Munson's Chocolates Fundraiser! LAST CALL FOR ORDERS All orders and payments are due NLT Friday, March 3. Again this year, our 7th grade class is running a Munson's Chocolates Fundraiser to offset costs associated with their field trip to Boston. Order forms were sent home with all students on Friday, February 10th. Extra order forms are available in the school office. Chocolates will be available for pick up the week of 3/27 or 4/3 in time for Easter giving. Date and time for pick up will be announced soon.
Second Trimester Grades close on Thursday, March 2. Report Cards for students in grades K - 8 will be available on the Educonnect Parent Portal on Friday, March 10th after 3pm. No hard copy of the report card will be sent home.
Second Trimester Grades close on Thursday, March 2. Report Cards for students in grades K - 8 will be available on the Educonnect Parent Portal on Friday, March 10th after 3pm. No hard copy of the report card will be sent home.
Deanery Champions! - Congratulations to our Varsity Girls & our Girls Grs. 5 & 6 Basketball Teams! |
Get ready to celebrate our 60th Anniversary!

- $100 per person, table of ten $1,000.
To purchase your tickets using our preferred method, please send payment to Toni Chagnon in the school office. Checks should be payable to St. Mary's School with "Gala" in the memo section. If you wish to pay by credit card, click here. Please contact Toni Chagnon for more information
860-658-9412/ Proceeds raised from this event will support our school technology program.

Calling all girls!
Here is a message from Amelie C. in the third grade:
“If you have long hair and are thinking of cutting it, DON’T. I, Amelie, in the third grade am donating my hair to Beautiful Lengths which is a program to help women battling cancer by donating real hair for wigs. I hope you will join me during Lent in this community project.”
On Monday, March 27th, St. Mary’s will sponsor a hair cutting event for girls (and women) to donate 8 inches of hair for this program. Once the donation cut is complete, hair will be professionally styled. Karen Holmes from Bee Trendy in Simsbury will be the stylist. If your child is interested in participating, please contact Karen Corriveau at so we can begin to get a preliminary count of participants. Click here for a permission slip for this event. Permission slips must be returned to the school office NLT Monday, 3/13/17.
We are so proud of Amelie C. & Emi A., Gr. 3!

Moms in Prayer will meet on Wednesday, March 8th , at 8:30am, in the lower church library for prayer and to discuss the second half of the book The Blessing - Giving Your Child the Gift of Unconditional Love and Acceptance by Gary Smalley. Moms with young children are invited to bring them along.
Pep Rally 2017!
The entire student body gathered to cheer on our basketball teams as they prepared to enter the Deanery finals.
SMS School Board News - The Saint Mary’s School Board Nominating Committee has started the process to identify potential school board members for next year. Potential candidates may self-nominate or be nominated by someone else. There is no requirement for board members to have children at Saint Mary’s School. We want to ensure we have the best talent serving on the board. The needs we will be looking to address for the upcoming term will include individuals with a financial or CPA background skills or individuals with skills focused on advancement, marketing and strategic planning. Potential candidates must believe and support Catholic education and be willing to serve a three year term. If you are interested in being considered to serve on the School Board, please contact Claude Howard at Please include in your e-mail information about your Parish(Town), occupation, if you have or had students at Saint Mary’s School and your specific talents available to the board.
Community News
Simsbury Public Library Announces March Programs for Teens & T'weens.
Looking Ahead to the Month of May - Please make note of an important change to our school calendar. It has been decided to combine our band and vocal concerts this spring. Our Spring Concert will take place on Monday, May 22, at 7pm in the Parish Center. All students in Grades Kindergarten - 8 participate in the vocal portion of this concert and their performance is considered part of their music grade. Please be sure to keep this date in mind as spring extra curricular activities are scheduled since student attendance at the concert is considered mandatory. Details regarding concert attire and arrival time will be announced prior to the concert in May.
Community News
Simsbury Public Library Announces March Programs for Teens & T'weens.
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