Sharing Easter Joy - While we could not celebrate Easter in our traditional ways this year, we did still come together as a joyful community in a beautiful video created by Mrs. Work from the family photos you generously shared with us. Click here to view.
Sharing the Caring! Many thanks to those that created cards for health care workers. We received a wonderful thank you from Mrs. Maseto (mom of Evan, SMS Class of '18 & Sasha, Gr. 8).
"I wanted to say a heartfelt THANK YOU!!! to all of you for everything you do to raise and educate our kids! I received this card in the mail yesterday and it made me teary eyed. I shared it with my staff today and will post it on our board! Kids thoughtfulness and support has added brightness to our day!
Again, thank you! from the staff of UConn Urgent Care/Emergency Department!"
Happy Easter!
Nadia Maseto, APRN
Brennan (Gr. 7) and his family brightened so many days over Easter! They filled all the Easter eggs they had, and spread them out on neighborhood lawns of those with young children on the night before Easter. On Easter morning they were able to see the magic come alive in their own neighborhood. How awesome! They also sat down to to write and color postcards to the senior members of their family who are isolated and at risk out in Ohio.
Mary Kate (Gr. 3) and her mom took the time to create a beautiful, inspirational message in their neighborhood!
Mary Kate and her mom are so right! We are all in this together and you can keep the caring coming and make a positive difference!
One great way to care is to brighten the day of a local senior citizen. Mrs. Mortillaro will be delivering handmade cards to the Simsbury Senior Center every Wednesday! Cards, like those created by Nicolas G., can be dropped off in the container that is at the North (playground) entrance to school.
As directed by Governor Lamont, St. Mary's School will be CLOSED from 3/16/20 through 5/20/20. At this time, the School Office is closed but emails are being checked regularly.
Distance learning has resumed and we remind you to please notify our school nurse anytime your child(ren) are unable to participate due to illness or other reason. Nurse Tyrrell can be reached at or at (860) 856-6811 from 10am-12noon on scheduled school days. NOTE - This is a temporary contact number established for the distance learning period only. Nurse Tyrrell will respond within 24 hours to parent concerns and questions.
2020-21 Family Enrollment Forms and Fees are overdue! Please keep in mind that the Family Enrollment Forms and Fees were requested to be returned by March 27th. If you have not already sent yours in, please do so at your earliest convenience. Mail is being picked up and processed on a periodic basis. Having this enrollment information helps us finalize our class lists for the upcoming year and allows us to order books, consumables and other supplies so our new school year can get off to a good start! Additionally, if your family uses Smart Tuition for payments, your completed Family Enrollment Form assures that your payments will begin on time in June allowing the maximum number (12) of payment periods. If your Family Enrollment Packet has gone astray, please send an email to to request a new copy be sent to you electronically.
Tuition Assistance Applications are due NLT this Friday, April 24, 2020! - Families applying for any form of tuition assistance - Click here to review types of assistance available and instructions for SMARTAID application.
#uKnighted & Growing! Even though the school office is closed, we are still accepting applications for new students for the 2020-21 school year. Our new full day PreK for older 4's and young 5's is filling up fast! So, if you know someone who has been thinking about Catholic School for their children or maybe has been impressed with the success of our distance learning program and would like to learn more about our community, please encourage them to contact Toni Chagnon at tchagnon@stmarysimsbury.

Community News & Family Resources
St. Mary's Parish Invites You to Stay Connected in Faith -"Throughout this Easter Season, despite being unable to gather together, we remain connected in faith and our liturgies continue to proclaim the Good News of Christ's Resurrection." Visit the St. Mary's Church website homepage for Staying Connected Through the Word. Once on the homepage, you may need to scroll down a bit to access the daily service. Each service is approximately 15 minutes and includes the readings for the day, a brief homily, and an opportunity for Spiritual Communion. Our thanks to our Pastor, Monsignor Matera, for making this resource available to us. The parish's website also has a special section that provides information and spiritual resources during this time. Click here.
OEEC has published some helpful resources for families during this challenging time. The resources include helpful articles about faith formation at home, suggestions to smooth the transition to distance learning and even some engaging videos for children. We hope you find these helpful. Click here.
Pope Francis’ Prayer To Mary During Coronavirus Pandemic
O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick. At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’ pain with steadfast faith. You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need. We are certain that you will provide, so that, as you did at Cana of Galilee, joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the Father’s will and to do what Jesus tells us: He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us, through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen. We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our pleas – we who are put to the test and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Pray for Us.
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