From Monday, 5/2/16, through Friday, 5/6/16, students in grades 3-7 will be taking the IOWA Tests of Basic Skills. Monday, 5/9 - Wednesday, 5/12, are reserved for "make-ups" due to illness. While these tests are one important indicator of a student's academic progress, we do strongly encourage you to help your child(ren) approach these tests with a positive outlook of relaxed confidence. Unlike many regular assessments, these tests cannot be "studied" for and the best preparation for them is a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast.
Students that may feel anxious should be reminded that these tests are just one measure of progress. Please also keep in mind that it is very important for students to arrive at school PROMPTLY by 8:40AM on IOWA testing days. Late arrivals will not be permitted into a classroom if the testing has begun until there is a break. Additionally, we ask that you try to avoid scheduling doctor and dentist visits during the testing period. Students cannot be called out of class during a testing period and no announcements will be made into classrooms during testing.
Open Houses for Prospective Families - There will be an Open House especially for families with children getting ready to enter Kindergarten or a primary grade on Wednesday, May 4th at 6:30pm in the Primary Unit.
An RSVP event to Toni Chagnon is appreciated
OPEN HOUSE YARD SIGNS - Please remember that yard signs should be promptly removed from your yard after the Open House on May 4th, and returned to the school office. We do reuse the signs. Thanks in advance for your help publicizing this event.

We will attend the 12:15pm Parish Mass to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension on Thursday, May 5th. All are welcome to join us in worship. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
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