 4/18.
Snow Day Makeup Days - So far, we have had 5 snow days. At this time, we do not plan to use Easter Monday, April 17, as a make up day - it will remain a day off. This brings our final day of school to Thursday, June 15th. If we should have another snow day, it will be added on. Our last day will be a 12:45pm early dismissal with no PreK Enrichment or Aftercare.
A Reminder Regarding Changes to Daily Dismissal - Please make every effort to contact the school office before noon if you need to change your child(ren)'s dismissal arrangements. We understand that sometimes, last minute changes occur but it becomes challenging to communicate dismissal change information that is reported to us late in the day. Our objective is to always ensure a safe transition at the end of the school day. Thank you for your consideration.
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First and third grade students paired up recently & experienced some buddy writing. They used the story, How To Get A Girlfriend which was written and illustrated by 3 kindergarten students in Croatia! Isn't that amazing?! After reading, students then brainstormed funny and entertaining "how to" topics.
Robotics Club will be starting right after April Vacation - Students in grades 6-8 are invited to participate in this year's session of Robotics Club. The first session will be on Thursday, April 20 from 3:30-5pm. Sessions will run on Thursdays through Thursday, May 25. There is a $10 fee to participate. Click here for more information and to download a sign up form.
2017-18 Enrollment packets were emailed to all families on Friday, 3/10/17. If you did not receive your electronic enrollment packet, please contact the school office. Please carefully review all of the attachments that accompany this email as there are several forms that must be printed, completed and returned. Additionally, there is important information about next year's tuition, financial assistance and your family's CHOICE obligation for 2017-2018.
Our congratulations to the Cosgrove and Prausa families. These 2 families were the recipients of the Family Enrollment Fee waiver at Moving Up Knight.

Get ready to celebrate our 60th Anniversary!

- $100 per person, table of ten $1,000.
To purchase your tickets using our preferred method, please send payment to Toni Chagnon in the school office. Checks should be payable to St. Mary's School with "Gala" in the memo section. If you wish to pay by credit card, click here. Please contact Toni Chagnon for more information 860-658-9412/ Proceeds raised from this event will support our school technology program.
A "Knight" in PreK - Our SMS Knight visited classrooms on Tuesday with a small reminder of our upcoming Gala. |
CHOICE Program News -
March Choice Statements have been emailed. If you have participated in the program, this reflects your choice earnings for the year through February 2017. Thank you for your participation in the program! If you do not intend to make any purchases through the choice program, this is a reminder to send in your opt-out payment for the 2016-17 school year before April 30th.

Moms in Prayer - Moms in Prayer will be meeting on Wednesday, April 19th from 8:30-10am in the Lower Church Library. Psalm 119:105 tells us “Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path.” Please join us to watch the video presentation “Guarding Your Child’s Heart” by Dr. Gary Smalley, about the importance of grounding our children in faith, through the memorization of scripture. Please contact Christine Sinopoli at or (860)558-9868 if you have any questions. Children are welcome.
SMS Stars
Congratulations to our student musicians that participated in the FMI All-State Band Concert at Central Connecticut State University on Saturday, 3/25. Joseph K., Gr. 5 performed with the Gala Band on trumpet. Hannah K., Sophia G. and Francesca C., all Gr. 7, performed with the Symphonic Band. Hannah plays the flute. Sophia and Francesca both play the clarinet. Participation in the All-State Band is by audition and also requires participation in the FMI Regional Band in the fall. Students practice for several weeks on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings in preparation for the All-State Concert. Students from over 46 Catholic schools participate in the All-State Band. Our thanks to the parents of these students for their willingness to drive to these weekend rehearsals and also to our FMI Instructor, Mrs. Debbie Morse, for her help in preparing these students for this wonderful concert.
Alumni News - Congratulations to Domenic Cirielli, SMS Class of '14. Domenic will be inducted to the National Business Honor Society in a ceremony at Simsbury High School this week.
Community News -
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Tickets are $16 (which includes all fees) and can be reserved here After each show, you can have your picture taken with Ariel and Prince Eric. What fun! We are proud to share that several SMS alums are part of the cast of this show including: Joanna Kuziak, SMS Class of '15, as Ariel; John Sullivan as Prince Eric, James Sullivan as Scuttle, Brendan Wlochowski as Chef Louis, all SMS Class of'15; Ally Voelker, SMS Class of '13 and Lindsey Voelker, SMS Class of '15 as Mersisters.
Granny's Attic & Granny's Boutique - It's everyone's favorite tag sale! We
encourage families to donate unwanted treasures they no longer need. Items must
be in good
to excellent condition and clean. Last year we made over $19,000. One-half of the proceeds
directly benefit St. Mary’s School! This year we will also be accepting clean
gently used coats and clothing. Antiques or collectibles will be specially
priced. If you are donating an item that has a cord or remote please tape it to
the item. Items that we will not accept due to state regulations and/or are not
of interest for buyers are: automobile tires, computers, monitors, printers,
old computer software, paint, chemicals, fertilizers, batteries, full size
appliances, magazines, Reader’s Digest, textbooks, encyclopedias, mattresses,
TV’s, skis, car seats, heavy exercise equipment, trunks, dorm refrigerators and
disposable or personal items such as cosmetics, electric razors, or
toothbrushes. Location will be the Wagner Showroom, thanks to the generosity of
Rick and Carole Wagner. If you have questions and/or
would like to volunteer to collect, sort and assist in selling, please contact
Jane Stevenson 860-651-5017
Collection dates: Wednesday, 4/19 - Thursday, 4/20 and Friday, 4/21 4pm-7pm
and Saturday, 4/22 and Sunday, 4/23 9am-4pm
Granny’s Attic will be
open to the public: Mon 4/24-Sat 4/29: for times refer to St.
Mary’s website
Volunteers Needed: As of this week, only 21 of a possible 350 time slots are filled. We have jobs for everyone, from organizing before the sale, helping customers on sell dates and the “Great Clean Up” after the sale. Sign up now and plan to spend the day serving our church and school and meeting new friends! There is a link to the sign up genius on the front page of St. Mary’s Church website or you can follow the link Thanks again! Remember many hands make light work!
Simsbury Public Library is offering programs for teens & 'tweens in April. Everyone is invited to the library's huge Maker Faire this Saturday, 10am-4pm. Teen volunteers will be helping makers of all ages create slime & LED flashlights, plus we have 50 maker booths to visit!
Northwest Catholic's Annual Jazz Cabaret Night is coming up on May 6th!
Donations of wine or money to purchase a bottle of wine for the Wine Wall are being accepted at this time.
You are also invited to reserve your seats for this very popular evening!
At the event, patrons can purchase a cork for $20 and choose the bottle of their choice from the Wine Wall. Wine donations can be of ANY amount. Proceeds from this fundraiser will go to refurbish the small Steinway piano that can be used by any NWC student, whether part of the music program or not. Mr. Luddy, Director of Instrumental Music, often hears students practice or try to write music on this piano right outside his office. The cost will be approximately $2,500, so our goal is at least 100 bottles of wine for this fundraiser. Please feel free to contact Noreen Kuziak at with any questions about the night or donations.
To donate a bottle(s) of wine to the wine raffle, click HERE, or to make a cash donation to help with the purchase of wine, refreshments, or supplies, click HERE (let us do the shopping for you!). Donations are requested no later than April 28th.
To reserve your seats for Jazz Cabaret Night, click HERE. Please don’t delay – this event often sells out! This year, several SMS alums will be participating including: Jazz Choir members: Allyson and Lindsey Voelker, SMS Classes of '13 & '15, Brendan Wlochowski, and James and John Sullivan, all SMS Class of '13. Jazz Band: Sarah and Kate Jessen, SMS Class of '13, Aaron Belletsky, SMS Class of '14.