Have you seen these smiles? A copy of our annual Blue Knight magazine was sent via US mail to all school families and all those that have supported our mission. Click here to view the magazine electronically. Extra copies are available in the school office.
The Hot Lunch Order Period for January is OPEN NOW. Orders will be accepted through Friday, 12/13/19, via the Educonnect Parent Portal. This will be your only opportunity to order hot lunches for January. Please keep in mind that Thursday, January 30th, is Family Lunch Day! You can order additional lunches (for parents, special guests) by using the Parent/Guardian tab in Educonnect. Payment should be sent into the school office as soon as your order is complete.
Hot Lunch - Snow Day Credits - If your child(ren) were scheduled to receive hot lunch on either or both of our recent snow days (Monday, 12/2 and Tuesday, 12/3), your account will be credited for the meal(s) ordered.
Tomorrow, Thursday, 12/12, is our Chess Club Open House! Stop by and learn more about this new club open to students in grades 1-8.
More Club News - One more team member is needed for our Mock Trial Team. This club is open to students in grades 6-8. The group meets on Fridays after school in the Reading Room of the Magowan Center from 3:45-4:45pm and is scheduled for a competition on Wednesday, January 22 from 4-8 pm at Kingswood Oxford School. If interested or if you would like more information, please contact club moderator, Nicole Bernabo at nnbernabo@gmail.com

Let's Get Cozy! Pajama Day is This Friday, 12/13/19 - On Friday, 12/13, students who donate $5 (this will go to CCMC) may wear their PJs to school. Cash or checks payable to St. Mary's School with PJ Day in the memo section.

You have Kidmail today! Save the Date for our Dad & Daughter Sweetheart Dance on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020. More information to follow soon! Brought to you by Knights United Family & School Association.
Again this year, we are going to participate in a new toy drive sponsored by the Stich family to benefit CCMC. New, unwrapped toys may be brought to school through Wednesday, December 18. Thanks in advance for your generous support!
School will be dismissed early at 12:45pm on Friday, December 20th to begin our Christmas break. There will be NO PreK Enrichment or Aftercare. School will reopen for a regular full day of school on Thursday, January 2nd.
We were so happy to share the "Sounds of the Season" at our Christmas Band & Choral Concert on Monday, 12/9. The highlight of the evening was the combined band and chorus performance of Joy to the World. We are so proud of all our student musicians and vocalists. Our special thanks to Mrs. Deb Morse, our FMI Instrumental Music Instructor and Mrs. Raimonda Jalinskas, our Vocal Music Teacher for their instruction and guidance of these students and for a beautiful performance.

It was a "Knight to Remember"! Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make our first Light Up the Knight holiday spectacular such a success! We are very grateful to those that baked delicious homemade cookies and those that donated beautiful handmade items to our Christmas marketplace. Congratulations to our young entrepreneurs from Kids in Business on their terrific assortment of products. It was a fabulous evening and we were so glad to see so many of our families at Mass and then at the event having a wonderful time. All proceeds from this event (other than Kids in Business) directly benefit our school and students. What a great way to kick off the holiday season!
Community News

Again this Sunday, December 15, CHOICE cards will be available for sale after all Masses. This is a great opportunity to purchase gift cards for the parish giving tree, as holiday gifts or just for your own use.

Simsbury Youth Lacrosse aims to provide a fun & exciting lacrosse experience for boys and girls of all skill levels in grades K-8th. Below is information related to the registration process which we encourage you to read closely, this note will be posted on the SYL homepage.
In addition, please note that this year’s registration will include a SYL “Shooter Shirt” (athletic t-shirt worn under the jersey) as well as complimentary access to the Simsbury High School lacrosse clinic in late March/Early April (more info to follow as we get closer to the season).
2020 Birthdate ranges by division and pricing is below.
U8 (Primarily K-2nd graders) - birthdate range 9/1/2011 – 8/31/2014: | $155 |
U10 (Primarily 3rd-4th graders) - birthdate range 9/1/2009 – 8/31/2011: | $210 |
U12 (Primarily 5th-6th graders) - birthdate range 9/1/2007 – 8/31/2009: | $230 |
U14 (Primarily 7th-8th graders) - birthdate range 3/1/2005 – 8/31/2007: | $240 |
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