Just a reminder to turn your clocks back Saturday night at bedtime! Daylight savings time is ending. This is also a great time to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Our November School Mass will be on All Saints' Day, Friday, November 1st. We will worship with our parish family at the 12:15pm Mass. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Formal Uniform begins for students in Grades Kindergarten - 7 on Friday, November 1. Students in Grade 8 are given the privilege of wearing their relaxed uniform until December 1.
Open House for Prospective Families - Do you know a family interested in St. Mary’s School? If you do, please let us know and we will invite them to the upcoming Open House on November 5th. This is a great opportunity for parents and children to meet our faculty and see our school. Please send in the names and addresses of interested families or e-mail them toAConnors@StMarysimsbury.
Lifetouch Photography will be here on Monday, November 4th to take group class photos of students in Prekindergarten, Kindergarten - Grade 7. All students, Kindergarten - Grade 7 should be in their full formal uniform. The Grade 8 group class photo has already been taken by Paul Cryan Photography. Lifetouch will also take individual photos of any students that may have been absent on photo day in September or who may have joined our school since Picture Day. Order forms are available in the school office. They will also take retakes for any family that is not happy with the portraits they have received. You do need to return the original portrait package in order to have a retake done.

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, November 11th through Thursday, November 14th. Each of these days will be 12:45pm early dismissals. There will be PreKindergarten Enrichment available since PreK does not have conferences in the fall but there is no Aftercare. If you did not sign up for a conference via the Sign-Up Genius, an appointment will be assigned to you. Please check the Sign-Up Genius beginning Monday, 11/4, to view assigned appointments and to make any adjustments necessary.
Class of 2014 American Express Gift Card Raffle Winners!
The three lucky prize winners’ names drawn by Father Matera at Pumpkin Bingo were:
1st Prize - Eva Martin - New Brunswick, Canada
2nd Prize - Jane Toner - Simsbury, CT
3rd Prize - Norma Marchesani - Vernon, CT
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the raffle and made it such a great success.

Grade 8 Spirit wear would make a great Christmas gift - Get your holiday shopping done early!

Help all our neighbors enjoy Thanksgiving - Again this year, we will be supporting the "Turket Trot" food drive. Please consider donating a non-perishable food item for this important food drive. We will collect food for this drive beginning Monday, 11/4 through Friday 11/8. Please mark your donations for the Turkey Trot since non-perishable food donations will also be solicited by room parents for our annual Senior Citizen Thanksgiving luncheon.
Aftercare News - The first and third grade classrooms are now being used for aftercare. When picking up, please enter the north (playground) parking lot and park outside the first and third grade classrooms. These are the rooms on your right when you enter the lot. You need to go to the classroom door to pick up your child(ren). Please share this information with anyone that may have your permission to pick up from aftercare.
Reminder regarding Changes to Dismissal - All changes to regular dismissal arrangements must be communicated to the teacher and school office. You may send in a written note in the morning or email the teacher(s). If you call, please be sure to speak to the Office, do not use the teacher's voice mail to request a dismissal change. On busy days, teachers may not be able to check voice mail during the school day. If using email, please be sure to copy smsoffice@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net. This helps assure the office knows how your child(ren) should go home in case there is any confusion. Please try to request dismissal changes before noon. We understand that emergencies and last minute things will happen but early notification helps assure that teachers are notified and that students go home as they should.
H.S.A. News
Minutes from the 9-4-13 H.S.A. meeting are available. Click here.
Piano Lessons with Mr. Cosham! Mr. Cosham has a few spots open for students new to the study of piano. Please contact him at bcosham@stmarysimsbury.eduk12.net. Why not fill someone's Christmas stocking with the gift of music?
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