Lunch Program - Tomorrow - Thursday, 11/19/20 - is the last day to order lunches for the week of 11/23/20. All orders must be placed via the Educonnect Parent Portal. Lunch orders for the week of 11/30 may be placed from Monday, 11/23- Thursday, 11/26. Please note that NO LATE ORDERS CAN BE ACCEPTED. If you miss the order period, you will need to wait for the following week. 
Mrs. Williamson invites you to TONIGHT'S (Weds., 11/18) Zoom School Board Meeting. Mrs. Williamson will present the annual State of the School report. Mrs. Williamson has sent out an email with the meeting invitation link and passcode. The subject line was "School Board and Snow Days!"
Thanksgiving Calendar Reminders -
School will be dismissed early at 12:45pm on Wednesday, 11/25. There will be no aftercare available.
In addition to Thursday, 11/26 and Friday, 11/27, school will also be closed on Monday, 11/30. Eighth grade students are reminded that they should begin to wear the formal uniform on Tuesday, 12/1.
Looking Ahead to December -
First Trimester Report Cards will be available on the Educonnect Parent Portal on Friday, 12/4/20. Please remember that no paper copy of the report card will be sent home.
Our December School Mass will celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on Tuesday, December 8, at 9:15am. We will continue to have some students attend Mass in the Church while others attend via livestream here at school. At this time, parents are still requested to refrain from attending the Mass to comply with health and safety guidelines.
Knights United is very excited to announce that we have come up with a plan to celebrate our 2nd Annual Sir Ted's Light up the Knight! We love celebrating Christmas and are working hard to find safe and fun ways to not let COVID cancel Christmas festivities!
Be on the lookout for a calendar of events that includes an online Gingerbread House contest and a Cutest Christmas Critters Contest! Prizes to be awarded!
The largest and most exciting event that we are planning is a drive thru Christmas light experience on Saturday, Dec. 12th from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. This light display will take place on St. Mary's School & Church campus and will be open to the greater community as well.
The only thing we need from you is your help. In order to make this event come to life we need as many volunteers as possible to help set up the light displays. This is a large undertaking and if we are not able to get enough help then we will not be able to make this event happen. Please take a look at the sign up and help us hang some lights! We will need all volunteers signed up by Monday, November 23rd. Click here to volunteer.
*Middle School students wishing to volunteer as part of service hours are welcome to attend set-up but SHOULD NOT SIGN UP via the Sign Up Genius. Sign Up Genius is for required number of adult volunteers to run this event.
There's Still Time to Order Poinsettias! All orders and payments are due NLT this Friday, 11/20/20. Help our 8th grade with their fundraising and make your holiday decorating complete with beautiful poinsettias, or brighten the holidays for those in local care facilities with a donated plant. This year, there are 2 ways to order - using the paper order form or shop online. *Online orders will carry a small transaction fee to cover credit card processing. Poinsettias will be available for pickup the afternoon of Friday, 12/4, and after all Masses on 12/5 and 12/6. Donated poinsettias will be delivered for you. Questions? Contact Nicole Heiden. Thanks in advance for your support!
It's almost time to pick up Lyman Pies & Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough - Pick up is next Tuesday, 11/24, 2-4pm. Thanks to all who purchased from this fundraiser. All pies and cookie dough arrive FROZEN AND MUST BE PICKED UP ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 between 2-4pm. Pick up will be from the Parish Center.
Items will not be sent our to carpool with students or home with bus students unless we are specifically told to do this. **We still need several volunteers to help with sorting and distributing orders. Please click here to sign up. ** Questions? Please contact Karen Russo at krusso201@comcast.net.
Jack (Gr.1) and Owen (K) made out their shopping lists
and loaded up their carts with donations for the annual
Jack Bannon Turkey Trot! Thanks, guys, for being
#uKnighted in generous sharing!
Thanks to all who supported the Jack Bannon Turkey Trot by participating in Monday's Spirit Day and donating non-perishables. We had a sizable collection of food for the truck when it arrived this morning.
We are also grateful for the many $5 (and more) donations that have made it possible for us to "host" a 2020 version of our annual Senior Citizen Luncheon. We missed hosting all our guests today and having so many of you here cooking and serving but your generosity has helped make this Thanksgiving a much nicer holiday for many!
In keeping with our annual tradition, students
made handmade cards to accompany the lunches!
St. Mary's Parish Invites You - SAVE THE DATE!Sheri Dursin will be St. Mary's Advent guest speaker and will share her topic: “Mary-Yes!”. Sheri will share what courage and faith it must have taken to say “yes”—an act of complete surrender to God’s will. We hope you can join us for an evening of reflection for all women of our Parish! Wednesday, December 16 – 7PM. Our talk will be held in the church for those who can attend in person and will be live- streamed for those who cannot. To see the discussion as it is live-streamed, go to the St. Mary’s parish website
CHOICE Chat - ThankScriping Day is November 19 – 20For the first time ever, we get an extra day to take advantage of ThankScriping Day bonuses. Earn up to 20% towards your Choice obligation on 120+ brands during the holiday shopping season. Shop online or on your RaiseRight app. Check RaiseRight, today, November 18, for a sneak peek at bonuses! Email tprausa@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net with any questions.

Please be sure to use our school code when shopping for uniforms - 900132150 - to assure the items you choose are the styles associated with our uniform code. Also keep in mind that when you pay for your uniforms using CHOICE cards you are supporting our school & working toward completion of your annual CHOICE obligation.
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