Have you started thinking "Back to School"?
We are getting ready for our new school year and there are already things to add to your calendar. Here's a quick calendar review of upcoming events! As always, we strongly encourage you to regularly check our school's Google calendar for updates and additions! Just click on the calendar tab at the top of the blog or visit our school website.
Summer Playground Dates - Meet new friends and catch up on all your summer news with old friends!
We are excited to share that there will be two SMS Summer Playground dates before the start of school. One is just for families with students coming to our PreKindergarten and the other is for all SMS families - new and returning! Both will be held at the St. Mary's School playground. We hope you will be able to join us!
Please keep in mind that these are not "drop off events". These play dates are designed so parents/caregivers and students can attend together and get better acquainted.
To RSVP for either or both of these playground dates, please contact Toni Chagnon at tchagnon@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net.
PreKindergarten Summer Playground - Thursday, August 18th at 6:30pm
New & Returning Family Summer Playground - Sunday, August 28th at 5pm. Families are invited to bring a picnic dinner to enjoy! Mrs. Williamson will be on hand to welcome everyone to a new school year and will have a treat for all children attending. There will be a "sneak peek" at our new Spirit Wear Shop and the Used Uniform exchange will also be available.
Morning in Middle School - All students entering 6th grade and any students new to our 7th and 8th grades are invited to spend a "Morning in Middle School" on Tuesday, August 30th from 9:30-11:30am. Students will have a chance to walk through their daily schedule and meet with their faculty mentor. School supplies may also be brought in at this time.
"Meet & Greet" - Students entering PreKindergarten, Kindergarten, and grades 1-4 and a parent/care giver are invited to a classroom "Meet & Greet" on Tuesday, August 30th. PreKindergarten will "meet and greet" from 9:30-10:30am. Kindergarten - grade 4 will "meet and greet" from 10:30-11:30am. School supplies may also be brought in at this time.
iPad Deployment Meetings for Incoming 6th Graders and Students New to Middle School.
All students entering grade 6 and any students that are either new to our Middle School or returning students that have incurred a loss of iPad privileges during the 2015-16 school year and at least one parent/guardian will be required to meet with Mrs. Hatch for a brief (15 minute) appointment prior to the start of school to turn in the required iPad "Big 3" forms (i.e., verify that iPad insurance has been paid, return signed acknowledgements for Parent/Student Handbook and iPad AUP and signed Electronic Use Agreement).
During this appointment, Mrs. Hatch will also review key components of the Acceptable Use Policy, use of the Notability App, school GMail and automatic backup to Google Drive and answer any questions.
No incoming sixth grade student, student new to our 7th or 8th grades or student that has been notified that an appointment is required will be given an iPad for school use -even once school begins - until this meeting has taken place. Our goal is to maximize student productivity with the iPad and to better assure appropriate educational use of the device. Questions should be referred to Mrs. Hatch at dhatch@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net or 860-658-9412. Click here to visit the Sign Up Genius to set up an iPad Deployment Appointment.
First Day of School - Wednesday, August 31st. This is a full day of school for all grades, PreKindergarten - grade 8 with PreKindergarten Enrichment and Aftercare available. Reservation forms for PreKindergarten Enrichment are available here. Reservation forms for Aftercare are available here.

School is closed - Monday, September 5th for Labor Day.
Book your babysitter! Wednesday, September 7th is "Back to School Night for Parents".
This adult evening has 2 events this year. The evening will begin with a meeting for parents with students beginning instrumental music and band lessons for the first time this year. If you have a student entering grades 4-8 that is interested in beginning instrumental music and band with our Future Musician's instructor, Mrs. Debbie Morse, please plan to meet in the music/art portable at 6pm. NOTE - This meeting is NOT required for parents of students that have previously participated in band.
"Back to School Night for Parents" will begin at 6:30pm in the Parish Center. Mrs. Williamson will have opening remarks and news about our newly revitalized Home & School Association. This will also be your opportunity to visit your child(ren)'s homeroom classrooms, meet teachers and learn more about the school day and this year's expectations for a great school year.
September School Mass - Our first school Mass will be held on Tuesday, September 13th at 9am in the church. All are welcome to worship with us. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Wondering about bus transportation? All students in grades Kindergarten - Grade 8 that are Simsbury residents are eligible for bus transportation. PreKindergarten students may not ride the bus. If you have recently moved to Simsbury or are a family just beginning school at St. Mary's School, you must contact Sue Caccamo, Town Transportation Coordinator, at 860- 651-3361 to arrange for your child(ren) to be added to the bus routes. Please also let the school office know of your plans to use the bus. Bus routes will be posted approximately 2 weeks before the start of school on the Town of Simsbury's website - click here.
Summer Assignments, Supply Lists & More - All of this information can be found on the blog's "Back to School" page. Use the tab at the top of the blog or click here.
Also, please be sure to be on the look out for your "Back to School Mailing". This year, this "mailing" will be sent to you electronically at the email you have designated as your primary family email address. If you are not sure that the email address we currently have on file for your family is the "best one to use", please send the email you want used to smsoffice@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net. Put "Back to School Mailing email"in your subject line and we will be sure to update our school database(s).
Hot lunch will begin on Friday, September 16th. Click here for Hot Lunch Order Form & click here for Hot Lunch Volunteer Sign Up Genius. All hot lunch orders & payments are due NO LATER THAN AUGUST 22, 2016.
Field Hockey Season Is Almost Here!
All students in 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade who are interested in playing field hockey - We Want You!! You do not need prior experience and it is a co-ed sport! The practice schedule will be Wednesdays and Thursdays, 3:45-5:00pm on Meadow Fields, Iron Horse Boulevard. The season will run Sept. 7th thru Oct. 27th. Mrs. Liljedahl will be coaching with assistance from Mrs. Arcouette. If you are interested in playing, please contact Toni Chagnon at tchagnon@stmarysimsbury. eduk12.net.
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Look for this certificate to help our school earn even more! |

General Mills and Walmart have teamed up to present a special way for our school to earn even more Box Tops. Specially marked, Walmart exclusive products will be offering 5 Box Tops instead of 1 plus a special coupon that is worth $40 when redeemed by our school. Please take a moment to read about this special promotion, review the Walmart exclusive product list and then be sure to clip those Box Tops & special coupons and send them into school! All homerooms will have a collection box. We are happy to announce that Mr. Kuziak will be coordinating the Box Tops program for us this year and thank him for his help
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These specially marked, Walmart exclusive products will earn our school 5 Box Tops instead of the usual 1! |
Is your family having summer fun? Again this year, you are invited to share photos of your family's summer fun and activities with our community. Summer fun photos can be sent to dhatch@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net.
The Mikan family enjoyed a seal watching adventure in Chatham, MA. |
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