In May, we will attend the 12:15pm Parish Mass to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension on Thursday, May 5th. All are welcome to join us in worship. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.

School Calendar Changes - Please make note of the following changes to the school calendar:
Primary Grades Field Day has been moved to Monday, June 6th, from 1:30-3pm. This event was originally scheduled for Friday, 5/20. Students in Kindergarten - Grade 4 participate in this event and it will take place in the North (playground) parking lot.
Middle School Field Day (Grs. 5-8) will take place on Friday, May 27th from 9am-1pm.
Wednesday, June 8th will be a full day of school with both PreK Enrichment and Aftercare available.
Thursday, June 9th will be our last day of school. There will be an Awards Assembly in the Parish Center at 9:30am. Parents of students receiving an award will receive notification from the teacher. This will be a 12:45 early dismissal with NO PreK Enrichment or Aftercare available.
Our first day of school for the 16-17 school year will be Wednesday, August 31. This will be a regular, full day of school with both PreK Enrichment and Aftercare available.
HOT LUNCH HELP URGENTLY NEEDED! Our school is able to provide a hot lunch program because of the volunteers who come in to serve the lunches. As we enter the final weeks of our school year, we have lots of gaps in our lunch duty coverage. If you are Virtus trained, please consider signing up for hot lunch duty. It is a great way to be part of your child(ren)'s day and helps assure that we can continue to offer hot lunch. Click here to access the Sign Up Genius for Hot Lunch Volunteers.
Used Uniform Exchange - Click here for the most current inventory from our used uniform exchange.
2016-2017 St. Mary's School Trust Scholarship Applications
Who can apply:
Any family whose children have completed a year's enrollment in kindergarten or above and will be enrolled in grades 1 through 8 at St. Mary's School during 2016-2017 is eligible to apply. There are no requirements regarding parish or religious affiliation.
Applications must be submitted no later than April 30, 2016. Click here for a helpful reference guide. Additional instructions are provided when you access the application link. The link for the scholarship application is:
If you have any questions regarding the application process for the St. Mary's School Trust scholarships or about other financial assistance that may be available, please contact the school office.
Additional Tuition Assistance - Again this year, tuition assistance will be available from funds provided by the Archbishop's Annual Appeal (AAA), the Catholic Schools' Support Program (CSSP) and our school's budget. These funds are distinct from the scholarships that are available from the St. Mary's Trust. The application period for the Trust Scholarships is also open now. Application details for the Trust Scholarships appear above.
To apply for tuition assistance from the Archbishop's Annual Appeal, CSSP and the school budget this year, your application must be submitted via SMARTAID. SMARTAID is a confidential service provided by SMART, LLC that helps schools to assess a family's need for financial assistance based on the information provided to SMARTAID by the family. St. Mary's School, with the guidance and advice of our pastor, Father Matera, will continue to be solely responsible for all tuition assistance decisions and the school will notify all applicants of any tuition assistance awards.
The application deadline for tuition assistance requests is May 15, 2016. There is a $35 fee to apply via SMARTAID. If this fee presents a hardship for your family, please contact Mrs. Gannatti.
Click here for a set of helpful guidelines for completing your SMARTAID application. To access the SMARTAID application, click here.

April Service Project - Donations are still being accepted! During the month of April, our third grade class will be coordinating the collection of packages of paper napkins to be used at the House of Bread. The goal is to collect 1,000 packages of napkins! Thanks in advance for your support!
Open Houses for Prospective Families - There will be an Open House especially for families with children getting ready to enter Kindergarten or a primary grade on Wednesday, May 4th at 6:30pm in the Primary Unit.
An RSVP event to Toni Chagnon is appreciated -tchagnon@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net.
OPEN HOUSE YARD SIGNS - Please remember that yard signs should be promptly removed from your yard after the Open House on May 4th, and returned to the school office. We do reuse the signs. Thanks in advance for your help publicizing this event.

There will be a Middle School Dance on Friday, May 6th from 6-9pm in the Parish Center. This dance is open to SMS students in grades 6-8. Food and dessert will be provided! The cost is $5 per student.
NEW! MOMS in Prayer. Praying with other moms lightens our burdens and provides hope, strength, and encouragement for our daily lives. Please join us each week for one hour of conversational style prayer to lift up our children, their teachers, and the school staff before the Lord. Tuesday mornings 9 to 10am in the Lower Church Meeting Room that was previously our PreKindergarten room - newcomers always welcome. Please contact Christine Sinopoli at christineds1213@yahoo.com
Alumni News
Our congratulations to Joe O'Bryan, SMS Class of '12. Joe is a Senior at Simsbury High School and has signed a letter of intent to attend Creighton University, which is a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I university in Omaha, Nebraska. Joe's plans include participating in the cross country athletics program and majoring in business. A special signing ceremony was held on April 19, 2016, at Simsbury High School.
We also congratulate Rebecca Rienow, SMS Class of '12. Rebecca has been named a "Rising Star" by the Valley Press. Rebecca is a Senior at The Master's School and will attend Geneva College to pursue a degree in Education. Rebecca has completed a vigorous literacy-training program and has volunteered as a reading coach for students in whole groups, small groups, and in an individual setting.
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