This week, our 8th grade students attended a retreat at the Holy Family Retreat Center in Farmington. Father Michael Santiago, our school chaplain, joined the students on this retreat.
The theme of the retreat was leadership and acting like Christ in the world. This theme will be extended throughout this school year as our 8th grade students embrace their role as student leaders in our community.
Students were also happy for an opportunity to see Mr. Walsh who left his position as Middle School History, Geography and Religion teacher at SMS at the end of the 2012-13 school year to pursue his desire to facilitate retreat experiences at Holy Family.
All are invited to join us as we pray the Rosary as a community with Father Santiago on Tuesday, 10/29/13, at 9am in the Church.

Our November School Mass will be on All Saints' Day, Friday, November 1st. We will worship with our parish family at the 12:15pm Mass. Please remember that no physical education uniforms should be worn to Mass.
Open House for Prospective Families - Do you know a family interested in St. Mary’s School? If you do, please let us know and we will invite them to the upcoming Open House on November 5th. This is a great opportunity for parents and children to meet our faculty and see our school. Please send in the names and addresses of interested families or e-mail them to AConnors@StMarysimsbury.
Help us Advertise our Open House - We need your help! We still have 20 Open House signs in the office. Please stop by and pick one up. Please ask friends, relatives, parishioners etc. to place a sign in their yard for a few weeks. We have an amazing Open House planned for November 5th and would love to see the room packed with potential families. Thank you very much for your help.
Parent/Student Directory Update - Please join us in welcoming Alessia Totti to our Prekindergarten. Please keep in mind that updated family directory information is always available via the Educonnect Parent Portal.
Formal Uniform begins for students in Grades Kindergarten - 7 on Friday, November 1. Students in Grade 8 are given the privilege of wearing their relaxed uniform until December 1.
Lifetouch Photography will be here on Monday, November 4th to take group class photos of students in Prekindergarten, Kindergarten - Grade 7. All students, Kindergarten - Grade 7 should be in their full formal uniform. The Grade 8 group class photo has already been taken by Paul Cryan Photography. Lifetouch will also take individual photos of any students that may have been absent on photo day in September or who may have joined our school since Picture Day. Order forms are available in the school office. They will also take retakes for any family that is not happy with the portraits they have received. You do need to return the original portrait package in order to have a retake done.
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, November 11th through Thursday, November 14th. Each of these days will be 12:45pm early dismissals. There will be PreKindergarten Enrichment available since PreK does not have conferences in the fall but there is no Aftercare. If you did not sign up for a conference via the Sign-Up Genius, an appointment will be assigned to you. Please check the Sign-Up Genius beginning Monday, 11/4, to view assigned appointments and to make any adjustments necessary.
SMS Ski and Snowboard Club - Parents and students are reminded of the approaching deadline for registration and payment. Both are due Friday, November 1st. In addition, many slots are still open for Chaperones and Snack Masters during the ski snowboard sessions. Click here to access registration forms and a link to the Sign-Up Genius for Chaperones and Snack Masters.
H.S.A. News
Minutes from the 9-4-13 H.S.A. Meeting are available, click here.
The Lyman Orchard pie fundraiser has been extended to Friday, October 25, 2013. Please consider buying a pie for your Thanksgiving or just for good eating as it will be supporting our cultural enrichment event, "Destiny Africa". Destiny Africa is an African Drum band made up of orphans from Africa on tour here in the United States. Having Destiny Africa come and perform their music for us enables the continuation of an important school and orphanage in Africa.
The annual Senior Thanksgiving Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, 11/20. This beloved tradition which serves a delicious holiday meal to over 200 area senior citizens needs lots of help. If you can help with setup, serving, preparation or cleanup, please click here to use the Sign Up Genius to volunteer your time.
Class of 2014 - American Express Gift Card Raffle -All 300 tickets for the raffle have been sold.
We want to thank everyone for their support and look forward to the drawing on Friday, October 25th (Pumpkin Bingo) at 7:00pm where the three winners of $1,000.00 American Express Gift Card prizes will be announced. Good Luck Everyone!
CHOICE News - Just a reminder that during the month of October Big Y is currently offering a 6% profit rate instead of the usual 2%. 6% CHOICE cards are available for purchase until our inventory is depleted.
Community News
Simsbury Arts Academy announces an Illustration Program presented by SMS Alumna, Christine Kornacki. Click here for a downloadable flyer.
Come Zumba with the Simsbury High School Field Hockey Team! Thursday, October 24th from 5:30-7pm at the Simsbury High School Gymnasium. Cost is $10 for students and $15 for adults. SMS alumna, Alex Clark, is selling advance tickets, contact her at Tickets will also be available at the door.
Looking for a new way your family can get into the
Halloween Spirit? We are excited to let you know about a new book written
by one of St. Mary’s parishioners, Jeannot Bligh. The book, 3 Days of
Halloween is a children’s story that uncovers the true nature of Halloween in
the Catholic tradition. It is a fast paced, engaging story both children and
adults will enjoy. The book is a great way your family can learn more about the
Hallomas Triduum.
Come and meet
Jeannot at a book signing here at St. Mary’s on Sunday, 10/27, in the Parish
Center before and after the 8:20 -9:15AM & 10:50-11:40AM Adult Enrichment
Students in Mrs. Jehning's First Grade receive a scoop of popcorn when their behavior is especially commendable. Last Friday, they filled their popcorn jar for the first time and this week, they celebrated with a well-deserved popcorn party. Great job, First Grade - Keep up the good work!
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