Spread the word! Invite a Friend!
October is Open House Month!
Walk in Wednesdays: 9-11am every Wednesday in October.
Wednesday,October 18th: 6:30 pm Open House - Parish Center
Live on a busy street? Can you take an Open House lawn sign?
Please contact Toni Chagnon if you are able to give a sign a loving home!
Dinner is (will be) served - On the evening of Open House (10/18), many of the faculty and staff will be staying at school from dismissal until the end of Open House. The HSA would like to provide a simple dinner for them, and we'd love your help! If you are able to provide sandwiches, chips, salad, dessert, drinks, paper goods, and/or your time, it would be very much appreciated! Click here for more details and to sign up via Sign Up Genius.
Our new Early Drop Off program starts next Monday, 10/16!
Click here for more information and registration forms and reservation calendars.

Order your holiday pies & cookie dough, too! Order forms were sent home on Friday, 10/6/17 - extras are available in the school office!
Delicious Lyman Orchard pies & Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough are being sold by the St. Mary's School HSA. All products arrive frozen for you to bake fresh for your family & friends. Order forms & payment should be brought/mailed to the school office NLT Monday, 10/16/17. Pies and cookie dough will be available for pick up on Fri., 11/17 from 10am-4pm in the lower church.
Help will be needed with pie sorting and distribution. If you can help, please click here.
Help will be needed with pie sorting and distribution. If you can help, please click here.
St. Mary's School is honoring Frank Conde and Blair Wlochowski this year as our special volunteers at this year's HOPES dinner. Frank and Blair will receive the St. John Neumann award for their dedicated service to our school. We extend our thanks for Blair and Frank's volunteer efforts and also want to take a moment to thank all of our school's volunteers - your gifts of time and talent are sincerely appreciated.

***Friday, 10/27, is also a 12:45pm early dismissal for Faculty Faith Formation.***
There will be NO Aftercare on Tuesday, 10/24 - Friday, 10/27. PreK Enrichment will be available on Tuesday, 10/24 - Thursday, 10/26 but NOT on Friday, 10/27. PE Club will be available to those that are signed up for October on both Wednesday, 10/25 & Thursday, 10/26 and will run from 1-2:15pm.
Parents with students in middle school, please make note that Mrs. Gina Raymond is only available on Tuesday and Wednesdays so if your child has Gina Raymond for math, you should select a conference on Tuesday or Wednesday only. Ms. Nikki Raymond will be available on all conference days.
To sign up for your Parent/Teacher Conferences, click here.
Our basketball season is approaching quickly. All registrations must be finalized NLT Friday, 10/27/17. Here is some information you will need to know for the upcoming season.
Participation permission was granted by the athletics permission form sent in the summer packet. A new permission form will not be sent out. If you need to submit an updated form to give basketball permission, click here.
Please note -To complete basketball registration for your child(ren), please send in your participation fee. Your child will not be added to the roster or receive a Jersey until the fee is received. (Fees Below)
-At the coaches discretion, practice will begin as early as the week of the Oct. 23rd.
-Practices for grades 2-6 will be held during the week. Each team will have 1-2 practices, M-F.
-Grades 7-8 (Varsity) practice once during the week from 6-8pm on Mondays and on Saturday mornings at Westminster. Games will be on Thursday or Friday and Sunday.
Fees for participation are the following:
JVC 2-3rd grades - $50
JVB, JVA, Varsity - Grades 3-8 $150
There is a maximum $250 cap per family. Checks payable to St Mary School. Please put "Basketball" in the memo section. Please contact Scott Gangloff with any questions - adirector@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net .

SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR! Tuesday 10/24 -Thursday 10/26
Stop by the Parish Center to shop a great selection of Scholastic's best books! The fall bookfair is an HSA fundraiser.
Tuesday & Wednesday 9am-3pm
Thursday 9am-1pm
Would you like to work at the fair? Call/Text Jodie Burhoe 860-967-8842 or email Tricia Prausa at tricia.prausa@gmail.com.
Halloween is Coming!

Here are our parameters:
- no clowns
- no weapons
- no masks or face makeup
- no high heels (especially high heels that come with princess attire)
- each grade or group of grades will determine the time that students will wear the costumes; some might change in school and some wear them to school - please follow your child's teacher's instruction.
Parties are only allowed in PreKindergarten and Kindergarten. These classroom parties may not involve food.
Halloween Pumpkin Bingo will take place on Tuesday., 10/31, during the lunch waves.
"Treat" for a neighbor in need. Again this year, our school will participate in the Jack Bannon "Turkey Trot" non-perishable food drive. We would like to encourage all students to bring a non-perishable food donation to school on Halloween, 10/31, as a treat for a neighbor in need. Collection boxes will be located in the primary unit and the middle school and also outside the school office. Turkey Trot donations will be accepted until Friday, November 3rd.
Grade 8 Fundraiser - Thursday, November 2nd
Please come join us to support our 8th grade class!
Great food and great company!
Puerto Vallarta
15 West Avon Road
Avon, CT 06001
(860) 675-1999
11AM - 10:30PM
A percentage of the days sales will be donated by Puerto Vallarta to fund SMS 8th grade graduation festivities. All you need to do is mention St. Mary's School to your server. Thanks in advance for your support!
7th & 8th Grade Students & Parents - Thinking About High School?
Northwest Catholic High School invites you to attend a Regional Information Session in Windsor (Oct. 17) or Rocky Hill (Oct. 25). These informal gatherings provide a valuable introduction to NWC’s academic and extra-curricular offerings. You will have an opportunity to hear from administrators, current parents and current students. To register for an Information Session, click here. Also, be sure to attend NWC’s annual Open House on Sunday, October 29th from 1-3 p.m. Come for a student-led tour of our building, meet our teachers and coaches, explore exhibits on clubs and athletics, visit the academic department displays, listen to performing arts groups or participate in a science lab. Please contact Andrew Selig at aselig@nwcath.org with any questions.
Community News
Your donations needed! Again this year, we are collecting clean, gently used clothing for the St. Ann's Church Clothing Sale. Donations will be accepted until Friday, 10/27. Everyone is also encouraged to shop at the sale for some great bargains and to benefit a great cause!
Have you always wanted to drive a Corvette?
There's still time to purchase tickets in the school office!
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