Hot Lunch Ordering for February is open through Friday, January 10, via the Educonnect parent portal.
Your payment should be sent in as soon as your order is complete. This will be your only opportunity to order hot lunches for February. No late orders can be accepted.
Spirit Day! - All students are invited to participate in a Spirit Day on Monday, January 13, 2020. With a $5 donation, students may wear PE uniforms and/or SMS Spirit Wear. Checks should be made payable to St. Mary's School with "Spirit Day" in the memo section. Proceeds will help our 8th grade defray costs associated with graduation activities.
Know a friend looking for PreKindergarten? Invite them to our Five Senses Fridays in January at 9am in our PreK classroom! All little ones should be accompanied by a parent or caregiver for this program. Free and all are welcome! In the event of a delayed opening or school cancellation, the program will be cancelled for the day. Click here to sign up for Five Senses Fridays!

January Open House for Prospective Families - We will host an Open House on Sunday, January 26, 2020 from 2-4pm. This will be a great opportunity for families that are wondering about our school to get to know us. Please encourage them to RSVP via this Sign-Up Genius and don't forget about our Family Referral Program!

The School Board will meet on Wednesday, January 15 at 7pm in the Reading Room of the Magowan Center. All are welcome to attend.

Friday, January 17 will be a 12:45pm early dismissal with NO PreK Enrichment or Aftercare. School will be closed on Monday, January 18, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
Catholic Schools Week will begin on Sunday, 1/26/20, with Family Mass at 9:30am in the church followed by coffee in the Magowan Center. CHOICE cards will be available for sale & credit cards can be accepted (with a processing fee). Please plan to join us. Students will sit with their families.
Thursday, 1/30/20, is our annual Family Lunch. Come & Enjoy lunch with your favorite SMS student(s)! If you did not order guest lunches via Educonnect when ordering your January hot lunches, you can still add guest meals by emailing Michelle Howard - You are also welcome to bring in a brown bag or take out lunch. Lunch times for each grade group will be announced prior to the lunch day.
Cold & Flu Season - Flu and illness season has begun. Regular attendance at school is always encouraged, but it is equally as important that when your child is ill, they should stay at home. Please refer to Parent Student Handbook (page 30) for more details on when to keep your child home.

Thanks to all who have sent in BoxTops for Education! We have received a check for $114.80 for box tops submitted from 3/2-11/1/19. We are happy to share that now, earning money for our school via BoxTops for Education is easier than ever thanks to a new app that means no more clipping! Just scan your receipts. Click here to learn more about the app.
** We are still collecting "old style" BoxTops - Please send them in at your convenience! At this time, they are still being honored and will earn money for SMS.
Lost & Found - Our Lost & Found Bin is OVERFLOWING! We will be donating all items without name labels at the end of this week. If your child(ren) are missing items, please feel free to stop by and look through the bin (located outside the school office) or have your child(ren) look at the teacher's convenience.
Invitations will be coming home soon with all girls! Be sure to check backpacks & to mark your calendars for a special, fun evening!
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