Looking Ahead - School Will be Closed - Tuesday, October 1, for a faculty in-service.

Car Wash This Saturday! A Clean Car is a Happy Car - Help our 6th and 7th grades raise funds for their field trip this Spring. You can purchase an advance ticket for $5 from any 6th or 7th grader or come to the car wash on Saturday, 9/21/19 from 9 until noon in the north (playground) parking lot. Thanks in advance for your support!
Our Vex Robotics Club has had its opening session and we are very excited to be fielding 4 teams this year! The Robotics Club is open to students in grades 4-8 and meets regularly after school. Our thanks to Mr. Prausa and Mrs. Raymond for continuing to facilitate this club!

· Dr. Jessica Bookland
· Mr. Tim Sullivan
· Mrs. Doreen Mikan
· Mr. Phil Mikan
Whether it has been serving lunch, handling box tops or serving on the School Board, these individuals have helped make St. Mary’s School work. They will be publicly recognized at the annual Archdiocesan HOPES dinner next Tuesday, September 24 at the Aqua Turf. While these individuals are in the spotlight this year, we hope you know that we appreciate the efforts of all our very dedicated volunteers. The time, treasure and talent you so generously share with us helps make our school the warm, productive and inviting community it is.
It's time to pick up your beautiful mums! Those that ordered mums from the Grade 8 fundraiser may pick them up outside (weather permitting) the Parish Center on Friday, 9/20/19, from 2-4pm or after all Masses this weekend, 9/21-22/19. Thanks so much for supporting our 8th grade!
Kids In Business is back in business this fall! Register Now!
We will kick off this after school club on Monday, 10/7, for students in grades K-8. Participants will learn factors to consider when brainstorming ideas, how to choose a product and a price, and ways to market our sale. They will produce items for sale to our community at the SMS Festival of Trees on Saturday, 12/7.
Each participant must donate a minimum of half of their profits to a charity of their choice. Last year, over $400 dollars was donated by our wonderful entrepreneurs!
Dates: 10/7, 10/21, 11/4, 11/18, and 12/2
Time: 3:45pm - 5:00pm in the Reading Room of the Magowan Center
Cost: $10 per participant
To register, please contact Mrs. Carrie Herron, second grade teacher, at cherron@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net by 10/1/19.
Choice Corner:
We are happy to report that since "What's In Your Wallet?" was
launched at Back to School Knight 20 families have signed up with
GL Scrip and are getting into the groove of using the app.
Check out what one of our new families to GL Scrip has already earned:
In just the past 10 days, this family has stocked up on grocery cards, pharmacy, gas, and some treats (Peachwave) - Remember, ALL places they normally shop, spending no more over their regular budget- They have already earned $30 towards their Choice obligation!
Now, if they had considered participating in Choice just 2 weeks earlier, the furniture purchase they made would have earned them an additional $200!
Check out what one of our new families to GL Scrip has already earned:
In just the past 10 days, this family has stocked up on grocery cards, pharmacy, gas, and some treats (Peachwave) - Remember, ALL places they normally shop, spending no more over their regular budget- They have already earned $30 towards their Choice obligation!
Now, if they had considered participating in Choice just 2 weeks earlier, the furniture purchase they made would have earned them an additional $200!
Our Lost & Found is overflowing. If you are missing something please look in the Lost & Found bin outside the office before September 27th. All items left after the 27th will be donated.
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