November will be a busy month! Please take a moment to review all our news.
Report Cards will be distributed to students in grades 1-8 on Friday, 11/8/13. Kindergarten students will receive their first report cards in January. Please keep your copy of the report card but please do sign and return the 5X7 envelope the report card comes in so it can be reused all year.
Halloween Memories - We had a lot of fun on Halloween last week. Click here to enjoy some photos.
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held next week on Monday, 11/11 through Thursday, 11/14. Each of these days will be a 12:45 early dismissal day. There will be PreK enrichment until 3:20pm but there is NO AFTERCARE on conference days. Aftercare will resume on Friday, 11/15. Conference appointments have been assigned for any families that did not complete their own scheduling. To access the Sign-Up Geniuses for conferences, click here. If you make a change to your conference day or time, please be sure to alert the teacher.

Please return your Open House Yard Signs - If you were nice enough to take an Open House sign to display on your yard, please return it to the school office at your earliest convenience. We do reuse these signs. Thank you for helping us advertise this important event.
Help all our neighbors enjoy Thanksgiving - Again this year, we will be supporting the "Turkey Trot" food drive. Mrs. Gannatti invites all students to bring a non-perishable food item and wear a hat in school or wear wacky socks this Friday, 11/8. These accessories should be worn with the uniform of the day. We will collect food for this drive beginning Monday, 11/4 through Friday 11/8. Please mark your donations for the Turkey Trot since non-perishable food donations will also be solicited by room parents for our annual Senior Citizen Thanksgiving luncheon.
Grade 8 Fundraising - Order your Poinsettias now! It's time for the annual 8th grade Poinsettia sale. Click here for an order form. All orders and payments are due NLT 11/20/13. Delivery Date - Friday, December 6th, 2:00 to 4:00pm in the Parish Center or after Masses on Saturday, December 7th and Sunday, December 8th.
Start your Christmas shopping early!
Your friendly eighth grade students are selling terrific "school spirit" items to help defray costs associated with their class trip and other expenses related to graduation. Items for sale include nylon-backed fleece blankets perfect for sports outings, baseball caps, tote bags for grocery shopping or packing ski clothes, and SMS "fathead" stickers! Perfect for holiday gift-giving or stocking stuffers! Click here for photos, information and order forms. Please make checks payable to SMS and write "Grade 8 Fundraiser" in the memo line. ORDER DEADLINE: MONDAY, DECEMBER, 2nd. Thanks for supporting our eighth graders!

Need to purchase some school uniform items? Lands End is currently offering a 30% discount and free shipping & handling on all items including school uniforms. Click here.
Home & School Association News -
Last Friday, the Home & School Association hosted Destiny Africa here at St. Mary's. Their presentation was invigorating, exciting and a wonderfully energetic. Performers also visited in our classrooms and shared lunch with our students. Thanks to our HSA for this great cultural experience for our students. A speical thank you Maggie Domashinski for coordinating all the details associated with the visit. Some of the Destiny Africa members are pictured here with our 6th grade class.
Senior Luncheon: We will be collecting food donations for the senior luncheon starting next week. Please look for the Sign Up Genius no later than Monday, November 11th. Non-perishable donations will be due by Monday, November 18th. We are still looking for volunteers to set up and work in the kitchen. If you are available, please contact Maribeth Mortillaro at (860) 658-7577.
Auction: Please consider joining our auction team. If you would like to help, please contact Michelle Howard at michellechoward@yahoo.com.
Minutes from the 10-29-13 H.S.A. meeting are available. Click here.
Box Tops For Education: Congratulations to the fourth grade class! They won the fall collection with a total of 963 Box Tops. Thank you to everyone who clipped and sent in Box Tops. We were able to submit over 5000 box tops, for a total of $550.80! Keep up the clipping so we can exceed that number in the spring. Remember that you can send in your clipped box tops at any time and have your child place them in their classroom collection box.
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