#uKnightedinPride - Just a reminder that Mrs. Williamson and Mrs. Gore are attending the Blue Ribbon Recognition Ceremony in Washington, DC this week. This ceremony is the well deserved highlight to being named a 2018 Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. In addition to presentations, networking, and small group discussions, awardees will attend a special awards luncheon. Following the luncheon, school representatives will go onstage, school by school, to be greeted by Program Director Aba Kumi and receive the National Blue Ribbon School flag and an engraved plaque as symbols of their success. There will be a livestream of this event on Thursday, 11/8, from 1:30-3:30pm - click here. We look forward to their return and to seeing the special plaque our school will receive.
Calendar Reminders -

School will close at 12:45pm on Wednesday, 11/21 for Thanksgiving. There will be NO PreK Enrichment or Aftercare. School is also closed on Friday, 11/23.
There's still one more day (Thursday, 11/8) to shop at our Fall Scholastic Bookfair! Feel free to stop by and browse the selection. Students will be able to purchase item at lunch on Thursday before the bookfair closes. Our very special thanks to Mrs. Prausa for all her work coordinating this year's Fall Bookfair and to the all the other volunteers who helped with the fair.
Veterans Day Assembly - We welcome all parents/guardians and all veterans to join us for a Veterans Day Assembly on Monday, November 12, in the Parish Center beginning with morning prayer at 8:45am.
Group Class Photos & Individual Make-up & Retake Photos - Monday, November 12th
Lifetouch will be at school on Monday, 11/12, to take group class photos for PreKindergarten - Grade 7. All students in grades K-7 should wear their full formal uniform for the group class photo.
If your child(ren) were absent on picture day (9/10) an individual photo will be taken on 11/12 even if no portrait package is being purchased since a photo is needed for the yearbook. If you were not satisfied with original portrait(s) taken in September, return the complete package to the photographer on retake day. Students having an individual photo taken may bring clothing to school to change into for the photo. School uniform should be worn to school.
Any student who did not purchase on the original day and would like to purchase a package. Order forms are available in the school office approximately one week prior to retake day Or online at mylifetouch.com -- picture day id: EJ418008Q1. Any questions, please call Lifetouch at 203-735-5933
Lyman Pie & Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Pick Up is Monday, 11/12. These products all arrive FROZEN and must be picked up on Monday, 11/12. The company specifies that pies should be refrigerated within 2-4 hours and the cookie dough should be refrigerated within 4-6 hours. Pick up will be from noon until 3:45pm in the Parish Center. *If picking up between noon and 1:15pm, please note that you will need to park near the rectory and walk around for admission to school since the playground gate will be closed for recess. The school does not have freezer space for items not picked up and will not be responsible for thawed items. If you want your items sent home with your child(ren), please contact Jennifer Miller at jenmiller1002@gmail.com. If your child(ren) ride the bus, please keep in mind what can be reasonably carried by a child who is also carrying a backpack and possibly a musical instrument.
Students in Mrs. Gore's fifth grade worked on making models of atoms.

Thanks to all that have already signed up to donate or volunteer. If you have not yet done so, there is still time and your help is important and needed! Click here to access the Sign Up Geniuses that list the donations needed by grade level. Please note that NO HOT LUNCH is served on this day since the kitchen is very busy making Thanksgiving dinner!
Athletic News - Is/Are your child(ren) playing basketball this year? If so, have you signed up for the Athletic Department Remind?
Please sign up for the Athletic Department Remind to receive all texts regarding the basketball program. Please note that the Athletic Department Remind is SEPARATE from the school Remind and has to be joined separately. All cancellations, changes and updates will go out through Remind. To join the Athletic Department Remind:
Text @smssport to the number 81010
You will receive a welcome text from Remind.
If anyone has trouble with 81010, please try texting @smssport to (301) 200-4763.
Are you ready to shop for the most important meal of the year? Thanksgiving is early this year - November 21! CHOICE has cards to most area grocery stores including Big Y, Fitzgeralds, Stop & Shop, Shoprite & Whole Foods. Or - take the family out and no one has to wash a dish! Cards are available to the Max Group restaurants and if no one cares for pumpkin pie - there's also cards to Peachwave!
It's Time to Order Beautiful Holiday Poinsettias! Again this year, our 8th grade is selling beautiful poinsettias to help defray costs associated with their field trip and other graduation expenses. Click here to download & print your order form.
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Just in Time for Holiday Celebrations & Giving -- Again this year, Yankee Candle Fundraising is helping us raise money to support our instrumental music program including the FMI Recorder program in grade 3. Shop now for the best selection of holiday items. Click here and then enter our group number - 999977285 - where requested under "Start Shopping". All products will ship directly to your home.
Community News
St. Mary's Parish Christmas Youth Choir - The Christmas Youth Choir will rehearse on three Thursdays: 12/6, 12/13, and 12/20 from 4:30 - 5:15 inside the church. All children old enough to learn the words to traditional Christmas carols are invited to participate. The choir sings prior to the 6pm Mass on Christmas Eve starting at 5:30pm. Please see Music Director, Gena Sullivan after Mass if you have any questions.
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