Back to School Smiles - Do you have a "back to school" smile to share? Email!
It was all smiles this morning at Salla and Penelope's house. |
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Clare, Thomas, Daniel and Nora looking sharp on our first day! |
Hot Lunch Ordering Period for September is open now through Friday! All orders due NLT Friday, 8/30/19.
Please keep in mind that hot lunch will now be served 5 days per week and gluten free pizza is an option for Fridays! All orders must be placed via the Educonnect Parent Portal . User names and passwords were included in your "Back to School" email packet. These packets were emailed last Friday, 8/16, to all families that have completed enrollment for 19-20.
Prior to placing your hot lunch order, please carefully review the ordering procedures that are on our school's website. Lunches may ONLY be ordered during the "open order" period. If you miss an "open order" period, you will have to wait until the next order period to participate in hot lunch. "Open order" periods will be announced via an email and via the school blog.
Last day to place lunch orders for September and submit payment to office is Friday, 8/30/19. No late orders can be accepted. Your hot lunch order is not considered complete until your payment is received.
Hot Lunch will begin on Friday, September 6. Until hot lunch begins, all students should bring a brown bag lunch each day.
Back to School Forms are Due Now! We know it's a very busy time, but please be as prompt as possible returning your "Back to School" forms. Daily iPad use cannot begin until the majority of each class returns: Parent/Student Handbook Acknowledgement, iPad Acceptable Use Agreement Acknowledgement, Electronic Use Agreement and iPad Coverage Form and Fee. Additionally, we cannot share any great photos of your child(ren) until you have returned your Image Permission form. The PE and Sports Permission Form is needed for all students in grades Kindergarten - Grade 8 to participate in PE and team/club sports. Our school nurse and the homeroom teachers rely on the information you provide on your Student Emergency and Field Trip Emergency Cards. Your Directory Verification form helps assure we have the best contact information for you and that our school directory is accurate. Besides these "basics", there may be other forms required for your family/students including the acknowledgements from our new Athletic guidelines. Refer to your Back to School email packet or call the office if you have questions. Thanks! And special thanks to everyone who has already turned in their forms!
Cadet & Advanced Band and Instrumental Lessons will begin on Monday, September 9. There will be a meeting for parents with students beginning instrumental music and band lessons for the first time this year. This meeting will take place right before "Back to School Night" (Friday, 9/6) at 6pm in the Art/Music Room of the Magowan Center. NOTE - This meeting is NOT required for parents of students that have previously participated in band.
Lifetouch Photography will be here on Monday, September 9th, to take individual student photos of all students in PreK 3's, PreKindergarten and Kindergarten through grade 7. Picture orders may be placed online - click here - using our Picture Day ID: RI239207Q0.
If you would prefer to order via payment envelope, order forms will be coming home with students on Friday, 8/30. If paying via order form and envelope, these should be sent in with your student(s) on picture day not before. Please note that even if no photos are ordered, a picture will be taken for our yearbook.
Students, except those in 8th grade, may wear non-uniform clothing that is appropriate for school on picture day. Eighth grade students will have individual photos taken on another date. More information available soon.

September School Mass - Our first school Mass will be held on Tuesday, September 10th at 9am in the church. All are welcome to worship with us. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Fall Sports Clubs are Coming!
Basketball Club is open to students in grades 4-8. The club will meet on Fridays in the Parish Center from 3:45-5pm. The first session for the 19-20 school year will be Friday, 9/6/19. $40 participation fee. Please make your check payable to St. Mary's School with "Basketball Club" in the memo section. Click here to download a signup sheet.
P.E. Club - A different format this year. There will be one session each week for grades 1-8. Students in grades 5-8th will take on a leadership role as they learn to teach and instruct our upcoming athletes! Sessions will be setup to accommodate play styles for older and younger students. Sign ups went out over the summer (on the back of the PE/Sports Permission Form that was part of your Back to School email packets) Participation Fee $40 per month. For the 19-20 school year, P.E. Club will meet Wednesdays after school from 3:30-5pm in the Parish Center. The participation fee is $40 per month. Please make your check payable to St. Mary's School with P.E. Club in the memo section. Sessions are limited to 30 participants.
Running Club - Distance running under coach's supervision on a planned course, usually Iron Horse Boulevard. This club is open to students in grades 3-8.Session #1 of the St. Mary’s School Running Club will begin September 5th and run on Thursdays until November 21st from 3:30pm-4:30pm.
Runners gather in the Parish Center at 3:30pm and should be picked up at 4:30pm at location specified by the coach. Click here to download a signup sheet.
Co-Ed Soccer - Open to students in grades 5-8. Will begin September 6th and meet on Fridays. Students will walk down with the coach to Iron Horse Fields. Practice runs from 3:30-5pm. Sign ups went out over the summer (on the back of the PE/Sports permission slip that was part of your Back to School email packet). $30 participation fee. Checks should be made payable to St. Mary's School with Co-Ed Soccer in the memo section.
Please be sure your child(ren)'s teacher(s) and the school office know that student(s) will be participating in the club.
Co-Ed Soccer - Open to students in grades 5-8. Will begin September 6th and meet on Fridays. Students will walk down with the coach to Iron Horse Fields. Practice runs from 3:30-5pm. Sign ups went out over the summer (on the back of the PE/Sports permission slip that was part of your Back to School email packet). $30 participation fee. Checks should be made payable to St. Mary's School with Co-Ed Soccer in the memo section.
Please be sure your child(ren)'s teacher(s) and the school office know that student(s) will be participating in the club.
Announcing a New Club!
Does your Kindergarten, First Grade, or Second Grade student love math or get stressed out by math? Do they avoid math or look for connections in every day life? is dedicated to making math fun, relatable, and engaging for all students to enjoy, and it’s coming to SMS in September! Click here to download and print a flyer.
SMS Stars
Grade 8 Fundraising - Every year, our 8th grade conducts a number of fundraisers to help defray costs associated with their field trip and graduation activities. Your support is gratefully appreciated!
Beautiful Fall Mums Now Available for Order!
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Click here to download and print an order form for mums. |

Sara (Gr. 7) and Kareem’s (Kindergarten) first trip to NY city! Visited Times Square, Rockefeller Center, The Statue of Liberty and more!
What kind of summer fun has your family enjoyed? We'd love to share your photos, too. Email to
Community News -
St. Mary's - Connecting Our Community - Designed to spotlight the Campus Connection and our school's Blue Ribbon status, the program will air on the Tuesdays of September, 2:30PM and 9:30 PM, and and the Thursdays of September, 11AM on Channel 5 and digital channel 1084. Click here to view online.
St. Mary's Parish Picnic - Everyone is invited! All school and church families are welcome at our
Church picnic on Sunday, September 22, 2019 from 3-5PM in the North parking lot (In case of rain in the Parish
Center). Kane’s Market will be grilling hamburgers, veggie burgers and hot
dogs, you bring a side dish or dessert to share. Enjoy food, fellowship, and
fun with music and games. Sign-up sheets at all entrances to the church beginning on Labor Day weekend or click here on or after 8/31. Your RSVP requested for food count by Wednesday, September 18. Hope to see
you there!
Simsbury Public Library has Great Fall Programming- Click here for the Simsbury Public Library's offerings for teens and tweens.
Simsbury Public Library has Great Fall Programming- Click here for the Simsbury Public Library's offerings for teens and tweens.
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