Looking Ahead to March - School will be closed on Friday, March 6 for Faculty Faith Formation.
Our March School Mass will be on Tuesday, 3/10/20, at 9am in the Church. All are welcome to join us.
2020-21 Family Enrollment Packets Are Coming Soon! Today, Wednesday, 2/26/20, all families should have received an email containing information regarding tuition for the upcoming 2020-21 school year. The email also contained information regarding the types of tuition assistance available and the process for applying for tuition assistance. If you did not receive this email, please contact the school office. The next step toward our new school year is Family Enrollment. A Family Enrollment Packet will be emailed to all families in the coming week. This packet will include both a Family Enrollment Form and an iPad Coverage Agreement (for students in Kindergarten - Grade 8). Please be on the look out for this packet. There will be a special incentive available for those that choose to return their signed Family Enrollment Agreement and Family Enrollment Fee at Moving Up Knight on Wednesday, March 11th.
Up. Up and away to the next grade!!
Moving Up Knight is Wednesday, March 11th at 6:30pm!
This special evening just for parents will be Open House style from 6:30 pm to 8pm. Come any time between 6:30 and 7:30pm to learn more about what to expect in your child(ren)'s upcoming grade(s). This is a casual, informational, Q&A evening with adult refreshments and snacks. All faculty and staff will be here and we invite you to visit as many classrooms/grades as you would like.
Mother - Son Bowling! Moms, grandmoms, aunties and other special women are invited to a night of bowling and fun with their favorite son, grandson, nephew, etc... on March 19, at Blue Fox Rock 'n Bowl in Simsbury starting at 6 pm. Price is $40 per couple and $15 per extra child. Price includes rental, pizza, soda, and cake. Click here to sign up. NOTE - Event is limited to 60 participants - sign up promptly to avoid disappointment!
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On Monday, 3/2/20 - Give me an "I" for Initial Artwork! |
Let's Get Creating!
Create It! Club is open to Kindergarten thru 8th grade students and features a new creation to be made each week. Sessions continue on Mondays through 3/23. All sessions will run from 3:45-5pm. Crafty kids can choose to participate in just one or all remaining sessions or any combination. Parents only pay for the creations chosen! Cost covers materials and kids take their creations home!
Limited seats available, click here for more information and to sign up for sessions.

2020 Altar Server Training for New Servers: Have you ever thought about becoming an altar server? Then please join us for our 2020 training. Classes will be held from 4-5pm on the following Tuesdays: March 17th, 24th, and 31st. All boys and girls in the 4th grade or above are welcome to attend. Please contact our altar server coordinator, Sheila Garilli, at ServerLeader@
Virtus Training - In order to volunteer in any capacity here at St. Mary's, including chaperoning field trips, helping with hot lunch, coaching, etc., it is necessary to complete Virtus training and have a background check completed. We are pleased to share that there will be a Virtus Training Session here at St. Mary's on Monday, March 23 at 6:30pm in the Forcucci Faith Formation Center (in the lower church). This is a great, convenient opportunity to complete your Virtus training so that you can more fully participate in student related activities here at school. To register for this session, click here, select "First Time Registrant" and then "View a List of Sessions". Choose the Hartford Archdiocese and scroll to locate our session and complete your registration. If you have questions, please contact Michelle Howard in the school office.
Grade 8 Fundraising - Support our 8th grade and stock up on quality reusable, multiuse totes, organizers, storage items and more from Mixed Bag Designs/Boon Supply! An order form for Mixed Bag Designs was sent home with all students on Friday, 2/14/20. Orders and payments are due NLT this Friday, 2/28/20. You may also order online- Click here and then click on "Find a Fundraiser" and enter our Fundraiser ID# - 1040759. A couple of important things to remember - 1. Online orders DO pay sales tax. Orders submitted to the school office via paper order form DO NOT pay sales tax. 2. If using the paper order form, your check should be made payable to St. Mary's School with "Boon Supply" in the memo section.
CHOICE News - Just a reminder that families with students in grades K-8 have until April 30th to fulfill their annual CHOICE commitment or make an opt-out payment. All CHOICE purchases made after 5/1/20 will be credited to the 20-21 school year obligation. If you have any questions about your family's CHOICE obligation or balance due, please contact Michelle Howard in the school office. Also, CHOICE cards will be available after the 8am and 9:30am Masses this Sunday, 3/1/20. Credit cards are accepted with a 3% processing fee.
Alumni News - We are proud of the following alumni that have been named to the Honor Roll for the second marking period at Simsbury High School: Grade 12 General Honors - Shayna Glazier, SMS Class of '16, Grade 11 General Honors - Ellie and Mary McElroy, SMS Class of '17, Grade 10 High Honors - Francesca Cirielli and Greyson Kellner, SMS Class of '18, Grade 9 High Honors - Maggie Sullivan, SMS Class of '19 and Grade 9 General Honors - Moira Hughes, SMS Class of '19.
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