School Board will meet on Wednesday, 11/20/13, in the lower church at 7pm. All are invited to attend. Click here for an agenda.
School will be dismissed early on Wednesday, 11/27/13, at 12:45pm for Thanksgiving. There will be no Prekindergarten Enrichment or Aftercare. School is closed Friday, 11/28/13.
Grade 8 students begin formal uniform on Monday, December 2, 2013.
A Warm Coat for Everyone! Again this year we are participating in the Hispanic Health Council of Hartford's Coat Drive. Please send in new or gently used, clean coats in all sizes. Coats may be brought to student homerooms now through Tuesday, December 3rd.
Typhoon Haiyan Relief -
Dear SMS families and friends,
Celina Esteban and the Bautista family would like to personally thank you for the quick response and generosity you have shown this past week in our efforts to contribute to the relief of the worst typhoon in history to have been recorded. I hope you are able to see the pictures that one of our nieces received from a college friend. The friend is from Tacloban and shows how a ship "PDDP-1" ended up in their backyard and another picture showing the roof ripped off their home. Luckily the family was spared physical harm and they have the means to rebuild. As the news has reported, there are numerous families that were not as fortunate. Your donations will be well received in these cases.
We thank you for your compassion and generosity in these direst times. The survivors of Super-typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda will carry on with the grace of God and the humanity the world has bestowed upon them.
Get your School Spirit Wear in time for Christmas Giving! Only 2 weeks left to order! Your friendly eighth grade students are selling terrific "school spirit" items to help defray costs associated with their class trip and other expenses related to graduation. Items for sale include nylon-backed fleece blankets perfect for sports outings, baseball caps, tote bags for grocery shopping or packing ski clothes, and SMS "fathead" stickers! Perfect for holiday gift-giving or stocking stuffers! Click here for photos, information and order forms. Please make checks payable to SMS and write "Grade 8 Fundraiser" in the memo line. ORDER DEADLINE: MONDAY, DECEMBER, 2nd. Thanks for supporting our eighth graders!
Thanks to everyone that donated to the annual "Turkey Trot" Food Drive! Students helped load the truck this morning and thanks to your generosity many of our friends and neighbors will have a more enjoyable holiday.
Home & School Association News
HSA Pie Fundraiser: Thank you to all of the families who ordered pies through the Lyman Orchards fundraiser. If you have any questions about the pies you received, please call Maggie Domashinski at 860-752-9875.
Technology Specialist Needed: Do you have computer skills, a logical mind, organizational skills, and a willingness to solve problems? The Auction Committee is looking for a technology specialist leading up to and during the night of the auction to be sure the network is working properly and to solve any technical issues that may arise. Duties will include ordering and testing the credit card terminals, set up the network prior to the auction and support the network during the auction, run reports and check for accuracy, and troubleshoot questions and issues that arise during the event. If you are willing to take on this role, please contact Michelle Howard at michellechoward@yahoo.com.
Playground Committee: The HSA and Auction Committee are pleased to announce that the proceeds from this year’s Auction will go toward the purchase and installation of a new playground for our school!
CHOICE PROGRAM - The easy answer to Christmas shopping! Make Holiday Shopping and Gift Giving Easy this Year!
CHOICE PROGRAM - The easy answer to Christmas shopping! Make Holiday Shopping and Gift Giving Easy this Year!
Shop St. Mary’s School CHOICE Gift Cards and get a head start on
holiday shopping! There are many retailers to choose from. In addition to
completing your holiday shopping, you are helping to support our school without
additional out of pocket expense. A
holiday order form is available by clickinghere. Please return your order to the school office marked “Choice Order”. To ensure delivery in time for Christmas, ALL ORDERS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE OFFICE NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 11TH.
CHOICE also reminds you that we still have Big Y cards with a 6% profit rate available - stock up now before the profit rate returns to 2%.

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