If you have not sent in your "Back to School" forms, please do so ASAP. Student and Field Trip Emergency Cards have either been handed out at "Meet & Greet" or will be sent home with students tomorrow (Wednesday, 8/31/16). Please be sure to return both emergency cards NLT Friday, 9/2/16.
We are getting ready for our new school year and there are already things to add to your calendar. Here's a quick calendar review of upcoming events! As always, we strongly encourage you to regularly check our school's Google calendar for updates and additions! Just click on the calendar tab at the top of the blog or visit our school website.
INDIVIDUAL STUDENT PICTURE DAY IS COMING SOON for students in Prekindergarten and grades K-7!
Picture Day: Monday, September 12
Picture Day ID: EJ416010Q0
Informational flyers from Lifetouch Photography will be sent home with all students PreK, K -7 on Friday, September 2. All students will have a photo taken even if no portrait package is ordered for use in our school yearbook. Students in PreK, K -7 may wear casual dress appropriate for school and portrait photography on Monday, September 12. Details regarding individual photos for grade 8 students will be coming soon. Group class photos will be taken on Wednesday, November 9.
September School Mass - Our first school Mass will be held on Tuesday, September 13th at 9am in the church. Please note, this is a change to our original school calendar. There is no school Mass on Friday, 9/9/16. All are welcome to worship with us. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Virtus Training - We hope that many of you will join us as volunteers in supporting our school and students! All volunteers must be Virtus trained before beginning volunteer activities. We will host a Virtus training session on Tuesday, September 13th at 6:30pm in the 5th grade classroom. Please RSVP to the school office if you plan to attend this session. It is very important that participants arrive on time for the training session. In order to receive certification, you must be present from the start of the class. If this day/time are not convenient for you, there will be a training session at Northwest Catholic High School on August 30th at 6pm. To register for the session at Northwest or to look for other training sessions in the area, click here. If you completed Virtus training in a prior year, there is no need to repeat the training. If you are not sure if your Virtus training is complete, have questions or are unsure if the school has proof of your training, please contact the school office.

Parents Knight Out - Book your babysitter! Our parent/guardian community is invited to gather for a "Parents Knight Out" in the Parish Center at 6:30pm on Friday, Sept. 16th. This will be a great opportunity to meet families new to our community, get better acquainted and share "back to school" stories. We hope many of you will join us for a relaxed evening of community building.
Grade 8 Fundraising - Every year, our 8th grade students conduct a number of fund raisers to help defray costs associated with their field trip to New York and other graduation related activities. The first fund raiser for this year is a car wash on Saturday, September 17, from 8:30am-1pm in the North (playground) parking lot. Tickets may be purchased on September 10 & 11 after all Masses. Tickets will also be available at Fitzgeralds on the afternoon of September 11. Thanks in advance for your support of our 8th grade!
Teacher Voice Mail - All teachers at St. Mary's have a voice mail box that is checked daily. A list of voice mail extensions is available here. Please feel free to use voice mail to request a teacher contact you in regard to your child(ren) but please DO NOT leave information about changes to daily dismissal (e.g., your child needs to go to carpool instead of bus) on a teacher's voice mail. Requests for changes to daily dismissal should be directed to the school office.
Summer Fun -Has your family had a summer of fun and adventure? Again this year, you are invited to share photos of your family's summer fun and activities with our community. Summer fun photos can be sent to dhatch@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net.
Kelly D. in Sacramento,Ca at Suzuki 10 Piano. |
Hayden at Barnegat Lighthouse in NJ |
Mrs. Hatch spent some time admiring bromeliads at the Baltimore Botanical Gardens on her way to drop SMS Alum - Class of '12, Avery, at Elon University in North Carolina |
7th grade friends tried to stay "cool" this summer at a pool party - Jacob, Ethan, James, Evan, Jorryn (from St. Brigit's School), Cole, Mason, Greyson, and Carter |
You're invited to share a photo of your child(ren) and/or family on the first day of school with our whole school family. Photos will be shared via the blog if you email them to Mrs. Hatch at dhatch@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net.
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