Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences for students in grades K-8 continue on Thursday, 10/24/29 and Friday, 10/25/19. Each of these days will be a 12:45pm early dismissal. PreK Enrichment will be available until 3:20pm but there is NO aftercare available. If you did not schedule a conference via Sign Up Genius or if you need to change your scheduled day or time, please call the school office. Please note that for convenience, the north (playground) entrance will be unlocked for conferences. If you choose to park behind the Magowan Center, you will need to ring for admission as that door will be locked.
Spreading the Message of Kindness - Click here to view the WFSB coverage of last week's Kindness in Chalk event at SMS.
Looking Ahead to November
November School Mass - We will join with our St. Mary's Parish family on Friday, 11/1, to celebrate All Saints Day at the 12:15pm Mass. Please remember that no PE uniforms should be worn to Mass. Relaxed uniforms remain acceptable on Friday even though it is November 1. See below correction.
CORRECTION - Formal Uniforms Begin on MONDAY, 11/4, for students in grades Kindergarten - Grade 7. (Last week, Friday, 11/1, was listed as the day to begin formal uniform). Eighth grade students are given the privilege of wearing their relaxed uniforms until Monday, December 2.

#uKnighted & Growing!
Our Fall Open House is coming soon! If you know someone interested in learning more about us, invite them to Open House on Tuesday, 11/5/19 at 6pm. An RSVP to the school office is appreciated. If you extend an invitation, don't forget our Family Referral Program! Earn money towards your tuition, just click here to learn more about this awesome incentive program.
We are also hosting "Take a Look" Tuesdays! Prospective families are invited to drop in any Tuesday morning to get to know more about us!
Group Class Photos for PreK 5AM, and Grades K-7 will be taken by Lifetouch Photography on Monday, 11/4. All students should wear their full formal uniform. If your child(ren) was (were) absent on individual photo day in September, an individual photo can also be taken on this day. There are portrait package order forms in the school office or orders for packages may still be placed online at mylifetouch.com using our Picture ID - RI239207Q1 . Additionally, if you would like a retake photo this can be done if the original portrait package is returned. If an individual photo is being taken, a change of clothes may be brought in for that photo but the student should be in their formal uniform for the school day.
St. Mary's School will be OPEN for regular, full school days on both Election Day, 11/5, and Veterans Day, 11/11. Look for details soon about our Veterans Day assembly.
Jack Bannon Turkey Trot - Again this year we will collect non-perishable food for the Jack Bannon Turkey Trot. Donations may be sent in from Monday, 10/28 - Friday, 11/8. Please be sure to mark your donations "Turkey Trot" so that they are not confused with items that we will also be collecting for Senior Luncheon.
Lyman Pie & Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Delivery - The Lyman Pie fundraiser items will be available for pick up on Tuesday, 11/19. All pies and cookie dough arrive frozen and MUST be picked up on 11/19. The school does not have freezer space to store orders overnight. If you want your order sent home with your child(ren) on the bus or via carpool, please call the school office. Pick up times for the orders will be announced soon.
Senior Luncheon - This year our annual Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Luncheon will take place on Wednesday, 11/20. This annual luncheon is a wonderful tradition that brings our entire community together since there are many donations of food needed and many Virtus trained volunteers needed to make the luncheon a success. Please be on the look out for an invitation to donate via Sign Up Genius along with an invitation to volunteer on a separate Sign Up Genius. Please be sure to make note of when your donations are due since some are needed in advance and some are needed the day of the luncheon. Please be sure all donations are clearly labeled for the Senior Luncheon. Finally, please note - there will be NO HOT LUNCH on Tuesday, 11/19 or Wednesday, 11/20 so that Senior Luncheon preparation, setup and event can take place in the Parish Center.

The holidays are coming! The 8th grade at St.
Mary’s School will be selling lovely poinsettia plants in time for Christmas
decorating and gift giving. The sale will be from November 1-15 and order forms
will be available in church or via download on the blog. Order forms will also be available in the school office. You may purchase poinsettias for your own holiday decorating, as gifts or as donation to the Residence at Brookside, McClean or Governor's House. Plants will available for
pick up on December 6-8. Donation plants will be delivered for you! Please consider participating in this fund raiser and
spreading Christmas joy!
Box of Joy - St. Mary's School is joining with Cross Catholic Outreach to pack "A Box of Joy" for a needy child this holiday season. We are looking for families to volunteer to shop for and pack a shoe box for a less fortunate child in an underdeveloped country. These children will each be given a box to open on Christmas Day. Click here to have a box sent home with your child(ren). If your family participates in this program (regardless of number of boxes), your children may wear PE clothes and Spirit Wear along with nail polish, jewelry and/or crazy socks and headbands on Monday, November 11th.
Choose the sex and age of your gift recipient, shop for small items to fit in a shoe box (toys, school supplies, hard candy, apparel, hygiene, useful items).
For each box, please add $9 in cash or check made out to SMS - please put "Box of Joy" in the memo section, to pay for shipping and immediate living needs in their community (e.g., food, clean water). This is a great family project that may include a handmade card or letter to your gift recipient.
Once you have signed up, we will send your box home with your child so you can start planning. All boxes must be returned to school on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th. Boxes will be packed up and shipped off within the week.
Thank you so much for considering to join us in sending joy to another child this Christmas.
Remind Text Reminder - If you need to join our Remind Text Community, please be sure to join SMSFamilies19. All Remind groups are limited to 150 participants. At this time, our older group, SMSFamilies is full at 150. If the group is larger than 150, messaging is not available. Click here to join SMSFamilies19 or follow the instructions here. ** If you are already receiving Remind text notifications, there is NO need to re-enroll.
SMS Stars - Emily K., Gr. 8, did a great job representing our school at last Saturday's FMI Regional Band concert. Emily is now eligible to audition for the FMI All State Band that will perform in New York City and at CCSU this spring. Participation in the FMI Regional and All State Bands is a great way for students to expand their musical horizons by playing in larger band groups under the direction of various conductors. Our thanks to our FMI instructor, Mrs. Deb Morse, for helping Emily prepare to represent our school.
Avery Hatch, SMS Class of '12, represented Elon University's Chemistry Department at SERMACS 2019 (The South Eastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society) along with several other Elon students. Avery completed an oral presentation outlining the current results from her Lumen Scholar research project. In the spring, she will present additional research results at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society.
Community News
Do You Own a Local Business? The St. Mary's Parish Bulletin is a Great Way to Reach Out to the Community! Are you interested in an opportunity to advertise your business or promote your company's special offers in a trusted resource that Parish families utilize every day? If you are, please contact Mary Hoffman from Liturgical Publications. Your ad will appear in each weekly printed bulletin as well as on the Parish website digital link. Professional ad design is included in all ad pricing. This is a great opportunity to promote your business each week and support the Parish at the same time. The advertisements also pay for the weekly bulletins the Parish receives so we are always looking for more businesses to sponsor an ad for us. If you'd like to participate, now is a great time! Contact Mary Hoffman at 860.836.8486 or mhoffman@4LPi.com We thank you for your consideration and ask that you continue to support our current bulletin business sponsors.
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