Lunch Program - Tomorrow - Thursday, 11/5/20 - is the last day to order lunches for the week of 11/09/20. All orders must be placed via the Educonnect Parent Portal. Lunch orders for the week of 11/16 may be placed from Monday, 11/9 - Thursday, 11/12. Please note that NO LATE ORDERS CAN BE ACCEPTED. If you miss the order period, you will need to wait for the following week.
Makeup Instrumental Music Lessons for Beginner (first year) students will be held on Friday, 11/6/20. Beginner instrumental music students are reminded to bring instruments, music and accessories. Makeup date for Advanced students will be announced once scheduled.
NO student "makeup/retake"photos or group class photos on Monday, 11/9 - Lifetouch Photos has had to change our scheduled date for makeups & retakes of individual student photos. If your child was absent on our original picture day in September or you would like a retake, please stay tuned for a new date to be announced. Please also note that to accommodate social distancing and safety concerns, Lifetouch has also announced a new format for "group class" photos this year. Rather than a traditional "group class photo", you may expect to receive a "composite" photo featuring pictures of all students in your child's class once all makeups and retakes have been accomplished.
Our November School Mass will be on Tuesday, 11/10/20. We will continue to have a limited number of students attend Mass in the church while others attend via livestreaming in the Parish Center. At this time, parents are requested not to attend these Masses so we can comply with current restrictions on attendance.
Fall Bookfair is Open 24 hours a day!! It's an Online Bookfair this year. - Shopping continues through Sunday, November 8 - click here. Click here to view an informational video about how the online fair works and how easy it is to browse and shop for a fabulous selection of books!
As the colder weather settles in, there's no better time to encourage reading! Books also make great holiday gifts!
Bookfair preview flyers were sent home with students on Friday, 10/23. You can also view teacher wish lists if you click here. Purchased books will be shipped to the school and we will send them home with students. Your orders help our school and classroom libraries! We receive 40% of all purchases to put toward books for SMS!
Pies & Cookie Dough are coming soon! Volunteers needed! Thanks to all that supported our Knights United Parent and School Association Lyman Pie & Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough fundraiser. The frozen products will be delivered on Tuesday, 11/24. We need several volunteers to help with sorting and distributing orders. Please click here to sign up.
It's Time to Order Poinsettias! Help our 8th grade with their fundraising and make your holiday decorating complete with beautiful poinsettias, or brighten the holidays for those in local care facilities with a donated plant. This year, there are 2 ways to order - using the paper order form or
shop online. All orders and payments are due NLT Friday, 11/20/20. *Online orders will carry a small transaction fee to cover credit card processing. Poinsettias will be available for pickup the afternoon of Friday, 12/4 and after all Masses on 12/5 and 12/6. Donated poinsettias will be delivered for you. Questions? Contact Nicole Heiden. Thanks in advance for your support!

Sir Ted's Spirit Week was a fabulous, fun success - and, we raised over $700 for the Simsbury Food Closet along with non-perishable food donations that will be shared with the annual Jack Bannon Turkey Trot food drive later in the month. Thanks to all who worked so hard to make Sir Ted's Halloween Hootenanny a great success! It was a beautiful day and the Halloween doors were so much fun for our trick or treaters. Thanks to everyone who donated decorations and time and to our sponsors for the candy and treats.
Winners of the hand carved Halloween pumpkins were the Canfields, O'Dowds, La Chance, Damian and Devoe families!
It was a close race for winners of the best decorated doors but, just by a small "boo", grades 2 and 7 are the winners and students will enjoy a special pizza lunch on Friday, November 13.
Students in Mrs. Mortillaro's third grade along with the third grade room parents created a beautiful Halloween/All Saints Day display outside of the classroom. It was particularly beautiful when illuminated at night. In addition to the beautiful "stained glass windows" created by third grade students, there were gravestones with interesting facts about the saints. Great job, Grade 3!
On Saturday, 10/31, the Archdiocese celebrated the beatification of Fr. Michael McGivney, the first CT native to be beatified. Fr. McGivney served as a pastor in New Haven and founded the Knights of Columbus as part of his evangelization efforts. You can learn more about Fr. McGivney and the cause for his sainthood here. St. Mary’s school played a role in this historic and solemn event by having 4th grader Madeline Z. sing a duet of Dona Nobis Pacem during the Mass. Congratulations to Madeline and her family on this honor.
New App Exclusive! CHOICE Cards from GL Scrip delivered right to your home!
Your gift cards can now be sent right to your door! There are 250+ brands that offer gift cards
that can be delivered right to you. Using
the RaiseRight app to shop, filter your search by gift cards that are "ship to
home" eligible. Or, look for the label on
the details page of the brands you shop.
If you have any questions, please email
As we all continue to make our way through these days that so often feature uncertainty and even anxiety, this prayer from Pope John Paul II seems most appropriate -
Lord Jesus Christ,
who are called the Prince of Peace,
who are yourself our peace and reconciliation,
who so often said, "Peace to you,"
grant us peace.
Make all men and women
witnesses of truth, justice, and brotherly love.
Banish from their hearts
whatever might endanger peace.
Enlighten our rulers
that they may guarantee and defend
the great gift of peace.
May all peoples on the earth
become as brothers and sisters.
May longed for peace blossom forth
and reign always over us all.