As directed by Governor Lamont, St. Mary's School will be CLOSED from 3/16/20 through 3/31/20. At this time, the School Office is being staffed from 9am-1pm each day or by appointment. CHOICE cards are available during office hours.
We extend our grateful thanks to our very dedicated faculty for all their efforts to make "distance learning" meaningful and successful. We are very proud of our students for responsibly completing their assigned work and communicating with their teachers. Thanks to all our parents/guardians for supporting our distance learning efforts and for encouraging your children to complete their assignments and be faithful to their school work!
We encourage all to follow us on Facebook (St. Mary's School) and Instagram (smssimsburyknights). Students (and parents/guardians) are encouraged to join us for Morning Prayer each day and Facebook GoodKNIGHT stories are airing nightly at 7pm! Mrs. Gore is sharing a chapter read aloud at 8pm!
Do you have photos of distance learning in progress? We'd love to see and share some photos of our students hard at work at home. Emails to

Second Trimester Report cards will be available on the Educonnect Parent Portal after 1pm on 3/20/20. No paper copy of the report card will be sent home.
Minutes from the 1/15/20 School Board Meeting are available for review. Click here.
Mrs. Williamson's 19-20 State of the School Report is also available. Click here.
Community News
St. Mary's Parish News - All parish events have been suspended for the time being in light of the Coronavirus. Here is a current parish update:
- Daily Mass - CANCELLED (Per Archdiocese of Hartford on 3/17)
- Sunday Mass - CANCELLED (Per Archdiocese of Hartford on 3/17)
- Confessions will continue to be heard on Mondays (6 PM) during Lent.
We will limit church access to the north wing and it will be sanitized daily.
The Parish is working on providing a daily video message from Father Matera, including daily readings and homilies. We will share information on accessing these messages as soon as it is available.
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