What a Knight to Remember!
Thank you to everyone who contributed to or attended the Gala on Friday, April 21st at Farmington Gardens. With over 200 people in attendance, it was a truly special evening celebrating both our past and future. Click here to enjoy some pictures from the Gala.
We still have two items that can be purchased for their starting bids! All proceeds go to our technology fund for new iPads.
- Disney Hopper Passes: 4 One Day Park Passes that are valid at the Walt Disney World Resort in Central Florida which includes Magic Kingdom Park, Epcot, Disney Hollywood Studios & Disney's Animal Kingdom.
Value: $648.00
Yours for $300.00
- Simsmore Tennis: 1 Adult Membership & $20 Valley Racquet Gift card
Value: $275.00
Yours for $135.00
Please contact Toni Chagnon if you would like to purchase one of these fabulous items.
IOWA Testing for students in grades 3 - 7 will begin on Monday, May 1.
From Monday, 5/1/16, through Monday, 5/8/16, students in grades 3-7 will be taking the IOWA Tests of Basic Skills. Tuesday, 5/9 & Wednesday, 5/10, are reserved for "make-ups" due to illness. While these tests are one important indicator of a student's academic progress, we do strongly encourage you to help your child(ren) approach these tests with a positive outlook of relaxed confidence. Unlike many regular assessments, these tests cannot be "studied" for and the best preparation for them is a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast.
Students that may feel anxious should be reminded that these tests are just one measure of progress. Please also keep in mind that it is very important for students to arrive at school PROMPTLY by 8:40AM on IOWA testing days. Late arrivals will not be permitted into a classroom if the testing has begun until there is a break. Additionally, we ask that you try to avoid scheduling doctor and dentist visits during the testing period. Students cannot be called out of class during a testing period and no announcements will be made into classrooms during testing.
Grandparents' & Special Person's Day & May Crowning will be held on Friday, May 12th. Again this year, we are looking forward to welcoming special guests for a visit. We hope many grandparents and people special to our students will join us for morning prayer at 8:45am in the Parish Center. After a continental breakfast and some student entertainment, guests will be free to visit classrooms until 10:45am when the school community will transition to the church for our traditional May Crowning. Guests will be free to depart after May Crowning as students return to school for the remainder of the academic day.

It's Time to Order Your 2016-17 Yearbook - The SMS Yearbook is a great momento that features a photo of every student, club photos and candids from all our school year activities. Don't miss your opportunity to own this important keepsake! Yearbooks are ONLY available by presale and there are only a limited number of yearbooks printed for our school. Yearbooks are $28. Click here to place your order online. Our school code is 9415317. A hard copy order form will also be sent home with students on Friday, 4/28. If you have questions, please contact Michelle Howard at michellechoward@yahoo.com.

Product Change Notice for 17-18 School Year
We have been notified by Lands End that they are discontinuing the girls' PE shorts that have been part of our uniform code. We have selected a new solid navy mesh short for both boys and girls for PE next year. Ordering information appears below:
Boys' Mesh Gym Shorts - Classic Navy - Little Boy 470206-JU0 $15
- Boy 470207-JU5 $15
- Men 470208-JUX $20
Girls' Mesh Gym Shorts - Classic Navy - Little Girl 470330-JU7 $15
- Girl 470331-JU1 $15
- Women 470332-JU6 $20
Please note that when shopping for uniforms, you should always use our school code: 9000-9100-1
Please also remember that Lands End gift cards at a 16% profit rate are available from the CHOICE program.
Physical education shorts already purchased from Lands End may continue to be worn as long as they fit appropriately and are in good repair.
SMS CHOICE News - Please keep in mind that your family's CHOICE commitment for 2016-17 must be completed no later than April 30th. If you have any questions regarding your family's CHOICE obligation or the balance still due for this year, please contact Tammy in the school office. CHOICE purchases made after April 30th will be credited to your family's 2017-18 obligation.
Community News -
Simsbury Public Library has announced programs for teens & 'tweens during the month of May-
Kick off Summer with an Annual Tradition - The St. Mary's Carnival!
This year the carnival will run from June 7-10th. Click here for more information and to learn how you can help. Our school receives substantial financial assistance from carnival proceeds so this is a great community activity to support as a volunteer and as an attendee!