Thanks to all for your cooperation on our first day of school! Morning arrival was busy but manageable. Afternoon pickup was a little more hectic than expected due to the early closing and we are grateful for everyone's patience. As we all settle into our new routine, things will only improve. Your continued cooperation and attention to our adult carpool monitors is really appreciated as this helps keep everyone safe. Please be sure to check your email for an update from Mrs. Williamson regarding construction and traffic patterns.
Please make every effort to return all "Back to School" forms in a timely way. Student iPad use will begin once a majority of students in a class have returned the necessary forms. These are: Signature Acknowledgement for Parent/Student Handbook, Signature Acknowledgement for iPad Acceptable Use Agreement, Electronic Use Agreement and, if not already completed, iPad Coverage Agreement. All of these forms can be accessed in a shared Google folder - Click here
Hot Lunch Order Period for September is Open. All orders must be placed NLT Friday, 8/31/18 - no late orders can be accepted.
All orders must be placed via the Educonnect Parent Portal - User names and passwords were included in the "Back to School" email packet sent to all families on Monday, 8/20/18.
Prior to placing your hot lunch order, please carefully review the ordering procedures that are on our school's website - . Lunches may ONLY be ordered during the "open order" period. If you miss an "open order" period, you will have to wait until the next order period to participate in hot lunch. "Open order" periods will be announced via an email and via the school blog.
Last day to place orders and submit payment to office is Friday, 8/31/18. No late orders can be accepted. Your hot lunch order is not considered complete until your payment is received.
Hot Lunch will begin on Friday, September 7. Until hot lunch begins, all students should bring a brown bag lunch each day.
The first two weeks of school will be very busy. We encourage you to check the school’s Google calendar frequently to stay up to date. We also strongly recommend that you join our Remind text community and subscribe to this blog and to the blogs authored by any teachers your child(ren) have for homeroom or subject areas. Click here for helpful information about school communications.
* Voice Mail - Adminstration, faculty & staff all have voice mail available. Click here for extensions.
Virtus Training - Anyone who wishes to volunteer at school (including chaperoning field trips) or at after school events attended by students must complete Virtus® training and have a background check completed. There will be a Virtus® Training session on Tuesday, September 4th at 6:30pm in the 5th grade classroom. If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to If you need to attend Virtus® Training and cannot come to the session on September 4th, go to and then click on First Time Registrant to find other training sessions in our area.
All parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to attend "Back to School" night beginning at 6:30pm in the Parish Center. This is your opportunity to meet your child(ren)'s new teacher(s) and learn about the daily classroom routine. This year, we are excited to share that "Back to School" night will be a fun SMS immersion experience designed to share all facets of our community's culture, events and opportunities. Learn about all we have planned while enjoying a light adult beverage of your choice. A Sign-Up Genius will be coming soon so that you can sign up for babysitting.
Cadet & Advanced Band and Instrumental Lessons will begin on Monday, September 11. There will be a meeting for parents with students beginning instrumental music and band lessons for the first time this year. This meeting will take place right before "Back to School Night" (Friday, 9/7) at 6pm in the grade 5 classroom. If you have a student entering grades 4-8 that is interested in beginning instrumental music and band, please plan to meet in the grade 5 classroom at 6pm. NOTE - This meeting is NOT required for parents of students that have previously participated in band.
Picture Day! Individual Student Photos for all students, PreK - 8, will be taken on Monday, September 10th by Lifetouch Photography. Order forms for portrait packages will be sent home with each student on Friday, August 31. Please check backpacks. Please note that students may wear "business casual" attire on picture day. Eighth grade students will receive additional dress guidelines from Mrs. Work. A photo is taken of each student even if no portrait package is ordered since a photo is needed for the school yearbook. Group Class Photos will be taken on November 12th. Makeup and retake individual photos will also be taken on that day.
Picture Day! Individual Student Photos for all students, PreK - 8, will be taken on Monday, September 10th by Lifetouch Photography. Order forms for portrait packages will be sent home with each student on Friday, August 31. Please check backpacks. Please note that students may wear "business casual" attire on picture day. Eighth grade students will receive additional dress guidelines from Mrs. Work. A photo is taken of each student even if no portrait package is ordered since a photo is needed for the school yearbook. Group Class Photos will be taken on November 12th. Makeup and retake individual photos will also be taken on that day.

September School Mass - Our first school Mass will be held on Tuesday, September 11th at 9am in the church. All are welcome to worship with us. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Athletic News - Get Ready for Fall Sports & PE Club!
Grades 5-8 Co-Ed -
Grades 5-8 Co-Ed -
Begins Friday, 9/7/18 3:45-5:30
Coach Fraser
Instructions: Meet in PC walk to Iron Horse Fields together.
PE Club
Begins Wednesday, 9/5/18 - Grades 1-5 3:45-5pm
& Thursday, 9/6/18 Grades 5-8 3:45-5pm
Coach Gangloff
Instructions: Meet in the PC after school until Mr. G picks you up.
Running Club
Begins Monday, 9/10/18- Grades 2-8
Coach Williams
Instructions: Meet in the PC until Mrs. Williams picks you up. Pick up at Iron Horse Fields at 4:30pm.
* Virtus trained volunteers needed!
Basketball Club
Fridays - TBD
Coach Gangloff
Coach Fraser
Instructions: Meet in PC walk to Iron Horse Fields together.
PE Club
Begins Wednesday, 9/5/18 - Grades 1-5 3:45-5pm
& Thursday, 9/6/18 Grades 5-8 3:45-5pm
Coach Gangloff
Instructions: Meet in the PC after school until Mr. G picks you up.
Running Club
Begins Monday, 9/10/18- Grades 2-8
Coach Williams
Instructions: Meet in the PC until Mrs. Williams picks you up. Pick up at Iron Horse Fields at 4:30pm.
* Virtus trained volunteers needed!
Basketball Club
Fridays - TBD
Coach Gangloff
For more information regarding any of these activities, please contact Mr. Gangloff at
Campus Connection - Be Part of Mary's Garden!
You can create your own personalized brick with an uplifting message, a memorial to a loved one, commemoration of a momentous occasion, or a recognition of your family name.
By sponsoring a brick for our exciting Campus Connection project, your brick will be placed in the circular pathway surrounding our beloved St. Mary statue within the new Courtyard. Please click here to learn more and place your order.
Grade 8 Fundraising - Each year, our 8th grade conducts a number of fund raisers to help defray costs associated with their graduation activities and field trip. Two of these fund raisers will help us get our school year underway. Thanks in advance from our 8th grade for your support!
Campus Connection - Be Part of Mary's Garden!
"Every Brick Has a Memory to Share"
Sponsor a brick for our new St. Mary Courtyard
Now through mid-September
You can create your own personalized brick with an uplifting message, a memorial to a loved one, commemoration of a momentous occasion, or a recognition of your family name.
By sponsoring a brick for our exciting Campus Connection project, your brick will be placed in the circular pathway surrounding our beloved St. Mary statue within the new Courtyard. Please click here to learn more and place your order.
Grade 8 Fundraising - Each year, our 8th grade conducts a number of fund raisers to help defray costs associated with their graduation activities and field trip. Two of these fund raisers will help us get our school year underway. Thanks in advance from our 8th grade for your support!
Mark your calendar for Wednesday, September 5th
St. Mary’s School Grade 8 Fundraiser
Click here to download and print an order form for beautiful fall mums! Available in several sizes and colors, these will definitely put you in a "pumpkin spice" frame of mind and help our 8th grade! All orders & payments must be received in the school office NLT Friday, 9/14. Checks should be made payable to St. Mary's School with "Gr. 8 mum sale" in the memo line. Mums will be available for pick up in the Parish Center on Friday, 9/21 from 2-4 pm and after all Masses during the weekend of 9/22-23. Thanks in advance for your support!
Simsbury Public Library - There's lots of great programming available for teens, tweens, and adults at the Simsbury Public Library. Click here for all the details.
Squeezing out the Last Bit of Summer Fun!
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Sara & Megan(6th), Cullen (1st) & Kareem (PreK) enjoyed Lake Compounce before coming to our annual "Back to School" picnic - talk about a day full of fun! |
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