Annual Notification Re. School's Asbestos Policy - Click here to read our annual notification.
Important Changes to Attendance Reporting Requirements due to Connecticut State Law -
As you know, St. Mary's School adheres to all Connecticut State requirements for health and safety. Regular and punctual student attendance in school is essential to the educational process. Connecticut state law places responsibility for assuring that students attend school with the parent or other person having control of the child. to assist the parent and other persons in meeting this responsibility, the Simsbury Board of Education, through its Superintendent, will adopt and maintain procedures to implement this policy. St. Mary's school will also implement and follow this policy.
An absence is defined as any day during which a student is not considered "in attendance" at his/her assigned school, or on a school sponsored activity (e.g., field trip), for at least one half of the school day.
Connecticut state law now requires that all student absences be reported in writing to the school nurse. If your reported absence does not meet the criteria established for proper reporting, our school nurse, Mrs. Kim Tyrrell will contact you.
The first nine (9) days of absence, consecutive or not, will be excused upon receipt of approved absence reports. After the tenth (10th) day of absence, consecutive or not, additional information is required in the absence report. The school nurse will contact you to discuss the additional requirements for reporting after the 10th absence if and when this applies to your child.
If you have any questions about this, please contact our school nurse, Mrs. Kim Tyrrell at HOffice@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net or 860-658-9412, ext. 12.

Mrs. Tunsky's New Fourth Grade Blog is now available. Click here to access this blog. Be sure to use the "Follow by Email" option to receive all future posts from Mrs. Tunsky directly to the email inbox you have entered.

* Labor Day - Monday, 9/1, School is closed.
* Parent Meeting for NEW Instrumental Music Students - Tuesday, 9/2, 6:30pm in the Grade 4 classroom. Only parents of students that are beginning study of instrumental music for the first time at SMS need to attend this meeting. See below Instrumental Music News for more information.
* Home & School Association Meeting - Thursday, 9/4, 6:30pm in the Grade 8 classroom. Did you know that just by sending your children to SMS, you are automatically a part of our Home & School Association. Your active involvement helps assure that our community does all it can to directly benefit our students and to keep SMS a vibrant, family centered Christian community.
* School Mass - Friday, 9/5, 9am in the church. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend our monthly school Masses. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
* "Back to School Night" for Parents - Wednesday, 9/10, 6:30pm in the Parish Center. Book your sitter and join us for your first opportunity to experience a condensed "Day in the Life" of your special SMS student(s). This is your evening to get to know his/her teacher(s) a little better, visit the classroom(s) and leave a little note of encouragement. This is also your first opportunity to sign up for your required Parent/Teacher Conference(s) in November. Signing up for your conference at "Back to School" night helps assure you get the day and time most convenient for you!
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