ADVISORY REGARDING SMS WIRELESS NETWORK & HOME ACCESS OF INTERNET VIA SCHOOL OWNED iPADS. Our school's wireless network is currently experiencing an outage. We are working to resolve the problem. Until it is resolved, student iPads cannot connect to the internet at school and Middle School students will not be able to access the internet via school owned iPads at home. Please remind your children that their school email and Google Drive are always available to them via any personally owned device using any internet browser. To access student email - Open an internet browser and go to From the Google homescreen, click on the sign-in box in the top right corner of the screen. Enter the student's full school email address and password. The password is case sensitive. If a student is having trouble completing these steps at home, please encourage them to see Mrs. Hatch and she will demonstrate on a school desktop.
Student iPad Use - Grades K-5 - Regular iPad use cannot begin in grades Kindergarten - 5 until each class has the majority of its required "Back to School" paperwork submitted. At this time, in each of these grades, a significant number of students have not returned at least 1 of the 3 required forms. The required forms are:
1. Electronic Use Agreement - This form must be completed for each student. The form was included in your back to school mailing and had the student's name on a label in the top right corner.
2. Signed Acknowledgement of Parent/Student Handbook - This acknowledgement page must be signed by at least one parent and by all students in the family. This page must be downloaded from our school website. Click here to download this form.
3. Signed Acknowledgement of iPad Acceptable Use Agreement - This acknowledgement page must be signed by at least one parent and by all students in the family. This page must be downloaded from our school website. Click here to download this form.
If you have not already done so, please send in these required forms as soon as possible. Once a class has the majority of its required forms submitted, the iPads will be deployed for daily use in the classroom. At that time, families that still have outstanding forms will receive a notice from the school office reminding them of what is missing so their students can begin iPad use too.

Virtus Training - DATE CORRECTION - Yesterday's blog incorrectly listed the date of Virtus Training at SMS as Wednesday, 9/19 - THE CORRECT DATE AND TIME FOR VIRTUS TRAINING IS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 BEGINNING AT 6PM.
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