Tonight is Open House!
We hope you've encouraged your friends and neighbors
who may be wondering about SMS to stop in.
Last minute drop in guests are absolutely welcome!
Open House will begin at 6:30pm in the Parish Center.
There will also be one more Walk-In Wednesday on October 25th from 9-11am.
The Hot Lunch order period for NOVEMBER is open now and will be open through Friday, October 20th. This open order period is your only opportunity to order hot lunches, including pizza on Friday, for November.
HOT LUNCH SOS! We are in desperate need of hot lunch volunteers on several days coming up soon -
3 volunteers needed on Wednesday, 10/25
3 volunteers needed on Friday, 10/27
3 volunteers needed on Wednesday, 11/1 (Holy Day of Obligation - Lunch begins at 11)
3 volunteers needed on Friday, 11/3
If you are Virtus trained and can help out on any of these days, please click here to visit the Sign Up Genius. Thanks in advance!

***Friday, 10/27, is also a 12:45pm early dismissal for Faculty Faith Formation.***
There will be NO Aftercare on Tuesday, 10/24 - Friday, 10/27. PreK Enrichment will be available on Tuesday, 10/24 - Thursday, 10/26 but NOT on Friday, 10/27. PE Club will be available to those that are signed up for October on both Wednesday, 10/25 & Thursday, 10/26 and will run from 1-2:15pm.
Parents with students in middle school, please make note that Mrs. Gina Raymond is only available on Tuesday and Wednesdays so if your child has Gina Raymond for math, you should select a conference on Tuesday or Wednesday only. Ms. Nikki Raymond will be available on all conference days.
To sign up for your Parent/Teacher Conferences, click here.
Spirit Wear Shop Will Be Open! Stop by the School Office.
Spirit Wear will be available to purchase during Parent/Teacher conferences on Wednesday and Thursday (10/25 & 10/26). Uniform approved sweatshirts, gym t shirts and fleece jackets to name just a few! All styles in both youth and adult sizes. Cash and checks accepted.
Tuesday - 10/24 - from 1-2:15pm - There will be a makeup session of PE Club for the session that was cancelled on Wednesday, 10/18.
Tuesday - 10/24 - from 1-2:15pm - There will be a makeup session of PE Club for the session that was cancelled on Wednesday, 10/18.
Hello to All the Children in the World! Second grade students in Mrs. Keany's class did a great job with their United Nations projects today. |
Early Drop Off is available! Our Early Drop Off program began on 10/16! Click here for more information and registration forms and reservation calendars.
Vision and Hearing - K, 3, 4, 5
Posture - girls 5th and 7th
Posture boys - 8th

Social Sharing Survey Update
Parents, thank you for recently completing the social sharing survey. We had a great response rate and a small team is currently analyzing the results. As a reminder, the purpose of the survey was to gauge your interest and support in sharing our St. Mary's School story on social media. Our branding efforts are important to actively engage our community to ensure ongoing retention, attraction, and sponsorship.
If you haven't done so already, please like and follow St. Mary's School on Facebook
St. Mary's School@SMSSimsbury

SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR! Tuesday 10/24 -Thursday 10/26
Stop by the Parish Center to shop a great selection of Scholastic's best books! The fall bookfair is an HSA fundraiser.
Tuesday & Wednesday 9am-3pm
Thursday 9am-1pm
Please check your child(ren)'s teacher(s) blogs for day & time of "class visit" to bookfair.
Would you like to work at the fair? Call/Text Jodie Burhoe 860-967-8842 or email Tricia Prausa at
Halloween is Coming!
Halloween is Coming!

Here are our parameters:
- no clowns
- no weapons
- no masks or face makeup
- no high heels (especially high heels that come with princess attire)
- each grade or group of grades will determine the time that students will wear the costumes; some might change in school and some wear them to school - please follow your child's teacher's instruction.
Parties are only allowed in PreKindergarten and Kindergarten. These classroom parties may not involve food.
Halloween Pumpkin Bingo will take place on Tuesday, 10/31, during the lunch waves.
"Treat" for a neighbor in need. Again this year, our school will participate in the Jack Bannon "Turkey Trot" non-perishable food drive. We would like to encourage all students to bring a non-perishable food donation to school on Halloween, 10/31, as a treat for a neighbor in need. Collection boxes will be located in the primary unit and the middle school and also outside the school office. Turkey Trot donations will be accepted until Friday, November 3rd.
In November, we will worship with our parish family at the 12:15 Mass on November 1 in observance of All Saints Day. All are welcome to join us. Please remember that no Physical Education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Formal Uniforms are Coming Soon! Students in grades K-7 will begin to wear the formal uniform on Wednesday, November 1. Students in grade 8 are extended the privilege of wearing the relaxed uniform until December 1. Click here to review the uniform code for formal uniforms. Click here for an easy refresher about ordering your uniforms from Lands End.

Recipes can either be typed into a submission form or handwritten on a 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. Recipes can be emailed to or dropped off in the office. Click here for a submission form. All recipes need to be submitted no later than January 6th. Our plan and goal is to have the cookbook available for sale late February and feature it at our Annual Art Show on February 23rd.
We are hungry just thinking about it! Thank you in advance for your participation,
Thanks to all who supported the HSA Lyman Pie & Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Fundraiser. Pick up of pies and cookie dough will be on Friday, 11/17/17. If you can help sort and distribute pies and cookie dough, please use the Sign Up genius to volunteer - click here.
CHOICE News - Going forward, CHOICE cards for Attilios and Joe Pizza will be available only by special order. If you will be needing these cards, please let Michelle Howard know a week in advance to allow time for us to get the cards. Thanks!
Big Y CHOICE cards are currently available at a 6% profit rate instead of the normal 2%. Big Y cards are available for daily purchase.

Lost & Found - A Lost and Found bin is now available outside the school office. Please have your students check there for things that may have gone astray. You are also welcome to take a look whenever you stop in at school. Please note that the size of the bin is limited and so items that are not claimed will not be saved forever. When the bin approaches capacity, we will let you know that you have a week to claim what is in the bin and then the items will all be donated/discarded, depending on condition. We'd also like to remind you that many, many items that are "lost" are never "found" because there is no name on or in them. Please label all outerwear, sweaters, sweatshirts and uniform items. We make every effort to return items that have a name on them.
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Community News
The Archdiocese is requiring all pastors to count the number of people attending Mass this weekend, October 21-22. The Archdiocese uses this "October Count" and other data to determine which parishes will remain open. Given the importance of this "October Count, families are encouraged to make every effort to be at Mass this weekend.
Your donations needed! Again this year, we are collecting clean, gently used clothing for the St. Ann's Church Clothing Sale. Donations will be accepted until Friday, 10/27. Everyone is also encouraged to shop at the sale for some great bargains and to benefit a great cause!
Simsbury Public Library Announces November Calendar of Events for Teens & 'Tweens -
Have you always wanted to drive a Corvette?
There's still time to purchase tickets in the school office!
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