Mark Your Calendar for some Winter Family Fun at the Start of Catholic Schools Week!
Saturday, January 26th from 5-8pm ~ Family Mass & our Student Art Show Gallery.
Our annual art show will be presented after the 5pm Mass on 1/26/19. Students should wear their uniform to Mass. Families are then invited to come across to the Parish Center to enjoy the art show along with a selection of snacks and appetizers. Enjoy a cozy cup of cocoa from our hot cocoa bar while touring the "gallery". The art show theme this year is in keeping with our Laudato Si initiatives. Students are working hard and creatively to design and produce artistic pieces that will evoke taking care of our environment through recycling. Every student, PreK thru 8th grade, will have a piece of artwork on display for our community to enjoy.
Your RSVP helps us be sure we have enough food for this family event, so thanks in advance!
More Catholic Schools Week Fun!
Again this year, we will celebrate Catholic Schools Week with several fun activities for both our students and our faculty/staff. Look for additional details next week, but please take a moment to review what's in store!
Sunday, January 27th - Open House for Prospective Families from 2-4pm beginning in the Parish Center. Additional details appear below.
Teacher Appreciation Week - We hope to pull together some small gestures of appreciation for our very dedicated faculty. If you would like to help - please contact the school office. A committee is being formed to plan the details for these activities.
Student Appreciation Activities - More details coming soon, but, we promise there will be plenty of fun for our very special students!
Thursday, January 31st - Family Lunch Again this year, all families are invited to bring a brown bag lunch and join their favorite students at lunch. Times for Family Lunch Day are:
11:00-11:35 PreKindergarten, Kindergarten, Grades 1 & 2
11:40-12:15 Grades 3, 4 & 5
12:20-12:50 Grades 6, 7 & 8
Calendar Reminders-
School Board Meeting - The School Board will meet tonight, Wednesday, 1/16/19, at 7pm in the lower church. All are welcome to attend.
School will be closed on Monday, 1/21/19, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
Carpool Pick Up Reminder - Please keep in mind that the first two parking spaces in the carpool lot are reserved for last year's auction winners. These spots should always be left vacant for those that paid for the privilege of parking in them. Thank you.
Winter Weather Reminder - It looks like some snowy or slippery weather may be on the way. Please keep in mind that SMS follows the Simsbury Public Schools in regard to delayed openings, early dismissals and closures due to weather or other emergencies. A Remind text will be sent when the weather affects our daily schedule and an announcement will appear on the school's website.
IMPORTANT P.E. CLUB NEWS - Thursday P.E. Club (Grs. 5-8) is on hold until the end of basketball season. The plan is to resume Thursday P.E. Club the first week of March. Wednesday P.E. Club (Gr. 1-4) continues as usual.
Advancement News - 2019 Is Off to a Great Start!
*If winter weather forces a delay on Friday, 1/18, Jumbled Fairy Tales will be cancelled but we will look forward to seeing you on 1/25!
Encourage friends or neighbors who are wondering about SMS to come to meet our faculty, staff, parents and students. From cursive to coding, we'll be sharing what has made us a 2018 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence! Contact Toni Chagnon for more information or to RSVP 860-658-9412 or . Don't forget about our Family Referral Program! Click here to learn more.
We Need your Superhero Powers!
Enter your best superhero themed drawing by Thursday, January 24th and your design could win our contest to be featured on our t shirt for our biggest fundraiser and family event of the year, St. Mary's School Superhero Challenge!
The winner will be announced at the Art Show on Saturday, January 26th and will receive a free t shirt! For rules and more information,click here .
We Need your Superhero Powers!
Enter your best superhero themed drawing by Thursday, January 24th and your design could win our contest to be featured on our t shirt for our biggest fundraiser and family event of the year, St. Mary's School Superhero Challenge!
The winner will be announced at the Art Show on Saturday, January 26th and will receive a free t shirt! For rules and more information,click here .
Looking Ahead to 2019-2020 - Wondering how to sign up for PreKindergarten or Kindergarten at SMS? Here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. Applications are now being accepted for PreKindergarten. Our PreK program is designed for an older 4 or a young 5 year old. This includes children will be 4 or who will not turn 5 until after 12/31/19. Exceptions are occasionally made to allow a younger student to attend our PreK, please just call the office to discuss.
* Children who will turn 5 no later than 12/31/19, are eligible for Kindergarten next year.
2. Kindergarten admission for our current PreK students is "seamless" - there is NO need to apply for Kindergarten if your child is attending our PreK. Unless we are notified of other plans, an enrollment packet for Kindergarten will be sent to you automatically.
3. Kindergarten admissions for a student attending another area preschool or for a student will begin their first school experience in Kindergarten is as easy as filling out an application form and returning it to the school office with the application fee. If your application is received prior to early March, you will receive a Kindergarten enrollment packet during our normal spring enrollment period.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THOSE USING VERIZON FOR CELL PHONES - Please take a moment to read this very important information that may affect your ability to receive our Remind texts. NOTE - THIS APPLIES ONLY TO THOSE WITH VERIZON SERVICE.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THOSE USING VERIZON FOR CELL PHONES - Please take a moment to read this very important information that may affect your ability to receive our Remind texts. NOTE - THIS APPLIES ONLY TO THOSE WITH VERIZON SERVICE.
We have received information from Remind that effective Monday, January 28th, those with Verizon will NO LONGER receive Remind text messages. This is because Verizon will be charging Remind a new fee that makes it impossible for them to continue free service with this carrier.
IF YOU ARE VERIZON CUSTOMER - you can continue to receive your messages if you download the Remind Mobile app or email enable email notifications - both of which are free of charge.
Click here to read additional information. We would also like to encourage you to contact Verizon and request that they exclude Remind from this new fee so that you can continue to receive your text messages from the school office & athletics. Verizon Customer Service: 1-800-922-0204

CHOICE News - Winter weather's on the way! Do you have all the necessities? Bread, milk, hot cocoa, soup, a good book, cough drops, a movie, warm socks, mittens, ice melt, a shovel???? CHOICE has gift cards to every store you need to visit to be storm ready - Big Y, Stop & Shop, Shoprite, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Target, CVS and many more!
Avery Hatch, SMS Class of '12, is spending Elon's winter term studying the works of Dante in Florence, Italy. When not immersed in study, she is consuming all the pasta and bread she can! |
Alumni News - Congratulations to Avery Hatch, SMS Class of '12, on being named to the Dean's List at Elon University for the Fall 2018 semester.
We love to hear about our alumni's accomplishments and life experiences. Please send your stories to
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