October School Mass will be on Friday, 10/4/13, at 9am in the church. All are welcome to join us. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass. The Home & School Association will host a coffee in the Parish Center before Mass. Please stop by for some friendly conversation!
School will be closed Monday, October 14th, for Columbus Day.
School will also be closed on Wednesday, 10/23/13, for a Faculty In-Service.
Carpool Lot - Reminder regarding Spots 1 & 2 - Just a friendly reminder that spots 1 and 2 in the carpool lot are reserved for the families that have purchased the privilege of these spots of ultimate convenience at the H.S.A. auction. This year, these spots are reserved for the Bradley and Winkler families. Please remember to leave these spots open for their arrival. The great news is the bidding for these spots will open again at this year's auction on February 8, 2014 at the beautiful Riverview in Simsbury.
Grade 8 Fundraising News -
Class of 2014 American Express Gift Card Raffle
The Class of 2014 is excited to announce its American
Express Gift Card Raffle. There are only 300 hundred
tickets being sold. They will be giving away three prizes of $1,000.00 American
Express Gift Cards. The tickets are $20.00 each. The drawing will be on Friday,
October 25th (Pumpkin Bingo) at 7:00pm. Tickets will
be available starting Wednesday, October 2nd. Please see any 8th
Grade parent if you would like to purchase a ticket. Tickets will also be available
at the school office as well as at Family Night at the Book Fair. Buy a ticket
and have a chance to win a $1,000.00 gift card! What a great way to kick
off your holiday shopping season!
Athletic News
It's Time to Think about Ski & Snowboard Club! There will be a Parents' Informational Meeting about this year's Ski & Snowboard Club on October 10th at 7:00pm in the Grade 4 classroom. Click here for registration forms and more information. If you are interested in chaperoning or providing snacks for the club, please click here to access the Sign-Up Genius for Chaperones & Snack Masters.
SMS Athletic Apparel is available. Click here for an updated order form that includes new royal blue mesh shorts. With the exception of the hat, these items have been approved for physical education wear during the school day. Please also note that the hoodie sweatshirt may only be worn by Middle School students during the school day.
Athletic News
SMS Athletic Apparel is available. Click here for an updated order form that includes new royal blue mesh shorts. With the exception of the hat, these items have been approved for physical education wear during the school day. Please also note that the hoodie sweatshirt may only be worn by Middle School students during the school day.
Home & School Association News -
The Lyman Orchards Pie Fundraiser begins this week! Order forms will be coming home in backpacks later this week. You may click here to access an electronic copy of the order form. Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit Cultural programs sponsored by the H.S.A. All orders and payments are due NLT 10/22/13. Pickup of pies is scheduled for 11/18/13. Checks should be made payable to St. Mary's Home & School Association with "Lyman Pies" in the memo section.
Pumpkin Bingo is coming! Mark your calendars for family fun on Friday, October 25th beginning at 6pm. Halloween costumes encouraged but leave the scary stuff & any toy weapons at home. Volunteers are needed for this event. To sign up to help, please click here.
H.S.A. Special Election - There will be a special election to fill a vacancy on the 13-14 H.S.A. Board of Officers. Click here for more information.
Fall Bookfair begins on Tuesday, October 8th. Be sure to join us at Family Night!
Shoprite for Education - It's time to register for this year's program. Please take a moment to register your Shoprite Price Plus Club Card to benefit our school. Click here and use our school's code - 18436. Please note, if you signed up last year, you must re-register to participate again this year.
Community News

Sean Forrest will host a benefit concert at St. Bartholomew's Parish in Manchester, CT on 11/16/13, to benefit his cause to build a loving home for Haiti's forgotten elderly and to celebrate the launch of his new album, You Will Be Alright. Click here for more information.
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